صدای طبلها گوش ِ جانهایمان راچنان پر کرده که منفذی برای شنیدن واقعیات باقی نگذاشته
سران امریکا بروش خود و سایر کشورهای غربی به تبعیت از امریکا سرانجام به احمدی نژاد فهماندند که این بار شوخی نمی کنند، اصلا اورا بحساب نمی آورند، با همۀادعا هایش بقول ِ خودش "عددی نیست" و دیگر مایل نیستند بازیجۀ این رژیم سراپا دروغ شوند. آقای ِ اباما سریعا در همین زمان زمام امور بین المللی را بدست خانم کلینتون که در ماههای اخیر آشتی ناپذیر بودنش را با رژیم تهران علنا در هر فرصتی که پیدا کرد بیان نمود و بسیار هم شدید، سپرد
They stood there on a street corner, having met at a party last week
They smiled at the secret that was too big to share - that maybe there didn't, maybe there didn't have to be a word that was said about a single thing outside of themselves, a single movie or a single book or even a single song, maybe they were enough already without a single thing that gave voice to their heart, maybe they were the voice to their heart. It was almost a way they weren't supposed to talk. Two people weren't supposed to start a romance without those outside things
Photo essay: Visiting the living dead in Pompei
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Tabarzadi's response to his trial
by Heshmatollah Tabarzadi
I call upon public opinion and educated and impartial human beings to judge the way the laws and trial procedures were implemented in my arrest, detention, interrogation, trial, and sentencing. I wish for that judgment to be placed on a page of the history of this era in order to show the way I have had to endure the present situation, putting my best asset, my life, out of my control like this. If we focus on the fact that everyone’s life is his most valuable asset, we will heed caution in issuing prison sentences or illegal detention orders
Photo essay: Magical change of seasons in Colorado Aspens
Parviz Forghani >>>
The Sentencing of Heshmat Tabarzadi
I try to call Tabarzadi’s family every few weeks. There is so little that can be done outside of Iran to help his case. However, what I have realized through this last imprisonment, is that very little is known about him in the English-speaking media. In Iran he has a large following. He is known for his work before and after 18 Tir. This morning when I spoke with his son, Hossein, I asked him what we could do, and he said, let people outside of Iran know about my father
Thirty-one years after the tragedy
by Behdad Bordbar
Qarana, a Kurdish village in Western Iran, was attacked by armed agents of Gholam-Reza Hasani, the Friday Imam of Urmia on 11 Shahrivar 1358 (September 2, 1979). In the course of this attack, 42 women, men, children, infants, and old peoople from the village were killed. This disaster occurred in the disturbed atmosphere following the revolution when armed Kurdish groups were fighting the government's forces, but according to the existing information and eye-witnesses' explanations, the villagers of Qarana were unarmed
Is it not a greater sin to deny people their basic human and civil rights based on an alleged sin?
It is from a position of relative privilege that I sense a strong religious and civic obligation to address the most pressing injustices that face our nation today and beseech the rest of my community to do the same. I know that many Muslims, as well as Jews and Christians, may think that homosexuality is wrong based on their readings of their religious texts. And while I wholeheartedly disagree with them, I still appeal to them to follow the greater teachings of our respective faiths
Photo essay: Finding a chef for cooking lessons in Budapest
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Iranian women poised for major setback
by Shayan Ghajar
In the past month the government has pursued the passage of laws through parliament that would roll back what limited legal rights women are granted in Iran. In late August, a controversial bill, ironically dubbed the "Family Protection Bill," was reintroduced to the Iranian parliament after languishing three years while tabled for review. Articles 22, 23 and 24, seek to impose heavy taxation of women's alimony and dowry, remove the requirement to register temporary marriages, and eliminate the need for a husband to prove financial solvency or ask his wife's permission before marrying another woman
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s claims vs. truth
by Farshad Hoseini
Last year, under public pressure, Ahmadinejad outrageously declared that Neda had been killed by protestors rather than the regime’s own security forces. This year, he has outrageously announced that Sakineh was never sentenced to death by stoning. The reason for his absurd claim is not that there is any truth in it but because of the massive international protest movement against stoning and executions in Iran led by the International Committee against Stoning and the International Committee against Execution
در صف مقدم حرکتی میلیونی در یکی از سختترین شرایط مبارزه سیاسی ایران
خانم رهنورد در مصاحبه اخیر خود با نیکآهنگ کوثر در سایت «خودنویس» از این قتل عام تحت عنوان «جنایت» و «لکههای سیاهی ... که به آب زمزم و کوثر سفید نتوان کرد» یاد کرده است. فراموش نکنیم که رهبران اصلاحطلب در جمهوری اسلامی تا همین یکی دو سال گذشته حتا به ندرت حاضر میشدند در مورد این فاجعه سخنی بگویند. و اکنون زهرا رهنورد در عین این که از همسرش به عنوان یک «مذهبی دوستدار امام خمینی» یاد میکند ابایی ندارد که قتل عام سال ۶۷ را جنایت و لکه سیاه بنامد.
Photo essay: Hossein Derakhshan's last days of freedom
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Seven Bahai leaders seek freedom
More than a year and a half after being arrested and held without charges, a sham trial began in January of this year in which the lawyers defending the seven religious leaders were given barely an hour’s access to their clients. Strung out over half a year, six hasty courtroom sessions were held, each one characterized by a lack of due process. The abbreviated but slow-moving trial came to an abrupt end on June 14 with convictions for all seven prisoners on charges of espionage, propaganda against the Islamic Republic and the establishment of an illegal administration
یا پای دیواری، یا میباس که تعهد عملی تو به نظام نشون بدی
اولین بار که آمد، برای قرص خواب بود. سی و چند ساله، اما پنجاه میزد. از آخرین فیزیکالش پرسیدم. با لرزشی عصبی سرش را تکان داد: "تازه اومدم، پناهندهام - همون والیوم کافیه!" دو سالی که ونکوور بود، بیش و بیشتر آمد. برای زخم معده، طپش قلب، اضطراب و افسردگی. گفتم، بد نیست یه روانپزشک خوبم ببینی. اما اصرار داشت که، "اینا حرف ما رو نمیفهمند!"
Interview with Hossein Derakhshan’s mother
by Kamtarin
Hossein had had some conversations with Press TV about working in their Tehran office. Even during the days before his arrest, he would sometimes go to their office since we didn’t have high speed internet at home. Before his return to Iran, the High Council of Iranian Affairs Abroad promised Hossein that his trip would be without problem. He had cleared his trip with this Council which is governmental and which is in contact with the Intelligence Ministry. That’s why even though Hossein knew that they would call him to be questioned, he did not expect to be arrested
Photo essay: Radio Javan party in San Francisco
by Poriya Moazzami
Painter Nozar Azadi’s debut exhibition in Los Angeles
Nazy Kaviani >>>
Student movement remains vibrant despite pressure
Life for students in Iran has not been easy, especially those who seek justice or demand more freedom. Yet some of Iran’s best and brightest come out of Iranian universities and are sought after by American universities. Many have had to leave their homeland to seek more freedom, opportunities or take refuge in exile from harassment and imprisonment. Iran’s brave students continue to resist despite being targeted by IRI officials. They are once again holding the banner of the struggle for democracy, freedom, civil rights and the rule of law whether in prison or outside