دروغ هایی به بزرگی خدا (3)

جامعه ای سرشار از عدالت و برابری و رفاه عمومی و امنیت و ... توهمی بیش نبود

01-Dec-2010 (one comment)
خلافت ابوبکر تنها دو سال و 3 ماه به درازا کشید. او فرصت یافت تا برخی از یاغیان عرب در سرزمین حجاز را ساکت کند و تمامی شبه جزیره را به تصرف درآورد، سردار عرب، "خالد" را به فتح بخش هایی از ایران و روم شرقی (بیزانس) بفرستد و... خالد تا پیش از مرگ ابوبکر، فرصت یافت بخش های جنوبی عراق را از ایرانیان و بخش هایی از سوریه در امپراطوری روم شرقی را تصرف کند>>>


Search for New Home

Search for New Home

Photo essay: Seeing friends and sights

by Monda
28-Nov-2010 (30 comments)



From Black to White Shiʿism

Never has Shiʿism witnessed such overwhelming criticism from Islamic thinkers and revisionists

28-Nov-2010 (2 comments)
In the dusk of the twentieth century, a mystical and quietist religion changed into a politico-revolutionary ideology that shook the world. How was this transformation brought about? Who were the men who transformed the faith into a weapon? What does the future hold for revolutionary Shiʿism? Martyrology and Messianism, the two main pillars of Shiʿism, can be traced back to two transformative events in the history of Islam: the killing of the Third Imam and the occultation of the Twelfth Imam>>>


The Movie Quitters

It was our country and we missed it

28-Nov-2010 (2 comments)
The movie was wonderful, beautiful, heartbreaking. "The hell with this," my uncle said. "I'm tired of being moved to tears by American movies. When are they going to be moved to tears by Iranian movies? It's no good." He wiped his eyes. "I've had it. I've had it with their joys and sorrows and their music in the background. It is too beautiful. I do not have the room inside myself any more. I have seen too much.">>>


Fresh New Modern

Fresh New Modern

Photo essay: Sightseeing in Beijing

by yolanda
26-Nov-2010 (14 comments)



حکومت فرهنگ خشونت

کدامین صحنه فاجعه‌بارتر و تکان‌دهنده‌تر است؟

26-Nov-2010 (6 comments)
واکنش حکومتی که جامعه‌ای چنین خشن آفریده و پلیس‌اش نه فقط برای جلوگیری از جرم و نجات جان یک انسان اقدامی انجام نداده و بلکه با به تماشا ایستادن خود مجرم را عملا تشویق کرده و مرگ مقتول را باعث شده است، برای پاسخگویی و جبران این فاجعه چیست؟ پذیرش مسئولیت قتل از طرف حکومت و پرداخت خسارت برای ارضای خانواده مقتول؟ بازنگری در فرهنگ خشونت که همه ارکان حکومت را در بر گرفته است؟ و ... ابدا>>>


دروغ هایی به بزرگی خدا (2)

ایده ی "اتحاد ملل اسلامی" بیشتر بر مبنای عقده نسبت به برتری اروپاییان استوار بود

25-Nov-2010 (3 comments)
در واقع "صدر اسلام" دوره ای از تاریخ اسلام بود که به دلیل ابهامی که داشت، می شد همه جور النگ و دولنگی به آن بست و از مخالف خوانی "معاندین" و "اصحاب فتنه" هم نهراسید. چرا که نسل همدوره ی پیامبر و نسل بعد از او، هنوز زنده بود و می شد از قول هر کدامشان هزاران حدیث و خبر ساخت که؛ "من خود شنیدم که رسول خدا چنین گفت،... یا بخدا قسم دیدم که محمدبن عبدالله چنین کرد و ... به پرسش یک مسلمان، یا انکار یک کافر، یا مرتد، یا دشمن ... چگونه پاسخ داد >>>


Khoda Ba Maast

Sogand's "God is With Us"

24-Nov-2010 (10 comments)


Unbelievable bond

While roaming “Cloud Nine” a new friendship had begun

Over the years of life in Chicago, with two jobs and three children, my participation in the Iranian’s literary circles was limited to the annual poetry nights, and/or events of huge presences such as Shamlou, Pezeshkzad, Behbahabi and Amirshahi. Now ten years later, it was a writer’s dream of returning to Chicago to introduce my new book. One could say I worked that entire week, however, this time “work” had a whole new meaning. What had once been a luxury was now considered hard work and sometimes I had to tear myself away from book discussions just so I could visit old friends>>>


The Open Mind

The Open Mind

Photo essay: In memory of Masoud Barzin

by Saeed Barzin
21-Nov-2010 (23 comments)



The Blue Flower of Forgetfulness

Excerpt from novel

21-Nov-2010 (6 comments)
The way I remember it, when we returned from our studies, the nation had not been ready for us. And when the revolution happened, we were not ready for it. We were industrialists, entrepreneurs, doctors and architects, statisticians, adjustors, and comptrollers. We were idealists who had clothed a nation with Barak clothes and Bella shoes, washed a nation with Darugar soap and a nation’s laundry with Snow and with Sea detergents. We had never been politicians, that particular avenue had been closed to us>>>


نقره‌هایم را طلا کردم

شدم کنفسیوس و به جای حرف زدن هایکو می گفتم

21-Nov-2010 (8 comments)
یادگرفتم یواش یواش انگلیسی حرف بزنم. دیدم لغت جدید یادم نمی ماند، یاد گرفتم چطوری با همان لغت‌هایی که بلدم سر و ته ماجرا را هم بیاورم. نمی توانستم خیلی توضیح بدهم یاد گرفتم مختصر و مفید حرف بزنم. آنقدر ماجرا را می چلاندم تا در غالب یک مثال یا جمله یا حتی یک عبارت بگنجانم>>>


Reaching the Heavens

Reaching the Heavens

Photo essay: Places & People

by Sadjad S.
19-Nov-2010 (20 comments)



(Life in parentheses)

An intimate portrait of author, director & composer Reza Ghassemi

19-Nov-2010 (6 comments)


Guilty as Charged

Resolution on Iran’s human rights violations approved

19-Nov-2010 (15 comments)
The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly’s strong approval of a draft resolution, condemning Iran for grave human right violations, is a welcome step in the continuing effort to put a stoplight on the country’s growing human rights crisis. The General Assembly will formally adopt the resolution in December. UN human rights bodies should put in place mechanisms to hold Iran accountable for its rights abuses and toward implementing the resolution>>>


Journey Without a Camel

Roya Movafegh's "The People With No Camel"

19-Nov-2010 (5 comments)
I paused when I saw the title of Roya Movafegh’s first book, The People With No Camel. The grammar, the possible meaning, and her choice of imagery made me wonder – and want more. This is the reader’s first clue that The People With No Camel is not just another Iranian woman’s post-Revolution memoir. Upon opening the book she explains: “According to the laws of Sharia in Iran, if a Muslim man is murdered, his family may be compensated according to the price of one hundred camels>>>


Postcards From You

Postcards From You

Photo essay

by shahireh sharif
17-Nov-2010 (10 comments)



سرکوب وکلا

سرکوب جامعه مدنی

17-Nov-2010 (5 comments)
آن‌‌‌چه که سرکوب حقوق‌‌‌دانان را از سرکوب سایر فعالان جامعه منی متمایز می‌‌‌کند این است که اینان صرفا به دلیل فعالیت حرفه‌‌‌ای خود به زندان می‌‌‌افتند و سرکوب می‌‌‌شوند. می‌‌‌توان تصور کرد که سایر فعالان جامعه مدنی به اصطلاح سر خود را به زیر بیندازند و کار خود را انجام دهند و از حط قرمزهای شناخته شده و ناشناخته عبور نکنند. مثلا می‌‌‌توان تصور کرد که حتا یک روزنامه‌‌‌نگار/خبرنگار کار خود را در گزارش وقایع انجام دهد، ولی در مورد مسایلی که مقامات نمی‌‌‌پسندند سکوت کند>>>


Intelligent Chords

A conversation with Abjee Melody Safavi

15-Nov-2010 (3 comments)
The Abjeez Band will be coming to the San Francisco Bay Area on Saturday, December 4, 2010, to perform at the Great American Music Hall. I had a chance to chat with Melody (a.k.a. AbjeeZooloo!) of Abjeez Band this week. The fabulous band is kicking off their American tour in the San Francisco in a short few weeks, and I wanted to find out what to expect so that I could come and tell you!>>>



History of an historic province, part I

14-Nov-2010 (3 comments)
The southern province of Fars is generally hot and humid with mountains and lakes. Sub-tropical forests cover the southern strip of the province which causes agriculture and wildlife to flourish. There are three distinct climatic regions in the Fars Province. First, the mountainous area of the north and northwest with moderate cold winters and mild summers secondly, the central region, with relatively rainy mild winters, and hot dry summers>>>