Interview with former Miss World Canada Nazanin Afshin-Jam
Nazanin Afshin-Jam: I was ecstatic when I found out that not only was Nazanin going to be spared from execution but that she was also going to be released from the agony she suffered from being in jail for over two years. I was particularly inspired by all the individuals around the world, young and old, who used their talents and blessings to help free Nazanin. There were 8 year olds holding assemblies in their schools for Nazanin, there were artists who had painted pictures for Nazanin, created sculptures, written poems and songs for her, everyone played a role.
هیچ وقت شکایت نمی کرد که آخر چقدر مهمان داری – خسته شدم – این چه زندگی یست. هیچوقت صداش درنیآمد. هیچ وقت نق نزد تا روزی که مریض شد. دیوانه شد. از آن به بعد، کارهای عجیب و غریب می کرد. یا ساکت می نشست و ساعت ها به دیوار نگاه می کرد یا جیغ می کشید و همه چیز را پرت می کرد، می زد می شکست. یا لباس هاش رو می کند و برهنه وسط اتاق می نشست. یا می خندید، می چرخید و می چرخید تا خسته بشود و خودش را رو زمین پرتاب می کرد. ولی هنوز نماز می خواند.
Ali Mahin Torabi awaiting execution
Azarin Sadegh >>>
تجاوز و اثرات آن بر روي زن ، خانواده ، اجتماع
زنان ديگر ، بدون آنكه لحظه اي بي انديشند كه اين حادثه هر لحظه در كمين خودشان است ، با نگاهي قهر آلود به شخص مورد تجاوز قرار گرفته ، مي نگرند و اين در حالي است كه بايد توجه بيشتري به اينگونه زنان كرد . اينان هموراه لحظه اي را بياد مي آورند كه در آن زندگي شان از مسير طبيعي خود خارج گرديد. لحظه اي كه مي كوشيدند دستي را كه راه دهانشان را مسدود كرده پس بزنند . لحظه اي را كه عرق ريزان با دستاني ضعيفتر از بازواني كه سخت پيكرشان را در بر گرفته بود مي كوشيدند تا خود را رها سازند .لحظه اي را كه فرياد زدند اما كسي صدايشان را نشنيد ...
1950's comic book connection to current Iran-U.S. crisis not far-fetched
Darius Kadivar >>>
1950's comic book connection to current Iran-U.S. crisis not far-fetched
Comic Book of the 1950’s T-Man #3 "Death Trap in Iran!" highlights Cold War Paranoia I finally managed to find the comic book on ebay and decided to share it with you readers so that you can make up your own opinion. It should be added that this comic book hero which preceded Ian Fleming’s James Bond Franchise or the TV hit Mission Impossible ( which was partly directed by our Talented Iranian compatriot Reza Badiyi did not just operate in Iran, but a little everywhere in the so-called “Communist Infested World” or “Third World Dictatorships” in the views of the Free World public opinion of the Time.
Why do so many people make such a big deal about Jews?
Why are so many people making such a big deal out of such a troubled nation, the Jewish nation (if we can call it a nation). Although Jews are pretty strong (especially rich) and so and so, there is absolutely no proof about all the things said and written exaggerating their power and importance. Iranians say Zionists (Jews) plot against Iran to destroy it. Many in other countries believe similar stories, though in slightly different, locally appropriate, versions. The richest man in the world is currently an Arab (search on Google world's most powerful man is a non-Jewish, Christian, American. Arabs in the U.A.E. make much more money than Jews in Israel. The Internet is full of anti-Jewish stuff, and Jews seem to be squeezed out all over the virtual world.
I had no control no more… nor did she
Sunday, 9 p.m. - I am restless in this little apartment decorated in a way that only the 'Neuvo Riche' can manage to decorate. All the new accessories in the market…anything that is advertised…the hip and trendy … the whole apartment is making me feel out of place. In an attempt of protesting this vulgarity, I sit on the floor … no … I lay down on the floor and almost chain smoke my cigarettes … no Gitanes…they taste like shit … like 'Peshgel'. I stick to my Winston Lights, and pour down the cheap Vodka I have bought. Must be careful … soon I am out of my scholarship money and will be on the street, especially if I keep showing my contempt openly for this whole place.
Ali Mahin Torabi’s story should shock and awaken
Today my friend in Iran called me. She told me about the imminent execution of Ali Mahin Torabi, her nephew. He’s 21 years old, and he has been declared guilty of a murder he hasn’t committed. He has spent the last five years of his life—since he was 16 years old--in a prison, waiting for his execution... He is still full of life and hope but my friend sounded so desperate. She asked me to help Ali. I write this with that task weighing heavily upon my shoulders. Where to begin?
I don't even try to pretend to understand the dynamics of my parents' relationship
Having watched the two of them all my life, I can say without the slightest hesitation that my maman starts 95% of the argurements my parents have. My dad, being laid back like he is, will let her shout and carry-on until he has had enough. He is like a volcano in that way. She'll keep on pushing him and pushing him verbally, knowing full well just how he will react and he keeps smiling and letting her vent, all-the-while repressing his temper until he reaches a point where it EXPLODES! That's when she knows its time to drop the subject, but too late, he is just getting started.
لامذهب دقيقا می دانست چگونه دست به موهايم فرو ببرد كه نا خود آگاه لبانش را ببوسم
آنشب مسعود آمد. بوسه ای روی لبانم نشاند و گفت كه خسته است. می خواستم او را بر سر شوق بياورم. آهنگی شاد و ايرانی گذاشتم و شروع كردم به رقصيدن. حركات من او را هم به جنبش در آورد و مرا بوسيد و در گوشم زمزمه كرد: "دوستت دارم". لحظه دادن اين خبر خوش فرا رسيده بود. در حالی كه گردنش را می بوسيدم آرام گفتم: "مسعودم من و تو بچه دار میشيم. خدا كنه شبيه تو بشه".
Bringing attention to ourselves as a peaceful and peace loving community with intelligence, integrity, and heart
We are, for the most part, law abiding, tax-paying citizens who are assets to our communities, but we tend to shy away from American politics, be apathetic to political developments, and disinterested in local elections. Why is that? Is it because over the past three decades each of us has been catapulted into this new land initially as a “temporary measure,” which turned into a serious, unplanned, and permanent reality? Is it because we see ourselves as “accidental emigrants,” not sure what to do now that we have stayed and have gone on to have children, businesses, and careers here?
All we hear about is the distorted version of Ahmadinejad's statement about homosexuals. Why is that?
A few days ago, I was home minding my own business, eating my yogurt (as they say in Farsi/Persian) when a friend told me over the phone that Ahmadinejad had made a fool out of himself by saying that there are no gays in Iran. Because I don’t have cable television, I could not listen to Ahmadinejad’s talk at Columbia, live on TV. I had to trust that the president “gand zadeh” as my friend put it. She was upset not only because of Ahmadinejad’s alleged statement about the lack of homosexuals in Iran, but also because of Bollinger’s disrespectful and rude introductory remarks.
Nader Shah's unfinished monument
shahireh sharif >>>
هیلری کیلنتون و مدافعان فرهنگ ایرانی
اخیرا در یکی از تلویزیونهای محلی شمال کالیفرنیا ( آپادانا ، یکی از بیست واندی تلویزیون فارسی زبان مدافع منافع آمریکا) مدیر تلویزیون به همراه ۳ تن دیگر ، خبر از تشریف فرمائی خانم کلینتون را به شمال کالیفرنیا دادند و به همین مناسبت کمیته ای متشکل از ایرانیان طرفدار ایشان اقدام به برگزاری ضیافت شامی کرده اند تا بتوانند بنا بر ادعای خودشان با جمع آوری کمک های کلان مالی خانم کلینتون را ازباغ منزل میزبانشان به کاخ سفید روانه کنند ! مسلما در آمریکا اینگونه کمپین ها صد ها سال است که بوسیله بیلیونرها و کمپانی ها فراملی مختلف تحت نام دموکراسی برپا میشود.
I'm tired of the smell of bull shit that surrounds me wrapped in politics
I am a citizen of two countries. Or is it "I am citizens of two countries?" Never the less, in one hand I hold the passport of United States of America, in another Islamic Republic of Iran. Well, they're not in my hands actually; they're in a file cabinet. I have two countries, two citizenships, and yessssss, two leaders. Holly shit I have two leaders. One says, in a public forum, in front of faculty and students of one of the most prestigious universities in the US, if not the world, "we don't have homosexuality in Iran like you do here in America". Did he not sit next to anyone peculiar in the bus in Iran? Was there no one in his school with extra wrist and hand motions while talking?
Ahmadinejad shows political Islam at its best
The presence of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at University of Columbia reminded me of the act of another extremist figure, the well-known Imam Suhayb Salam in the Netherlands. On 31th of July I was invited to a Dutch TV-program called Bimbos & Burqas, this title refers to the post-modern hedonistic Paris-Hilton-culture (Bimbo) on one hand and the orthodox-religious be-afraid-for-the-hell culture (Burqa) on the other hand. One of the Burqa members was the Orthodox Imam Suhayb Salam, who had brought along his wife who was wearing a Burqa, looking like a human-penguin in studio 52 of Hilversum television station.