مرگ قو

by Souri

شعر زیبایی از دکتر مهدی حمیدی شیرازی

شنیدم که چون قوی زیبا بمیرد

فریبنده زاد و فریبا بمیرد

شب مرگ تنها نشیند به موجی

رود گوشه ای دور و تنها بمیرد

در آن گوشه چندان غزل خواند آن شب

که خود در میان غزل‌ها بمیرد

گروهی بر آنند که این مرغ شیدا

کجا عاشقی کرد، آن جا بمیرد

شب مرگ از بیم ،  آنجا شتابد

که از مرگ غافل شود تا بمیرد

من این نکته گیرم که باور نکردم

ندیدم که قویی به صحرا بمیرد

چو روزی ز آغوش دریا بر آمد

شبی هم در آغوش دریا بمیرد

تو دریای من بودی آغوش وا کن

که می‌خواهد این قوی، زیبا بمیرد

دکتر مهدی حمیدی شیرازی

Video clip: Mehrpouya



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more from Souri

Dear Tahiri

by Souri on

Thanks for this very beautiful poem of Khalil Gibran, I really liked it. Very nice and romantic.

I believe all the credit go to Mr Yassari for initiating those Moshaereh blogs. This brought many of us together and awaken all the dormant love for literature and poetry in all of us. We are from a country which is  the mother of literature and poetry. Each of us, had our father, mother or close family member, loving the poetry and we all had a Shahnameh and Divan Hafez at home. Nothing really surprising here :o) 

Thanks for your worm words.



Souri Jan :

by Tahirih on

I have to admit that I have never been interested in poems and poets. But I am getting educated by lots of you  here on this site.Your enthusiasm is  spreading to me too. I have to aknowledge that also Irandokht aziz, Mr Avaznia and Mona jan are also effecting me deeply with the love of poetry. I am not sure why I was like that, may be too much science, but in my mature years !! I am getting in touch with my softer side! and have to say that I like it. Well I have something about love , from Khalil Gibran for you :

When love beckons to you, follow him,
Though his ways are hard and steep.
And when his wings enfold you yield to him,
Though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you.
And when he speaks to you believe in him,
Though his voice may shatter your dreams
as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.
Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun,
So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

Most regards Souri khanom,



Oh my God

by Souri on

I have heard the name of Iraj Dehghan but I didn't know he was
teaching in our university. Although I have been there only one year
and got only the general courses. He surely was teaching literature for
the upper grades.

I'm so thankful to you for naming this great
poem/ostaad and remembering him too. No worry about your age though, we
are all in the same  basket :O))

I was there in 76/77 when I was 17/18...see? we are almost all same age !


My Dear Souri

by Literary critic (not verified) on

Here is a dedication to all the poor lovers of the world. Dr Iraj Dehghan and Dr Hamidy Shirazi worked in the same Department at Pahlavi University in Shiraz. The latter has sadly passed away and the former is in the University of Illinois (Chicago). May God bless the soul of one and the life of the other.

شكست عهد من و گفت: هر چه بود گذشت
به گريه گفتمش: آري‌، ولي چه زود گذشت
بهار بود و تو بودي و عشق بود و اميد
بهار رفت و تو رفتي و هر چه بود گذشت
شبي به عمر گرم خوش گذشت آن شب بود
كه در كنار تو با نغمه و سرود گذشت
چه خاطرات خوشي در دلم به جاي گذاشت
شبي كه با تو مرا در كنار رود گذشت
گشود بس گره آن شب ز كار بسته‌ی ما
صبا چو از بر آن مشك سود گذشت
غمين مباش و مينديش از اين سفر كه ترا
اگر چه بر دل نازك غمي فزود، گذشت

ايرج دهقان ملايری
ps - Haiedeh sang a remake of the same song but it was first performed by Delkash some 15 years earlier. You can guess my age :)


dear Literary Critic

by Souri on

Wasn't that song/poem from Mohammad Heidari ? If not, please tell me the name of the poet. I'm very curious. Thanks a lot


Monda jaan

by Souri on

Thank you so much my dear friend. But I did Ghahr with JJ, as he didn't want to feature this one!! He knows that I don't care (never did) about being feature or not, but this one, I loved it and asked him especially to do feature it and he didn't!

Now, that I am Ghahr with him, I will no more post any poem. Actually I don't write anything here, as my English is not sufficient for that, neither my Persian. So I do post only what I think is interesting, being a poem, a joke or a news. 

This poem, honestly, is very dear to me, and I don't think it is less important remembering a great poet who wrote such a beautiful poem and some other great works, than a regular member who do contribute to the site with his own effort and researches (as Nazy jaan recommended)

Now, that JJ didn't want to hear me, me I do Ghahr and no more poem from me.....until JJ feature this poem or do a serious apologize to the poet.

Love you,


سوری جان ودوستان اهل شعر


از اشعار انتخابی همه شما عزیزان در بلاگ های مختلف  بسیار لذت بردم.
نوروز شما مبارک  .



Dear friends

by Souri on

Manouchehr jan : I meant, I have posted a link right above (below the poem) which is a video song of Mehrpouya's. Here it is :


Just wanted to let you know if you like to here that song again :-)

Dear LC: I believe that song has been sang by Hayedeh and not Delkash ? I don't know yet the poet, but will try to find it out, as you made me very curious !! Thanks a lot.

Mehrban aziz: Thank you. I love this poem as my late father too, liked it very much.

Manoucher Avaznia

Souri Jaan;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

I thank you for updating my information.  I have no idea about Mehpooya's link.  As I mentioned, I used to have a copy of his song in 1358 and 1359, however I was aware of Mr. Hameedee's poem a few years before that. Sad that he has passed away, but I am happy that he, at least, died in Iran.


A poetic question

by Literary critic (not verified) on

Dear Souri

Your choice of this beautifl poem took me back to those sunny days in Shiraz when I was a student of Dr Hamidi Shirazi as well as another brilliant literary figure whose masterpiece began with this verse:

شکست عهد من و گفت هر چه بود گذشت

به گریه گفتمش آری ولی چه زود گذشت

بهار بود و تو بودی و عشق بود و امید

بهار رفت و تو رفتی و هرچه بود گذشت

Hint: This poem was sung by the great Iranian Diva, Delkash, in one of her most memorable works.


Soori joon

by Mehrban on

You brought tears to my eyes this was what my father used to recite often. Thank you! thank you! for reminding me.  It is so bitter sweet.

Ashke man ro dar avardi Souri. 


good and bad news

by Souri on

Bad news : Dr Hamidi Shirazi died in July 1st 1986

Good news: Thankfully he died like a Swan, in Tehran, Iran.

Did you click on that link below the text (Mehrpouya's song)?

Manoucher Avaznia

Also, I recall that

by Manoucher Avaznia on

Also, I recall that Mehrpooyaa (the famous singer) had song this poem with the Seetaar.  I had a copy of it right after the Revolution. 

Manoucher Avaznia

Souri Jaan;

by Manoucher Avaznia on

I have no clue about his immirgation from Iran.  I remember after the Revolution Dr. Nowroozee (our Farsee Ostaad who used to amaze me with the amount of poems he could recite without any note. Believe or not, I saw him reciting from Mantegh'o Tayer for almost forty-five minutes without any book or note) to tell us what I brought here after he recited Mr. Hameedee's famous poem about Jalaalodeen Mokabarnee's jumping into the Indus (Send) River.  As Departmant of History was in the same level of Departmant of Farsee I used to see some names on some doors including Dr. Hameedee's, but I never personally met him.  Even if I had seen his face personally I did no know it was Mr. Hameedee.  I hope that Ghooye Zeebaa is living a wonderful life anywhere he is.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سوری خانوم، تشکر از این شعر زیبا

Shazde Asdola Mirza

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)


Thanks to all of you

by Souri on

Dear great literature lover friends.

Irandokht : Thanks for the beautiful clip

Mona jan: Happy Nowruz to you too my beautiful friend

Manouchehr: Thanks for the note. I didn't know he was teaching in P.U. He must be teaching also during the time I was student there (?) He was not only a poet, but a very great researcher in history and literature (and religion) of our country.

Unfortunately I know very little about his life. I did some researches on the web to learn more about Dr Hamidi Shirazi and his life, but the only thing I learned was a few of his books and poems and the fact that he immigrated from Iran. Do you know if he died like a Swan finally ? or he  died on the "Sahra" instead of "Darya", like most of us will do ?

Manoucher Avaznia

سوری جان؛

Manoucher Avaznia

چکامه ای زیبا به زبانی زیبا از خامه ای زیبا از شهری زیبا در آستان فصلی زیبا و گزیده ای زیبا.



دردا، روزهایی که شیراز مدرسه می رفتیم استاد در دانشکده ادبیات داننشگاه
تدریسکرمی کرد و ما به دیدارش نرفتیم.  هرگز فراموش نمی کنم دکتر نوروزی
در کلاس فارسی به ما گفت : هنوز زنده است ببینیدش.  مخواهید پس از مردنش
شیون کنید.  می بینم آن روشن بینی را و عینیت یافتن سخن دکتر نوروزی با
لهجه ی زیبای شیرازی اش.




با سپاس از تو سوری جان 

حمیدی ز آغوش میهن بر آمد

و هرگز دراندیشه ی ما نمیرد

Mona 19

سپاس از شعر زیبا شما :)

Mona 19

ایراندخت عزیز و سوری خانوم، نوروز مبارک .





by IRANdokht on

Here's another video clip of the poem


