آی آزادی!


by Souri

آی آزادی!

اگر روزی دوباره به سرزمین من آمدی

در قالب پیرمردی سیاه پوش

با ریش سپید و عبای سیاه

با لهجه ای غریب و فرهنگی غریب‌تر

و چشم‌هایی سرد و ترسناک نیا

برای‌مان از مرگ نگو

به گورستان نرو

گورستان پایان است

نباید آغاز باشد.

این بار توی دهان هیچ کس نزن

وعده ی توخالی نده

نفت را بر سر سفره ها نیار

نان‌مان را بر سر سفره های‌مان باقی بگذار.

از آب و برق مجانی نگو

از تلاش انسانی بگو

از سازندگی و آبادانی بگو

از تعهدِ کور نگو

از تخصص و دانش و شور بگو.

آی آزادی!

اگر روزی دوباره به سرزمین من آمدی

با شادی بیا

با چادر سیاه و تَحَجّر و ریش نیا

با مارش نظامی و جنگ نیا

با آواز و موسیقی و رنگ بیا

با تفنگ‌های بزرگ در دست‌های کودکان کوچک نیا

با گل و بوسه و کتاب بیا

از تقوا و جنگ و شهادت نگو

از انسانیت و صلح و شهامت بگو

برای‌مان از زندگی بگو

از پنجره های باز بگو

دل‌های ما را با نسیم آشتی بده

با دوستی و عشق آشنای‌مان کن

به ما بیاموز که چگونه زندگی کنیم

چگونه مردن را به وقت خود خواهیم آموخت

به ما شان انسان بودن را بیاموز

به خدا، «خود» خواهیم رسید.

آی آزادی!

اگر روزی دوباره به سرزمین من آمدی

بر قلب‌های عاشق ما قدم بگذار

مهرت را در دل‌های ما بیفکن

تا آزادگی در درون ما بجوشد

و تو را با هیچ چیز دیگری تاخت نزنیم

با هر نفس یادمان بماند

که تو از نفس عزیزتری

بدانیم که آزادی یک نعمت نیست

یک مسئولیت است

به ما بیاموز که داشتن و نگهداشتن تو سخت است

ما را با خودت آشنا کن

ما از تو چیز زیادی نمی‌دانیم

ما فقط نامت را زمزمه کرده ایم

ما به وسعت یک تاریخ از تو محروم مانده ایم

ای نادیده ترین!

اگر آمدی با نشانی بیا که تو را بشناسیم.

هان، آی آزادی!

اگر به سرزمین ما آمدی

با آگاهی بیا

تا بر دروازه های شهر

تو را با شمشیر گردن نزنیم

تا در حافظه ی کُند تاریخ نگذاریم که تو را از ما بدزدند

تا تو را با بی بند و باری و هیچ بَدلِ دیگری اشتباه نگیریم.

آخر می دانی؟

بهای قدم‌های تو بر این خاک

خون‌های خوب‌ترین فرزندان این سرزمین بوده است

برای ما

بهای تو

سنگین ترین بهای دنیا بوده است

پس، این بار با آگاهی بیا!

با آگاهی!

با آگاهی


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Why doing this?

As long as you have a need to express something, it means that you still have some issues about that thing.

For about 28 years I'm married, neither myself nor my husband never wore a ring. What for?

The sense of engagement and responsibility is in our head and our heart. No need to express it to the world.

If you feel free in your heart, there's no need to show it to the world, by doing a tatoo ;-)


Wonderful poem, thanks for

by Shepesh on

Wonderful poem, thanks for posting.

Anahid Hojjati

Souri jan, my search also came up with no reference

by Anahid Hojjati on

to the name of the poet. Yes, it looks like the poet does not want to get the credit for the poem.


About the poet

by Souri on

I believe that s/he wanted to stay anonymous. I did a quick search to find the name of the poet on-line, but couldn't find any reference to it. Therefor, I deducted that the author preferred to stay unknown. And I respect her/his willing and don't search further

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Souri jan for your reply.

by Anahid Hojjati on

I was curious about who wrote this poem. Now that I have a question about it, I am even more interested to know who wrote it.


Thanks Maryam and Anahid

by Souri on

For your comments.

Anahid jon: I believe the reference is to us, as a confused Nation who can't read/see without a map (?)

Anahid Hojjati

Nice poem Souri jan. What does this line mean, anyone?

by Anahid Hojjati on


 Souri jan, this is a nice poem. These lines are my favorite part:

ما فقط نامت را زمزمه کرده ایم

ما به وسعت یک تاریخ از تو محروم مانده ایم

ای نادیده ترین!

اگر آمدی با نشانی بیا که تو را بشناسیم.

هان، آی آزادی!

اگر به سرزمین ما آمدی

با آگاهی بیا

تا بر دروازه های شهر

تو را با شمشیر گردن نزنیم

تا در حافظه ی کُند تاریخ نگذاریم که تو را از ما بدزدند

 However, I am not sure what the poet means by this line:

اگر آمدی با نشانی بیا که تو را بشناسیم.

I would think that when freedom arrives, we will know it without needing neshani. Does anyone have a good interpretation for this line?

Thanks again for posting.


Maryam Hojjat

Beautiful, Souri

by Maryam Hojjat on

I enjoyed it very much. Every verse was so true & meaningful.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Thanks to your wonderful poem I'm more determined to get an AZADI tattoo in the shape of a ring on my wedding finger.


goftam ke (Soosan Kahnoom)

by Souri on

Yes, Madame, I know that when the author is unknown, we must write it at the bottom of the blog! Thanks for reminding it again, but I knew this already. So if I didn't do that............Well, maybe because I didn't feel like doing it, at the time I was posting the blog.

Now again, I wish you would do some homework and find the author, so not only you would give the credit (that I missed to give to the author) but also you would save much time to me and yourself


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

I missed your description.... and I did not see any on the actual blog on this page ..

The reason I mentioned it is because usually we do not see much credit being given to the poet.  That is important.  I thought it is your work and still I was looking for some credit that you would give to yourself which was missed. Then I thought may be it is not. 

Once the poet is unknown then it should be  written " By Anonymous " at the end of the poem. That would take away any doubt right away. 

thanks for sharing this nice poem anyway : ) 


I liked the poem very much, too

by Souri on

Dear All-Iranians: Thanks for posting the actual link. I didn't know where to find it, as I'd just received this poem by email.  Glad that it was not already posted at IC ;-)

Redwine jon: Na, man alan sar-e-kaar nistam ;-)

Sar-e-kaari ham nistam......douste aziz, hamoun Souri baraye ma kaafist. Mamnoun.

Shirin jon: Told you that we have a lot in common ;-)  Me too, I liked the poem very much. Thanks.

Dr Saadat Noury aziz: Thank you so much for the great quot from Jefferson. So true!

Soosan Khanoom: When you clicked here, you must have read already that I said: I don't know who wrote the poem. I wish you would dig more to find the name of the poet, so you will be the first person giving him/her the credit which you care about, so much. Thanks.

Azadeh jon: Glad that you liked the poem

Azadeh Azad

Great poem

by Azadeh Azad on

Thank Souri jan for posting this.



Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Souri is this your work?  If not then who has written this piece ?  Could you please give credit to the writer if she or he is not you?  The online sites that have published this before have not given credit to anyone.  


M. Saadat Noury

Great post

by M. Saadat Noury on

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants: Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the USA.

Thank you Souri Banoo!

Mash Ghasem

از انسانیت و صلح و شهامت بگو

Mash Ghasem

از تقوا و جنگ و شهادت نگو

از انسانیت و صلح و شهامت بگو

It would be nice if you could read it for us, please, cheers


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Red Wine


by Red Wine on

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