A Seminar on the Impediments to the Observance and Promotion of Human Rights in Iran
by E K
Iranian Society for Human Rights in Northern California plans to organize a seminar in order to generate an inclusive and non-partisan discussion among interested Iranians on the problems and challenges facing human rights activists in Iran. The idea of a non-partisan struggle for human rights or democracy is very new to our political culture. While recognizing that non-partisanship is not opposed to or a substitute for partisanship, the proposed seminar will explain the central role of non-partisan agents and agencies in promoting a culture commensurate with the idea of human rights.
1958 article on Iranian sportswomen
bahram9821 >>>
مطالعه مفهوم "شادی" از دیدگاه ادبی
فریفته آموزه سلون، حقوقدان آتن باستان، که می گوید،"هیچ انسانی را خوشحال فرض مکن مگر آن انسان مرده باشد"، سونی مفهوم شادی را از یونان باستان تا دوران مدرن با جزییات دنبال کرد. او در تحقیقاتش یادآورمی شود که در یونان باستان شادی متعلق به دنیای پس از مرگ آدمی است که اعمال و کردار او از سوی جامعه بشریت قضاوت می شود. در قرن هجدهم، اما، شادی به مفهمومی انتزاعی تبدیل و قضاوت آن صرفا بر عهده شخص گذاشته شد. در این مقطع شادی تبدیل به "مجموعه ای از لذت ها" شد و دیگر با تاکیدات اخلاقی در ارتباط مستقیم نبود
He used to grab my head and turn it left to right and side to side and up and down to cut my hair without moving himself an inch!
Getting a hair cut today took me back to my neighborhood salmooni , where Iradj khan, a GILAK man was a local shop keeper in "se raah-e takht-e jamshid" for as long as I remembered. In his shop there were all kind of magazines for customers to kill time until their turn, and a black and white TV.
فرزندان مهاجر و زبان »ایرانی«
یکی از چیزهایی که بعد از مهاجرت خیلی سریع تفییر می کند، زبان است. یاد گرفتن زبان کشور جدید برای مهاجران لازمه بدست آوردن کار و جذب شدن در جامعه میزبان است. از این رو از همان روزهای نخست سعی می کنیم تا هرچه سریعتر هر آنچه که از این زبان جدید نمی دانیم به حوزه دانسته هایمان اضافه کنیم. ولی گاه چنان در این امر جدیت بخرج می دهیم که متوجه عوارض جانبی آن نمی شویم: بعضی از مهاجرانی که فرزند خردسال دارند با این استدلال که کودک هرچه سریعتر باید زبان محیط را بیاموزد (ولی شاید با این نیت که خودشان فرصت تمرین این زبان جدید را در گفتگو با فرزندشان پیدا کنند) به زبان جامعه میزبان با فرزندشان حرف میزنند.
We are yet to quit our addiction to the blame game
On September 25, 1507, a six-ship, 400-man strong Portuguese force under the command of Alfonso de Albuquerque appeared off the island of Hormuz. In what transpired in the next three days they overcame the town’s thirty thousand fighting men, demanded and received an annual tribute of fifteen thousand gold Xeraphins, and placed the governor of Hormuz under the protection of King Manual I of Portugal (see a brief history here). In no time, shockwaves of this incidence reached the court of Shah Ismail I (ruled 1501-1524 AD), the young founder of Safavid dynasty (1501 – 1722 AD). The rise of new expansionist powers in Europe, and their far-reaching ambitions, was deeply felt.
Anti-Ahmadinejad, anti-war, pro-shah, pro-gay, pro-women... & students greet Ahmadinejad
Roozbeh Shirazi >>>
Just think about it, hate is everywhere
What do you fear most when lying in your bed at night, just before sleep takes you away from your worldly worries? What secrets have you hidden deep inside your heart, hoping against hope that no one ever discovers that which you have hidden from plain view, but that which causes you so much anguish in the still, black, hours of the night. What demons torment the furthest recesses of your soul, your mind, and your heart, and make you long for some way to unburden yourself without risking your standing in the community, your reputation amongst colleagues, your self-inflated sense of importance in the eyes of friends and family, and without having to face the cold, hard, painful truth that all of us, you and me included, are flawed, fallible, and imperfect and because of this our lives are filled with many little and not-so-little fears.
In the Dutch debate about Islam, Iranian immigrants dominate
Why do so few Moroccans, Turks, Muslims from Surinam make themselves heard? Where are the Iraqis, the Afghans? In the current debate on Islam in the Netherlands, Iranians dominate. This became especially obvious when the discussion was given fresh impetus by the apostate Muslim, Ehsan Jami—of Iranian background. Yesterday, Jami presented his Committee of Ex-Muslims. The only other member is Damon Golriz, a representative of the VVD, the Dutch liberal [conservative] party, and professor of mechanical engineering at a technical college, whose chief adviser is columnist and university professor Afshin Ellian. Both are from Iran. Similar committees in England and France, which served as a template for Jami, were founded by Iranians as well.
Why do we like Chillis so much?
Chilli is a great way to instantly transform a simple dish into something a lot more special. To create a delicious and quick Oriental dish, simply start by lightly frying off some garlic, ginger and chilli in some vegetable oil, add your chosen meat or seafood and stir fry (increasing to a high heat) until the meat/fish is cooked. This won’t take more than 5-8 minutes if your meat is cut into thin strips and seafood takes no time to cook at all. You can add vegetables if you like, perhaps broccoli, peppers or green beans, and finish off with either some soy sauce or some oyster sauce and serve with rice or noodles. See? Simple!
Iranian Internet gathering in San Francisco
talieshah >>>
Iranian Art Museum Garden cafe
by A Tehrani
Today, September 21st is the International Day of Peace. This day was first inaugurated on the third Tuesday of September, 1982 and the goal of International Day of Peace was to "devote a specific time to concentrate the efforts of the United Nations and its Member States, as well as of the whole of mankind, to promoting the ideals of peace and to giving positive evidence of their commitment to peace in all viable ways. It should be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples."
Har rooz chand bar yade yeki az khaterhaye khosham dar Iran miyoftam va labkhandi bar labanam zaher mishavad
Salam bar familhaye gole man: Alan yek hafte mishe ke az bargashtam be khaane va niz tarke shoma azizanam gozashte. Lazem nist ke begam cheghadr delam tang shode. Az yek hafte ghabl az parvazam, yek boghze shadidi shoroo kard dar delam shekl gereftan. Va motaasefane dar lahezate akhare safaram, nazdike saafe gozarnaame, yek edei az shoma majboor shodin shahede tarakidane in boghz beshavid. Baz ham ozr mikham.
Iranians run Iran. So Iranians can threaten to switch it off.
But we in the Iranian Opposition, or for that matter, every Iranian with at least five years education, is not really surprised to see how the Seyyeds are sitting in the driving seat of one of the oldest nations of the world, and do not really know what to do. But they are only there because the people of Iran do not have any faith in civil disobedience. The Seyyed rulers know that as long as the people of Iran do not confront them with the idea of a General Strike, they can put Iran in harms way.
انعکاس سیاسی کنفرانس اخیر زنان در واشنگتن
کنفرانس امسال چندین ویژیگی داشت که برخی از آنها را مطرح می کنم. شرکت وسیع نسل دوم ،شرکت قابل ملاحظه مردان که بیش از سی درصد جمعیت در کنفرانس بوند ، امسال برخلاف سال گذشته کنفرانس از نخبه گرایی برحضر بود بدین خاطرتمام سخنرانان انتخابی در کنفرانس جدید بودن به غیر از یک نفر از سخنرانان که قبلاً در بنیاد سخنرانی کرده بود. آن چیزی در کنفرانسهای بنیاد معمول شده بود تعدادی از سخنرانان مثل دور قمری هر دو و سه سال یکبار دعوت می شدند تا نظرات تکراری خود را با یک مقداری کمک و زیاد مطرح کنند و از طرفی تعدادی از دوستان هم عادت کردن که یک نوع بحث را بشنوند.
Reading comments can now be even more fascinating than the original article
I thought the ease of commenting could bring about substantial changes to the way that the site is used in the future. After seeing a couple of comments on one of my recreant photo-essays, I realized that the future has arrived and things have changed already. A simple calculation revealed that since the publication of the article mentioned above only 14% of posted articles managed to remain immune to comments (all articles till 18th Sep were included in this calculation). Let’s not talk statistics, but at the first glance an increase in the number of articles commented on is apparent.
The immorality of attacking Iran
The call for war against Iran was issued by no other than Mr. Bernard Kouchner the foreign minister of France, a country with the motto of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. France the home of Voltaire and Rousseau is now calling for war against a country that has never threatened France or its neighbours. France a nuclear power with illustrious colonial past is urging others to be aware of the dangers that nuclear weapons pose. From the other side of the Atlantic we hear the same cries for more war, death and destruction.