Social Media to Take on Governments

Middle East e-journalists challenging dominant state institutions

It has been a roller-coaster decade for the media in the Middle East and North Africa -- many who have turned to the Internet to write about human rights and corruption find themselves facing increasingly restrictive measures by the authorities. The meteoric rise of Twitter and Facebook as global communications phenomena created a sub-genre of communication theory and viewer/user interactivity which reshaped the way news organizations planned coverage>>>


روشنفکر دفرمه

راز سر به مهر بوف کور

02-Jan-2011 (48 comments)
هدایت «بیمار» نیست که او را روی تخت روانکاوی دراز کنیم؛ هدایت را کسانی روی تختخواب کج و کوله ی روانکاویشان دراز میکنند که «خود» مفهوم سرگشتگیها و شرم و خجالتهای هدایت را از عقب افتادگی «پیشتازان» و تحصیلکردگان ایرانی نمیفهمند. اینان، خود بیمارانی هستند که در زنجیرهای سنت، عقل ستیزی و عقبماندگی شیعه گری/کمونیستی شان قفل شده اند، و چون تعریفی برای سرگشتگیهای هدایت نمییابند، او را همچون اندیشه ی خود، «بیمار» ارزیابی میکنند>>>


Are We Really So Special?

Giving up some specialness to live more in peace and harmony with others

02-Jan-2011 (7 comments)
My children often remind me of how infatuated I am with my Iranianness and how obsessed I am with my cultural distinctiveness. Admittedly, we Iranians are not shy about acknowledging the superiority of our culture, especially of our religion. We have a keen tendency to over-glorify our historical achievements. Some of us are indeed puffed up with pride, particularly when it comes to our past, no matter how upset we are with our present>>>


Israel is a Trip (2)

Not there yet

31-Dec-2010 (16 comments)
Just a few days away from boarding an El AL 777 to Tel Aviv, I got an email saying that our government-sponsored friendship trip has been delayed because Israel's foreign ministry is in the middle of a salary dispute. Foreign service diplomats miffed over being paid much less than Mossad, IDF and other government agencies are showing up at work in jeans, sneakers, and T-shirts that say on them , "I'm a poor diplomat." The first thing I thought of was whether those shirts come in extra large because Manouchehr Mottaki could really use one>>>


رقص ممنوعه

یادمان نرود که تا همین ۵۰ سال پیش هم نواختن تمبک برابر بود با خاری و ذلّت

31-Dec-2010 (6 comments)
متاسفانه فرهنگ ستیزی، زن ستیزی، رقص ستیزی و موسیقی‌ ستیزی آخوندها از بدو ورود اسلام به ایران و القاب، برچسب و انگ واژهٔ‌های مستهجنی همچون مطرب، خالتور، بندتمبونی، روحوضی که هر کدام در حقیقت در طول دوره ایی از تاریخ مان بر سر زبون‌ها افتاده است و اطلاق آنان به نوازندگان و هنرمندانی که در حقیقت می‌باید قشر تحت حمایت جامعه باشند نتیجهٔ ۱۴۰۰ سال جهل مرکبی است که واقعا در میان جوامع بشری دیده نشده است>>>


Laughter has to be the best medicine

I try hard to laugh, but...

31-Dec-2010 (3 comments)
On a rainy day in Southern California, you can’t help but think sad thoughts. And if it just happens that a good friend has recently passed away, those thoughts may be even sadder. However, it is precisely on such days when you need your laughter the most. I’m trying to remember funny incidents, but all can thin k of are stories that have to do with “death.” >>>


The Creek

"I think it will help me figure out how to be their father in America"

31-Dec-2010 (one comment)
They walked to the creek and on the way Hassan thought that his children looked like they'd forgotten all about the attendants though he knew of course that they hadn't. He had thought his children would hear the stories and see only the princes and princesses but they had seen the attendants. The thing he wondered if his heart could match was the way they talked to each other as if it was obvious. They talked like they had already been seeing them before they heard the story>>>


Cool Colombia

Cool Colombia

Photo essay: Family trip to Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena, Santa Marta...

by farzaneh
29-Dec-2010 (12 comments)



His Majesty, His Prison

Ali Saremi's letter before execution

29-Dec-2010 (21 comments)
Since [Ali Khamenei's] accession to the throne, I have been in prison and I am unaware what is happening outside... At the same time when I was arrested, an interrogator claimed that there were only a total of 80 political prisoners in the entire country. Right now, there are more than 400 political prisoners only in Evin and Gohardasht prisons. I don’t know about the rest of the country. Besides, in those years, a few party insiders were politically active. Right now, even that does not exist. It isn’t very difficult to determine under what conditions non-political prisoners live>>>


زبان دهكده جهانی

زبان مادری و انگلیسی بجای زبان فارسی

29-Dec-2010 (10 comments)
جهان امروز را دهكده جهانی می نامند و زبان این دهكده، امروزبدون تعارف زبان انگلیسی است، هركس و هر ملتی كه زبان این دهكده را بهتر بداند وبه آن مسلط شود، از امكانات مادی و معنوی آن بیشتراستفاده خواهد كرد و جایگاه مناسب خود را در آن پیدا كرده و وظیفه و نقش خود را به درستی ایفا خواهدنمود در غیر این صورت، منزوی خواهد شد و ازصحنه بازی كنار خواهد افتاد. >>>


گلوی فشرده
29-Dec-2010 (11 comments)
مارگریتا با نوازش سرم، بیدارم کرد. منگ کابوس با چشمان نیمه باز گفتم: «اعدام شدند؟» با قطره اشکی که از چشمان مارگریتای انگلیسی به صورتم چکیده شد، از روی تخت بلند شدم. زیر دوش رفتم تا از خواب - بیداری ام بیدار شوم. با اینکه آب کافی به روی تن و صورتم ریخته می شد، حس می کردم دلم می خواست آنقدر آب باشد که غرقم بکند>>>


Islamic McCarthyism

Harsh sentencing of a world-renowned director prompts international protests

27-Dec-2010 (7 comments)
When world-renowned filmmaker Jafar Panahi was sentenced to six years in prison earlier this week, the verdict reverberated both inside and outside Iran. Not only did authorities in Tehran hand down an exceptionally harsh sentence, they also decreed that the 50-year-old Panahi will be banned from filmmaking, screenwriting and traveling abroad for the next 20 years. According to his relatives, Panahi has also been banned from talking to the media. Along with Panahi, Muhammad Rasoulof, another filmmaker involved with Panahi’s movie, was also sentenced to six years in prison>>>


Dream On

Dream On

Photo essay: Short stop in Venice

by Jahanshah Javid
24-Dec-2010 (15 comments)




Iranian divorce rate skyrockets

24-Dec-2010 (9 comments)
Although Iran is not found on current lists of countries with high divorce rates, it seems the country may possibly have the highest divorce rate in the world today. A study released by a research group at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran earlier this month reports that the divorce rate in Iran could be as high as 90% among couples who marry by choice as opposed to more traditional arranged marriages. The split between traditional arranged marriages and more modern “love” marriages is larger than you might think>>>


From Budapest to Buddhapest

From Budapest to Buddhapest

Photo essay: Leaving the cave

by Jahanshah Javid
23-Dec-2010 (3 comments)



Urmia Philharmonic Orchestra

Classical music in capital of West Azarbaijan Province

22-Dec-2010 (10 comments)


ترور کور و انتقام کور

حلقه‌هایی جدید از دور باطل خشونتی که در سه دهه گذشته در صحنه سیاسی ایران پیدا شده

22-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
رژیم ایران و جندالله، دو نیرویی که در دو سوی مسابقه قتل و ترور قرار گرفته‌اند، نشان داده‌اند که جز فرهنگ خشونت و انتقام راه دیگری برای حل مشکلات خود نمی‌شنانسد، و هر یک رفتار دیگری را توجیه کننده واکنش خود می‌دانند. و در این دور باطل خشونت، البته مردم عادی کوچه و بازار هستند که قربانی عملیات تروریستی جندالله می‌گردند، و زندانیان بی‌دفاع بلوچ که دسته دسته به چوبه‌های دار سپرده می‌شوند>>>



Gently pushing each boundary of classical Persian music

22-Dec-2010 (5 comments)
Hamed Nikpay's third album completes the young virtuoso’s artistic sojourn. He is finally home as a mature and confident master, unafraid to be fully himself. Having played for so many large audiences, Nikpay revisits tradition-inspired Persian music and delights the listener with new orchestral sounds and melodic innovations. Notably Nikpay’s bringing Shervin Mohajer’s inventive kamanche playing to the ensemble has added a flavorful string sound that is sometimes hard to distinguishable from the violin and cello>>>


Persian Roots of Christian Traditions

Common beliefs and myths that bind people across the globe

22-Dec-2010 (6 comments)
While Christians around the world are preparing to celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25th, the Persians are set to tribute one of their most festive celebrations on Dec. 21st, the eve of winter solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. In Iran this night is called SHAB-E YALDAA, also known as SHAB-E CHELLEH, which refers to the birthday or rebirth of the sun. In the East more than in the West, lifestyles have often remained more in tune with nature>>>


Nadid Padid

Amir Astro sings about "innocent girls"

21-Dec-2010 (31 comments)