عشق واقعی فراتر از دین

ویس و رامین: شاهکار ادبی فراموش شده

25-Jun-2010 (3 comments)
بسیاری از ما ایرانیان از کودکی با داستانهای "لیلی و مجنون"، "یوسف و زلیخا" و حتی "رومئو ژولیت" آشنا بوده ایم، اما با برخی از داستانهای ایرانی الاصل آشنایی نداشته و نداریم. برای مثال، من به طور کاملا تصادفی با منظومه "ویس و رامین" آشنا شدم و متوجه شدم که داستانی از ایران باستان است. پس از خواندن منظومه، شروع به کنکاش کردم ومتوجه شدم که این داستان حقیقتا از نظر غالب مردم دور مانده و بسیاری افراد حتی اسم آن را هم نشنیده اند.>>>


Tabriz Portraits

Tabriz Portraits

Photo essay: Tourist meets Azaris

by Beezer Rel
24-Jun-2010 (9 comments)



Are We Pistachios?

How lucky that most countries welcome Iranians, the pistachios with substance!

23-Jun-2010 (4 comments)
Sometimes it’s better not to pay attention to names, because while I’m mad at a woman I heard on the radio the other day, I have no idea who she is. It’s hard to stay angry with an anonymous person. I had dialed to NPR on the car radio and heard a discussion about films, cinema and such. When my husband tried to change stations in search of music, I stopped him and said, “That woman sounds Persian!”>>>


انقراض مردان

« حنا روزن»: مردان نه تنها از زنان عقب مانده‌اند بلکه در حال انقراض نیز هستند

23-Jun-2010 (one comment)
درصد زنان فارغ‌التحصیل از مؤسسات آموزش عالی بالاتر از مردان است، از ١٥ شغل درخواست شده در آینده، مردان فقط در رشته نظافت‌چی و مهندس کامپیوتر از زنان واجدالشرایط‌‌تر هستند و در بقیه‌ی شغل‌ها زنان شانس بیشتری خواهند داشت. از سال ٢٠٠١ تاکنون، شش میلیون شغل در زمین‌هایی که قدرت بازو حرف اصلی را می‌زد و به طور سنتی از شغل‌های مردانه به حساب می‌امد از صحنه‌ی اقتصاد آمریکا محو شده است>>>


Orang goes to Washington

Orang goes to Washington

Photo essay: Sight-seeing in U.S. capital

by Orang Gholikhani
20-Jun-2010 (4 comments)



What I Saw

What I Saw

Photo essay: A tour with Serious Traveler Company

by David Lewis
18-Jun-2010 (9 comments)




We rarely hugged, but on that day, we did

17-Jun-2010 (10 comments)
My father and I took a photograph a long time ago, but someone has cut him off the picture. What remains is the sight of a frightened girl – me -- sitting on a frightened horse. And the rest is only a fantasy. But if I close my eyes, I might recall the missing pieces and I might create that moment again as a whole. We’re surrounded by green waves of the Caspian Sea. The level of the water reaches the animal’s thighs and my feet. An arm (my father’s) holds the harness tight and I’m leaned forward, smiling>>>


Happy Medium

Constitutional Monarchy with Democracy

17-Jun-2010 (18 comments)
Now that the election is a year old and over, and the protests have proven to have been nothing more than an accidental flicker, all but off now, we can all finally relax and revel in it's gloriously pre-determined result. And maybe it's still too soon to be writing this, but I've been waiting a whole year to write this, chomping at the bit to get to this piece, since I was one of those crying for people in Iran NOT to vote, and didn't have any faith or emotional investment in either result. Seeing as it was never an honest true reflection of a free people>>>


Beyond Conspiracy Theories

Iran and the CIA: The Fall of Mosaddeq Revisited

15-Jun-2010 (26 comments)
The fall of Mosaddeq and the role of foreign forces and Iranians are still debated among scholars and politicians alike. Fifty seven years after August 19, 1953, the debate remains as fresh as the day that changed Iran. Darioush Bayandor has come up with a new book "Iran and the CIA: The Fall of Mosaddeq Revisited", in which argues the issues surrounding the events that led to the coup d’etat from a different perspective. Mr. Bayandor was an Iranian diplomat who held various posts at the United Nations during the Shah’s government>>>


زنان  ناجوانمرد

تلاش اصلی مجموعه «سکس و شهر» در این نهفته است که تصویر بدوی و خشنی از مردان رسم کند

15-Jun-2010 (11 comments)
از هفت سال پیش سریال تلویزیونی «سکس و شهر» نوشته‌ها و خاطرات یک زن روزنامه‌نگار ساکن نیویورک را به درون خانه‌های آمریکای شمالی برد. دیری نپایید که ادعاهای حق به جانب و شاکیانه‌ی قهرمان اصلی و سه دوست مؤنث دیگر او در این سریال نسبت به مردان، هم نظر زنان را به خود جلب کرد و هم خشم توام با کنجکاوی مردان را برانگیخت>>>


Green Scroll in San Francisco

Green Scroll in San Francisco

Photo essay: On June 12 anniversary

by Bahareh N
13-Jun-2010 (4 comments)



Golden Gate Goes Green

Golden Gate Goes Green

Photo essay: Protesters carry 2000-meter scroll in San Francisco

by oktaby
13-Jun-2010 (9 comments)



"We Want Democracy"

"We Want Democracy"

Photo essay: Greens gather in Budapest

by Jahanshah Javid
13-Jun-2010 (one comment)



Mr. Khamenei is no good

Iranian academic community worldwide write to UN Secretary General

13-Jun-2010 (8 comments)
For many years, Sayyid Ali Khamenei has ruled the country ostensibly to establish a virtuous society, promote equality among Iranians, provide prosperity and security in this world and ensure salvation in the other, and fight for egalitarianism and the cause of the downtrodden abroad. In practice, however, he has promoted wickedness instead of virtue; a cult of personality instead of equality; poverty, arbitrary rule, and engineered elections instead of prosperity, security, and the rule of law; and international brinkmanship and support for terrorism instead of peaceful diplomacy. Mr. Khamenei is no good for Iran; worse for the world; and a disaster for the religion>>>


Time of Death

New video of Neda Agha-Soltan's final moments

11-Jun-2010 (103 comments)


Guilty as Charged

“Judge of Death” and two colleagues have presided over most political trials since last year’s unrest

11-Jun-2010 (3 comments)
Within the Revolutionary Courts, three judges – Abolghasem Salavati, Mohammad Moghiseh and Pir-Abbasi – stand out for their role in presiding over joint and individual trials involving hundreds of defendants. Although some of these trials were held in public, the three judges remain shadowy figures. It is unclear what their legal backgrounds are, or how they came to be appointed. There are no pictures of Moghiseh or Pir-Abbasi, and they do not appear at public events. Pir-Abbasi’s first name is not even known>>>


Complex Women, Simple Men

Kiarostami's “Copie Conforme”

11-Jun-2010 (one comment)
“Copie Conforme” is a film by Abbas Kiarostami which means that it’s s-l-o-w. Slow enough to make you fidget in your seat. Slow enough to take you back to the days of the interminable scenes of couples-- walking apart from each other and not talking—in those excruciating Antonioni films of the sixties. Slow enough to give you time to wonder about the nature of cinema. Should it be entertaining? Should it encourage reflexion? Can it be boring? Then, because it is a film by Abbas Kiarostami, “Copie Conforme” goes way beyond that first impression. >>>


من و چهار شوهرم

صدای ناخرسندی زنان در باره سنت توهین کننده چند همسری

11-Jun-2010 (5 comments)
به گونه ای تصادفی، مقاله ای در مجله «مری کلر» با عنوان «چند همسری در اسلام» نظرم را به خود جلب کرد که به دیدگاه های یک روزنامه نگار عربستان سعودی به نام « نادین البدیر» پرداخته بود. در این مقاله آمده است که نویسنده فوق تلاش کرد تا با خلق یک ادعای خیالی پر هیاهو به واقعیت دردناک و ضد انسانی چند همسری در اسلام انتقاد کند. به عنوان یک ایرانی به ذهنم رسید که ماجرای فوق ربط زیادی با جامعه ایرانی ندارد ولی ... در بهت تاسف باری متوجه شدم که برداشت اولیه ام از واقعیت به دور است>>>


Sehr schön

Sehr schön

Photo essay: Wandering in Berlin

by Jahanshah Javid
10-Jun-2010 (10 comments)



I miss
09-Jun-2010 (3 comments)
I miss the view of a snow-covered mountain wherever I am
I miss homemade yoghurt
I miss putting ketchup on pizza
I miss holding onto my headscarf on the back of a motorcycle
I miss the clock always at 10.30 in my granddad’s bedroom