
by Souri
Two poets, two version of "Life" ... Which one you like better?

آری آری زندگی زیباست

زندگی آتشگهی دیرنده پا بر جاست

گر بیفروزیش رقص شعله اش در هر کران پیداست

ور نه ، خاموشست و خاموشی گناه ماست

از: سیاوش کسرایی


کاش میدانستی زندگی محبس بی دیواریست

و تو محکوم به حبس آبدی

و عدالت ستم معتدلیست

که درون رگ قانون جاریست

کاش میدانستی

دوستی آش دهن سوزی نیست

عشق بازار متاع جنسیست

آرزو گور جوانمردانست

مرده از زنده ، همیشه هر آن

در جهان بیشتر است

از : کیومرث منشی زاده


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Hi there

by Souri on

Thank you. Are you from Montreal too ?



by Djmamal (not verified) on

Dorud bar Iraniane moghime Montreal.......


To the small Zaboli fish still in the closet !!!

by Souri on

Yes, I am a retard who still flirting with the ideas of three decades ago.

But at least you are very fast, you ! Last week you called me IRI agent and Muhammad lover !!! and one week later I am a " leftist" ??

Wait, you haven' t seen yet my future posts here, you may change your mind many times about me again, fish !!

Swim and swim and swim again ...Your world is a little tang baby !

You never grow up


Leftist flirtation

by zaboli (not verified) on

The trouble with the Iranian left is that even their leftists were not truely leftists.

Now three decadeds later, you are still flirting with the ideas that were buried that long time ago.

Manoucher Avaznia

A Shortcoming

by Manoucher Avaznia on

You are right

A prevailing shortcoming among our poets, singers, and musicians is lack of date on their works.  Perhaps, it is somehow stemmed from the dominant censorship; and is looked upon as an endeavor on the side of those who creat those works, to make the waters murky to escape that factor.  Also, it is true that many works are not created overnight to carry a precise date; however, having an approximate timeframe in which a work has been created sheds plenty of light on the circumstances under which that work has been created. Having that timeframe, I beleive, will answer many questions about the contents, stimulis, and directions of  works of art. I hope there will be more attention to this factor in the future.


Manouchehr jan

by Souri on

Thank you for this correction. I, first read this poem right after the Revolution, and having not seen the date when he said that poem, I always thought that he said it after the Revolution. the fact that Kassraaee might wrote that poem for Rouzbeh, even give this beautiful poem more meaning.

Thanks for teaching me this.


Manoucher Avaznia

A bit of correction

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Souri Jaan;

I remember the first time that I had read Kasraaee's Aarash peom was either in 1349 or in 1350 when it was in our fifth grade Farsi book.  As you know, Karaaee was a dedicated member of Toodeh Party, and this poem is dedicated to Khosrow Roozbeh who was a significant figure in the military wing of the party and carried the title of Aarash. If I am correct, he was executed in 1337 after the Toodeh military network was foiled and Toodeh officers were arrested en-mass and executed: a good excuse for the establishment of the SAVAK by Americans.   Every hint at the that masterpiece is towards Roozbeh.  The portions that you have quoted, of course, has general implication. Therefore, I beleive the peoms must have been composed sometime  before 1350 and after 1337. No matter the poet's stance and political tendencies, The Aarash is a masterpiece that will have its especial place in our literature for a long time to come.


Ebi jan

by Souri on

I don't believe it's the same Monshizadeh. The poet, was already in his 40's while in Iran at that time.

But still can't confirm it.

ebi amirhosseini

Souri jaan,Merci !

by ebi amirhosseini on

I agree with dear azaadeh.As you know kasraaee's poems always fill you with energy,life & in our situation these days,it is hard to beat.

Abarmard Aziz: Jolly good show !!


Is Monshizadeh,the same great Iranologist who resides in Europe!/(Germany)!?






It depends if we have traveled through valley of contentment!

by Tahirih on

 Souri Jan both poems are beautiful ,but the first one is the condition of a person who have passed through valley of contentment therefore his happiness has nothing to do with the outside conditions.

 ""Although to outward view, the wayfarers in this Valley may dwell upon the dust, yet inwardly they are throned in the heights of mystic meaning; they eat of the endless bounties of inner significances, and drink of the delicate wines of the spirit."" respectfully, Tahirih


azadeh jan,

by Souri on

 About Siavash Kasraaee, you are absolutely right. He loves humans and life in general, as you see here below, another part of his "Arash" manzoumeh:

  جنگلی هستی تو ای انسان
جنگل ای روییده آزاده
بی دریغ افکنده روی کوهها دامن
 آشیان ها بر سر انگشتان تو جاوید
چشمهها در سایبان های تو جوشنده
 آفتاب و باد و باران بر سرت افشان
جان تو خدمتگر آتش
سر بلند و سبز باش ای جنگل انسان 


چه ایده‌ای جالبی


هر دو شعر قشنگ هستند، ولی  شعر کسرایی به من آرامش می بخشد. حتی در اندوه از دست دادن افسردگی در شعرش نیست.

نگاهت آسمانم بود و گم شد

دو چشمت سایه بانم بود و گم شد

بزیر آسمان در سایه تو 

جهان در دیدگانم بود و گم شد 





Very nie, Abarmard

by Souri on

Forough' s view of life is always with us. In term of Optimistic
(Siavash) and Pessimistic (Kayoumars) I would consider this poem of
Forough as " Objective", I mean: Realistic


Or maybe

by Abarmard on

زندگی شايد

يک خيابان درازست که هر روز زنی با زنبيلی
از آن می گذرد

زندگی شايد

ريسمانيست که مردی با آن خود را از شاخه
می آويزد

زندگی شايد طفلی است که از مدرسه بر

زندگی شايد افروختن سيگاری باشد در فاصله
رخوتنک دو همآغوشی

يا عبور گيج رهگذری باشد

که کلاه از سر بر ميدارد

و به يک رهگذر ديگر با لبخندی بی معنی می
گويد صبح بخير

زندگی شايد آن لحظه مسدوديست

که نگاه من در نی نی چشمان تو خود را
ويران می سازد

و در اين حسی است

که من آن را با ادرک ماه و با دريافت ظلمت
خواهم آميخت

در اتاقی که به اندازه يک تنهاييست

دل من

که به اندازه يک عشقست

به بهانه های ساده خوشبختی خود می نگرد

به زوال زيبای گلها در گلدان

به نهالی که تو در باغچه خانه مان کاشته

و به آواز قناری ها
که به اندازه يک پنجره می خوانند


Great, Manouchehr...

by Souri on

Monshi Zadeh said this poem under the Shah's regime, while Kasra'y Ghasideh of "Arash" was told at the dawn of the "Revolusion" ..so he was more opthimistic.

My own vision: it's a long while I believe in Kasra'y, letting go the Monshi Zadeh's version which was my view of life, when I was 18.


Manoucher Avaznia

Flawless verses

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Both these verses are flawlessly outstanding.  Depending on the moment, either of them can stand out.  Over all, I would rather to listen to Kasraaee to breathe a breath of hope to my soul or someone else's.