نگاهی به رشد مبارزاتی مردم ایران
بیایید نگاهی به نیم سده گذشته بیاندازیم. شیوه های مبارزه مورد پذیرش روشنفکران و اپوزیسیون را در نظر بگیریم، آنگاه خواهیم دید که در همین نیم سده گذشته چه رشد مبارزاتی چشمگیری داشته ایم. نگرش عمومی مردم نسبت به خواسته های سیاسی شان و شیوه های مبارزه بشدت دگرگون شده و رشد یافته است. نیم سده پیش، امیرپرویز پویان و مسعود احمدزاده برجسته ترین پیشگامان مبارزه برعلیه رژیم دیکتاتوری شمرده می شدند
We sincerely thank all those who supported and encouraged us
by Sohrab
In the near future, we will terminate our site and you will not be able to communicate with us; but more fiercely than ever, we will continue putting all our efforts on networks in different parts of our beloved Iran. We are more resolute than ever to continue our struggle till Freedom, Democracy and Justice are finally prevailed in our country! For us, regardless of our individual beliefs, Iran in its totality and freedom for all Iranians come before any political system, party, "ism", "Leader", religion or ethnicity
Photo essay: Iranian studies conference in Oslo
by Ashk Dahlén
The concept of gender is as problematic as the “nature versus nurture” argument. The terms "sex," "female," and "male" are biological terms, based on verifiable physical differences. However, to be born with a sex, female or male, in any society does not mean to be born gendered, feminine or masculine. But what do gender, feminine or masculine mean? These terms are confused and confusing, because they are defined by numerous diverging views and discourses
آنتونیو تابوکی، نویسنده ایتالیایی نه عامویم بود و نه سرورم، نویسنده ای معاصر بود که دلنشین و خواندنی می نوشت و در ماه گذشته درگذشت. رمان نویسی آنتونیو تابوکی متأثر از فرناندو پسووا و لوئیجی پیراندلو بود و او این تأثیر را هرگز پنهان نکرد. اتوفیکشن در آثار او تکنیکی است که مدام به کار می گیرد
از کجا میتوان کار را شروع کرد و به اصطلاح غلتک را به راه انداخت؟
پارلمان ایرانیان مهاجر و تبعیدی یک ایده است و تحقق آن به خواست جامعه ایرانی خارج کشور منوط است. اگر این خواست تأمین شود، توانایی هم به دنبال آن خواهد آمد. مخالفت با آن اگر از زاویه بدبینی باشد، در فرهنگ سیاسی جامعه ایرانی قابل فهم است. ولی اگر نیروهای سیاسی با آن به مخالفت برخیزند بیش از هر چیز عدم اعتماد به نفس یا نگرانی از وزن و نفوذ خود در جامعه ایرانی خارج کشور را به نمایش گذاشتهاند
Pro: The law is necessary because the federal government has failed to control illegal immigration into the country. Arizona had to act to protect its security and expenses of educating and caring for “illegal immigrants.” Con: The law unfairly criminalizes law-abiding people, calls for racial profiling of minorities legally in the country and allows states to step on the federal government’s toes in the complex and plenary field of federal immigration policy
Life isn't supposed to be this way
by Niloo Soleimani
So your are a highly educated and highly paid director and you want to have a baby. Your body is screaming BABY, BABY. Every baby you see either pisses you off or makes you teary eyed, because you want your own. Finally, the time comes and you and your husband are ready; Planned parenthood, what a concept. You are settled financially, mentally and in all other ways. You've been there, done that and so now the time is right
Photo essay: Islington and Camden Cemetery, North London
Hossein Shahidi >>>
تفاوت انقلاب 1688 انگلستان با انقلاب 1357 ایران
تنها با یک نگاه کلی به این دو انقلاب، می بینیم که اهداف انقلاب انگلیس مشخص و شفاف و مورد تأئید عموم و یا اکثریت ملت بود ولی خواستۀ اکثریت مردم ایران، این بود که شاه برود! نتیجۀ پیروزمندانۀ انقلاب 1688 در پرتوی اهداف مشخص: قدرتمند کردن مردم در مقابل حکومت، احترام به حقوق و شعور مردم و شرکت آنان در تعیین سرنوشت خویش، قانونمندیِ سیستم و امنیت اجتماعی، و اقتصاد باز و پویا با حد اقل امکانات برای بهبود زندگی مردم بود
Photo essay: Music hall on outskirts of Rio de Janeiro
Jahanshah Javid >>>
The inevitability of life in the mind of the dead
Two American rappers about to go on tour are considering reviving their colleague to join them in holographic form – because he’s dead. Earlier this week CGI wizardry allowed Tupac Shakur, gunned down in Las Vegas 1996, to join his contemporaries Snoop Dogg and Dr Dre at the Coachela festival in California to perform his song Gangsta Party. Pac had barely changed at all: muscles rippling, bounce, and his distinctive tattoo, if now rather ironically, declaring: Thug Life
Photo essay: Arriving in Rio de Janeiro
Jahanshah Javid >>>
در حاشيهء کنفرانس مهرداد مشايخی در واشنگتن
در اين کنفرانس من توضيح دادم که از نظر ما انحلال طلبان «گذار به دموکراسی» نام ديگری جز برانداختن حکومت اسلامی بهر صورت ممکن، انحلال ساختار آن و لغو قانون اساسی اش ندارد و در مسير مبارزه برای اين هدف ما همهء اصلاح طلبان و اقمارشان را تخته سنگی فرو افتاده در راه خود می دانيم
"Lord knows where we would be if the Athenians hadn't pulled the upset against the Persians." Huh?
Usually on the night before a marathon or an ultra-marathon race, we eat early and try to go to bed early. To relax and ease ourselves into asleep, we often read something inspiring or the information materials given to us at the race expo to make sure we have all the necessary information. The night before the 2010 race, I was doing just that. In the middle of the official publication of the Boston Marathon Association I came across an article that woke me up completely, and indeed distressed me
Traces of the Polish wartime exodus to Iran
There was once a time when the streets of Isfahan echoed to the sounds of Polish songs, when thousands of little Polish girls made their way to school (or work) along the Chahar Bagh in their smart maroon jerseys and grey pleated skirts. It is hard to believe today: but from 1942 to 1945 Isfahan was home to an army of young Polish orphans (mostly girls) who found safety and freedom in Iran after years of forced detention in Siberian labour camps
Islamic Republic “Journalism” at its best
This morning, an Iranian-based website entitled “Young Journalists Club,” whose slogan reads, “The Largest Persian Language News Agency In the World,” published an article with the following headline: “When the Veils of Deception are Rent Asunder: Membership in the Misguided Sect of ‘Bahaism’ as a Chief Condition of Employment with a Document Enclosed as Proof”cThe Article goes on to introduce a UK based website named “You and I” and notes that the efforts of its editors, who are directly financed by the “Royal Elements"