Reconsidering IRI's denial of a seat at the UN women's committee
This notion of seeing isolation as a tool for regime change is not anything new. We saw this when FIFA denied Iranian female young soccer players a place at the world youth Olympics in Singapore because of their outfit, some argued that their government sanctioned outfit is a degrading item, not counting the sad impact on those young players itself who had lived for that dream. A few years ago known activists constantly demonstrated against a Berlin women's soccer club, which was planning to go to Iran and play the Iranian national team
Iran expert Trita Parsi on nuclear stalemate
by Michael Coleman
When Trita Parsi founded the National Iranian American Council in the aftermath of Sept. 11, 2001, he hoped to give a voice to Iranians in the United States who condemned the terrorist attacks as vehemently as most natural-born Americans did. In the years since, the council has grown to include several thousand members and its role has taken on a more complex — and some say controversial — mission
It is amazing how little compassion the Iranian Muslims receive
I recently heard a talk by an Iranian-American writer, Angella Nazarian, who like many other immigrants has a sad story to tell. In her book, Life As A Visitor, she describes her emigration from Iran at age eleven. While I found her to be a skilled speaker in command of her audience, I saw a much bigger picture and a nagging question prevented me from enjoying the event. “What about all the others?” Too many Iranians have suffered the aftermath of the last four decades’ political and social changes
Historic photos published by Institute for Iranian Contemporary Historical Studies
by JB
Iranian Regime threatens world with woman’s Death
Throughout the ordeal of human rights activists to clarify Ashtiani’s sentence and attempt to save her life, the Iranian regime authorities have retaliated with denying the facts (E.g. the denial of the stoning sentence for Ashtiani by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other regime authorities). Additionally, the illegal statements made against Ashtiani, the mishandling of her file [E.g. extracting false confessions from Ashtiani and denying lawyers from viewing her file and visiting her], and the arrest of two German journalists, her son and lawyer are urgent reasons why her case requires the full attention of human rights lawyers and activists
Photo essay: “Toward a Culture of Civil Liberties, Human Rights and Democracy in Iran”
Nazy Kaviani >>>
Photo essay: University of Maryland conference on human rights in Iran
by Hasan Sarbakhshian
ملکه مادر که خوب میدانست بخاطر قجر نبودن، تنها فرزندان او میتوانستند شاه شوند، بیدی نبود که از آن بادها بلرزد.
"خوبه، خوبه، خوبه ... مرتیکه پر رو ... بچهام رو بدم به اون قزاقهای فاسدت!؟ اصلا تقصیر خودته که پسر نازنینمو هنوز دهسالش که نشده بود، فرستادی دیار غربت و دادیدش دست یه مشت سویسی اون کاره! میخواستی همین جا نگرش داری و مواظبش باشی. ولی نه، حضرت عالی خیال داشتید که دستتون باز باز باشه و بتونید طاق و جفت زن جدید بگیرید."
Magic is making the simple enigmatic
Puff the magic dragon! Even the country’s official name is magically evocative: The Kingdom of the Peaceful Thunder Dragon. Barely a half-million “people from the highland,” which Bhutan means in Sanskrit, have created a distinct culture in the isolation of their abode which is the narrow valleys of the Inner Himalaya Mountains. In that Shangri-la over centuries they mixed Tibetan Mahayana Buddhism with esoteric Tantrism and local Bon myths and legends of demons and animistic deities. Their only standing monuments of the past are the fortresses of their feudal elite
Photo essay: Journey to enigmatic Bhutan
Keyvan Tabari >>>
در هفتههای اخیر که اخبار این اعدامها به بیرون درز کرده، چند سازمان سیاسی و مدنی آن را محکوم کردهاند؟
جمهوری اسلامی باز به یکی از عادتهای دیرین خود بازگشته است: کشت، کشتار، کشتار مکرر و آن هم در سکوت. بنا به گزارشهای موثق، در یک سال و نیم گذشته، صدها نفر در زندان وکیلآباد مشهد حلقآویز شدهاند. مقامات رژیم وقوع این کشتارها را تلویحا یا تصریحا تأیید کردهاند، ولی از ارائه هرگونه رقم و عددی سر باز میزنند. این اعدامیان ظاهرا تماما به اتهامات مربوط به مواد مخدر به مرگ محکوم شده بودند. در بسیاری از موارد، بستگان و خانوادههای آنان از سرنوشت آنان و روز و زمان اعدامشان آگاهی نداشتهاند
I’m a smoker who hasn’t touched a cigarette in more than seven years
I grew up in an era when smoking was cool. Movie stars looked so much better holding a cigarette between their fingers, not to mention James Dean, placing one loosely in the corner of his mouth. Office employees smoked at their desks and even stores didn’t mind smoking customers. At parties and pubs, the air was so thick with smoke that it was hard to see who was there. Etiquette dictated that a gentleman first offer you a cigarette and light it for you. Which would explain the array of lighters -not just the cheap Bic, but Dunhill and later gold DuPont that cost a fortune
Photo essay: People & Places
alisattarpour >>>
گفتاری در پدیدار شناسی تواب سازی در زندانهای جمهوری اسلامی در دهه ی 60
در پدیدارشناسی زندان تنها دو هویت وجود دارد: زندانی و زندانبان، قربانی و شکنجه گر، محکوم و حاکم. پدیده ی تواب سازی جریان خلق یک هویت سوم است، هویتی که دو هویت بالا را توما در خود دارد. تواب کسی است که با آن که خود زندانی است زندانبان یاران قبلی خود می شود، با آنکه قربانی است شکنجه گر می شود و دیگران را قربانی می کند، با آنکه محکوم است و باید طبق حکمش زندانی بکشد بر دیگر زندانیان که از جنس او نیستند حکم می راند. پس تواب یک موجود دوزیستی است
Maryam Hashemi’s paintings
by Roya Jahanbin
I spent hours looking at her works following her tireless strive to spit back the entrapped feelings of those years living under the iron law of veil and its harsh repressive influence on a growing up girl with flying imagination. Maryam’s painting between 2001 & 2006 shows how she throws back on the canvas that was forced down her throat while dipping her brushes in other styles. She is not a depressive painter, she does not simply stomach what is forced on her. The “Family Day Out” is a universal teenage agony with or without veil
America's architectural footprint in Iran
During the 1960s and 70s, before any of the
Marg bar Amrika (Death to America) banners of Iran's religious right, and before the bastardized quasi-soviet housing projects that mushroomed all over Iran's landscape, there existed a healthy balance of architectural exchanges between Iran and the United States, many of which resulted in some familiar landmark sites, facilities, and buildings, still seen today in Iran. The builders of some of these buildings in Iran are of international stature in recent architectural history. They most certainly deserve a mention
درست یک سال پیش بهار در بهترین وضعیت آب و هوا بار و بندیلم را برداشتهام آمدهام اینجا
خاطره، خاطره، خاطره این خاطره لعنتی ناخنهای تیزش را فرو میکند توی پوستم، گوشتم، قلبم، روحم و روانم. دوست مهاجری می گفت: دلم تنگ می شود چه کنم؟ گفتم: طاقت بیاور. به اندازای که با یک کفش نو اینقدر سر کنی تا کهنه شود، دلتنگیات را با اولین کفش کهنهات دور میاندازی و دیگر تمام میشود. دیگر توی شهر جدیدت اینقدر خاطرات ریز و درشت و خاطرات بد و خوب داری که سرت گرم میشود و مجالی برای دلتنگی نمیماند
Photo essay: An evening with Nikahang Kowsar on his 41st birthday
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Photo essay: Rick Steves in Iran and other stories
by Abdi Sami