A (Funny) Iranian in Heaven

A (Funny) Iranian in Heaven

Photo essay: Aghdashloo and Touzie tickle San Franciscans

by payam s
25-Jul-2010 (one comment)



The Maharajas’ Jaipur

India: Capitalism replacing feudal rule

Tourists are beckoned by the colors of Rajasthan. Splashed over gelatin or equivalents, these colors draw the magic of their aesthetics from contrasts. The women of Rajasthan defy the drab monotone of a semi arid environment by riots of red, green, blue, and orange in their garments. Colorful spices and dried fruit in the markets are the answer to the dearth of fresh, tasty produce and fruit. The wildly extravagant Maharajahs painted their whole capital city of Jaipur lipstick pink to impress their foreign guests. The colorful trash generated by their impoverished former subjects mock this folly>>>


On Hair

My hair defined me the minute I began to lose it

25-Jul-2010 (8 comments)
All my life I’d had long hair. While the rest of me didn’t look distinctively Iranian, I had the long, thick, wavy hair Persian girls are known for. Little did I know while I had a full head of it, that my hair was an integral part of me, as superficial as that sounds, but it was. A few weeks after I was diagnosed with breast cancer, my nurse Tammy talked to me about the eight rounds of chemo that I was set to receive before surgery. I saw a look of trepidation cross her face as she started to talk about me losing my hair>>>


The E Factor

Role of ethnicity as an added burden in women’s struggle for their rights

25-Jul-2010 (3 comments)
Is ethnicity important in women’s struggle for their rights, at all? Studying English in middle school, this question seemed an exciting one. It made me imagine myself abroad and answer it proudly. But, this innocent imagination was shattered. Yes, I grew up as a woman facing the reality of much discrimination. Discriminations that kill you and re-kill you, shape you and reshape you, frame you and reframe you to the point that you don’t know who you are>>>


Master Builders

Influence of Sassanid architecture reached far beyond their borders

25-Jul-2010 (3 comments)
The glorious Achaemenid Persian empire dominated all of the Middle East commencing from 550 to 330BC , Alexander the great conquered the Persian kingdom and destroyed the capital city of Persepolis .By all means the Sassanians (who were the descendants of the Achaemenid Empire) wished to revive the former glory of the Achaemenid Empire, this included their structural design, the Greek conquest of Persia inaugurated the spread of Hellenistic art into Western Asia; but if the East accepted the outward form of this art, it never really assimilated its spirit>>>


Gathering in Paris

Gathering in Paris

Photo essay: 21st Iranian women's studies conference

by Monireh Kazemi



عیسی گلسرخی

متن کامل دفاعیه در دادگاه

22-Jul-2010 (21 comments)
آنچه این روزها، پس از گذشت سی سال از پیروزی آن انقلاب، در جای‌جای این کشور ‌می‌گذرد بیانگر آن است که آن رفتار انسانی تنها «آرزوی ما جوانان مسلمان» بود، چون «رهبر جمهوری اسلامی» ثابت کرده است که برای چند روز زمامداری بیشتر و حکومت مستبدانه بر مردم، از هیچ راه و روشی نمی‌گذرد. اکنون شاهدیم که سیدعلی خامنه‌ای از جنایت‌های بشر در جهان شرق و غرب، هر آنچه را که بدترین بوده است برگزیده و در این کار دست جنایت‌کاران معروف جهان را در کشتار مردم بی دفاع از پشت بسته است>>>


تروریسم کور

جنایتی که فقط جندالله مسئول آن نبود

22-Jul-2010 (one comment)
اگر تروریسم کور از نوع آن چه که در زاهدان اتفاق افتاد به ایران راه باز کرده، باید آن را در درجه اول مرهون فرهنگ ایدئولوژیکی دانست که جمهوری اسلامی در شکل‌گیری و تبلیغ و ترویج آن در خاور میانه نقش اول را بازی کرده است. تصادفی نیست که تروریسم کور در خاورمیانه و غرب آسیا و شمال آفریقا عمری کم و بیش برابر با عمر نظام اسلامی حاکم بر ایران دارد و با ادامه حیات آن از طریق تروریست‌های اسلام‌گرا به سراسر جهان نیز گسترش یافته است>>>


Waiting for Azrael

Marjane Satrapi and Co. completing the "Persepolis" trilogy

19-Jul-2010 (7 comments)
Directors Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud were back on the French Croisette in Cannes, but this time not to present a new movie but announce the making of two in a near future. The first En Attendant Azrael aka Waiting for Azrael will start shooting on the 19th of July at the Legendary Babelsberg Studios in Berlin and will be followed by Le Onzième Laureate aka The Eleventh Laureate described by it's creators as something of a Western Spaghetti with a Persian flavour, set on the Caspian Sea>>>


Paris is for Lovers

Paris is for Lovers

Photo essay: Father-daughter trip

by Jahanshah Javid
19-Jul-2010 (18 comments)



Crushed under stones

Long list of those awaiting execution by stoning

17-Jul-2010 (3 comments)
As protests against the stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani arose amongst the public and western officials, the IRI embassy in London announced that the verdict would not be stoned to death. On the contrary, the Secretary of Judiciary Commission of Human Rights declared that death by stoning does exist in the law of the country and that it would be implemented. Now, it is feared that the Islamic Republic of Iran may decide to suddenly execute all those sentenced to stoning>>>


Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

Photo essay: Landscapes in Iranian Kurdistan

by Kavan NB
15-Jul-2010 (18 comments)



If she was alive now

She might become the Susan Boyle of Iran

15-Jul-2010 (8 comments)
Discussing an article we had read about the Iranian legendary singer, Ghamar-ol-Mokook, my friend said, “I wonder what would happen if she were alive today?” Indeed. What would happen to a great performer, a lover of music, not to mention a woman with Ghamar’s free spirit in the Islamic Iran? The thought wouldn’t leave me for the rest of the day. In a twisted way, I realized that she did live in today’s Iran, albeit a hundred years ago! The article clearly indicated to such fact. “In those days, any woman without a proper hejab would be arrested.”>>>


Shohreh & Houshang

Shohreh & Houshang

Interview: Houshang Touzie's "An Iranian in Heaven"

by Nazy Kaviani
13-Jul-2010 (20 comments)



Scriptures and Science

Quran... and natural sciences?

13-Jul-2010 (15 comments)
Those who search and often find scientific facts and nuggets in scriptures are not aware of the absurdity of their claims. For the simple reason that these books are ancient and having been written thousands of years ago can not keep up with ever changing of scientific paradigms. Despite the fact that our phenomenological understanding of nature remains the same (water is always wet, fire burns, sun is bright yellow, etc) our theoretical understanding evolves with time>>>


Getting the job done

Getting the job done

Photo essay: Watching the Spain-Holland match in Budapest

by Jahanshah Javid
12-Jul-2010 (5 comments)



World Cup Kabab

World Cup Kabab

Photo essay: Watching Spain and Netherlands at Persian barbecue

by Agha Behzad
12-Jul-2010 (3 comments)



Why should we care?

Since the June 2009 elections, human rights abuses have taken a different turn

11-Jul-2010 (48 comments)
When we visited the Iranian Interest Section in Washington, D.C., as part of a delegation with spokespersons from Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch to protest the arrest and illegal imprisonment of an Iranian-Canadian scholar, one of the Iranian officials -- a Khatami supporter -- thanked us for taking on the noble cause of defending political prisoners. As I left the premises, I told him, “God forbid, if you end up in jail one day, we will defend you as well.” He smiled. I smiled too. But I meant it.>>>


Let Sakineh Go Free!

Judge not the rites of the Islamic Republic, whose calendar is still in the 1300s

11-Jul-2010 (17 comments)
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is 43 years old. A prisoner in Tabriz, she has been sentenced to death by lapidation (stoning) for the crime of zena mohassaneh. What the fuck is that, do you ask? Well, as far I can figure out it means that she had sex with a married woman! If that is true, then Mahmood the Motor-Mouth may want to revisit his statement at Columbia University a few years ago as to the absence of homosexuality in the Islamic Republic! But seriously, folks - I do know if zena is good or bad – I suppose that depends on the cuntext! >>>


شرمندگی با صدای بلند

می‌خواهم با صدای بلند به تمام بهائیان ایران بگویم که بابت آنچه تا به حال برآنها رفته عمیقا متاسفم

11-Jul-2010 (12 comments)
از بهایی‌ها چندان چیزی نمی‌دانم و برخورد زیادی هم با آنها نداشته‌ام. شاید بارزترین آنها مربوط به پژمان باشد. پسری که در کوچه پشتی ما زندگی می‌کرد و بر خلاف اکثر ما مشهدی‌ها لهجه “تهرونی” داشت. قصه‌گوی نمایش بود. بعد از چندی او و چند تا از بچه‌ها از گروه کنار گذاشته شدند و نقش قصه‌گو را به من دادند. حذف پژمان دلیلی نداشت جز آنچه که سال‌ها بعد فهمیدم: پژمان “بهایی” بود>>>