A Country With Flavor

Cross-country travel reveals different climates and sceneries

People are generally tolerant and welcoming. Shopkeepers invite shoppers to their own shop; some overenthusiastic invitation, however, can feel slightly tense and intimidating, particularly in narrow streets with shops on both sides. It tends to be harmless and easily ends by firmly rejecting the invitation and walking away. Haggle is part of the shopping experience in most places. As a rule of thumb, the cost can be pushed down to anything between third and half (sometimes even less)>>>


نسرین را دریابیم

پشتیبانی از فراخوان تحصن مقابل سازمان ملل در ژنو

20-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
هموطنان: نگذاریم فریبکاری، ستمگری، و دروغ و تهمت زنی های مرسوم در برخی از رسانه های داخلی خود را به عرصه رسانه های جهانی بکشانند و با سوء استفاده از کم اطلاعی و ناشی گری خبرنگاران خارجی بر نقض حقوق بشر در ایران سر پوش بگذارند. جهانیان باید بدانند که زندانیان سیاسی و عقیدتی در ایران را دانشجویان، روزنامه نگاران، فعالان حقوق زنان؛ معلمان، وکلا و حقوق دانان، اصلاح طلبان سیاسی، مدافعان حقوق اقوام و اقلیت های مذهبی، کارگران و حتی روحانیان معترض و خشونت پرهیز تشکیل می دهند که حتی بر مبنای قوانین خود جمهوری اسلامی مرتکب جرمی نشده اند>>>


House of Gods

House of Gods

Photo essay: Getty Villa museum in Los Angeles

by Bita



Joining Them

What’s Christmas to you?

17-Dec-2010 (6 comments)
Don’t know what makes me think of the old saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them.” It sounds rather hostile, doesn’t it? But I have always been good at “Joining them” even where “beating them” hasn’t been the issue. As a child, I joined the village kids on my father’s farms and played their games. As a young adult, I wore a headscarf -- way back before it became mandatory -- so I could work in the earthquake-stricken city of Ghaen, where women observed hejab. Like a chameleon, I adapt and try to blend into my surrounding>>>


Born Again

Born Again

Photo essay: Seduced by Florence's glorious beauty

by Jahanshah Javid
15-Dec-2010 (24 comments)



Israel is a Trip (1)

My primary interest in this trip will be to find out how our Iranian Jews have fared in Israel culturally

15-Dec-2010 (50 comments)
Consul General Jacob Dayan is the senior representative of the State of Israel in Southwestern United States. He runs a busy consulate and I certainly hadn't expected to meet the top man when I contacted his office with questions about who was paying for my journalism trip to Israel. Yet, the charismatic diplomat whose youthfulness contrasts pleasantly with the responsibility of his office, graciously offered his time to answer some questions>>>


Separating Fact & Fiction

Sakineh Mohammadi's case

14-Dec-2010 (15 comments)
The new Sakineh confession broadcast on Press TV on Saturday, December 11, is the new episode of the strange "reality" show that the Iranian regime has staged around her case. Even though I have been following this case very closely, it has become difficult for me to keep track of all the new stories that the Iranian authorities have regularly added to it. It seems that they are trying to confuse the world, and I'm afraid that they have been very successful in doing just that>>>


Fars II

History of an historic province, part 2

14-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
Under Omar Fars was captured by the Arabs, the Persians quickly gave in to the power of the Arab armies.Rashidun Empire stretched from West Africa to Central Asia. Fars became one of the major provinces of Rashidun Empire and cross roads between Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Fars contained vast industry just as it had during the Sassanian and Parthian eras. Uthman ibn Affan (579 –656) created the first Islamic navy and hired Persian marines, he also hired mercenaries from Iran namely the tough knight style “cataphracts” and professional infantry forces drawn from two provinces of Iran, Khorasan and Fars>>>


My Day, Rights Day

I hope we can stop this cycle of death, retribution, and revenge

09-Dec-2010 (2 comments)
December 10th is my birthday, and it coincides with Human Rights Day. I am grateful to be alive and well, but every year I realize that when it comes to global human rights, things are not any better, and Iran has certainly topped the list in the recent past. I wish I could write a jolly piece but my heart and soul are not joyful these days. Iran last year ranked second in executions, between China and the United States>>>


From Political Activists to Homosexuals

Interview with Ann Harrison, Amnesty Int’l Middle East Specialist

09-Dec-2010 (4 comments)
A new definition of PRISONERS OF CONSCIENCE caught my eye in an email exchange with a friend at Amnesty International. While it included political prisoner, the definition was much broader than what Iranians usually have in mind. I asked Ann Harrison to further explain how Amnesty International defines prisoners of conscience. Ann Harrison, a Middle East specialist, has worked for Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Programme for over 13 years in total since 1989>>>


Our Responsibility

Culture of human rights cultivates tolerance

The cultural concept of human rights is universal: all human beings, male and female, are born equal with an essential dignity manifested in living freely and responsibly. The universality of human rights is founded on the interdependence of all human beings, so it is historically logical to stress that the principle of human rights belongs neither uniquely to the West, nor the East, but all people everywhere. A fair account of the history of human rights needs to be acknowledged by those aspiring to have theirs recognized>>>


Romeo Returns

Romeo Returns

Photo essay: Visiting Juliet's home in Verona, Italy

by Jahanshah Javid
07-Dec-2010 (22 comments)



Let me write the ways

Let me write the ways

Photo essay: Messages of love on the walls of Verona, Italy

by Jahanshah Javid
07-Dec-2010 (2 comments)



How many of you celebrated Chanukah?

Every year around this time I think of Mrs. Lovi

Living in Highland Park, Illinois for over twenty years, and mingling among its 90% Jewish population, I should have known better than to expect my second grader to be happy with one night of Christmas. But since Christmas and Chanukah often came around the same time, none of us had paid attention. Then came a year such as this, when the two events were weeks apart and on a Monday, when I picked up my son from school, I noticed a new gloom in his attitude>>>


مسواکتو می دی من؟

به شرطی شب پیشت می مونم که مسواکتو بدی من دندونامو بشورم

07-Dec-2010 (53 comments)
چی؟ از سر کار بیام پیشت؟ باشه میام ولی اگه از سر کار بیام، خسته و کر و کثیفم. اگه بخوام دوش بگیرم حوله ات رو می دی بهم؟ یه چیز دیگه، با من میای حموم، پشتمو لیف بزنی؟ اصلاً با هم حموم کنیم با هم زیر دوش جیش کنیم. میگم که، اگه یه چیزی ازت بخوام گوش می دی؟ چیز عجیبی ازت نمی خوام ولی تورو خدا نه نگو. می گم دودولتو بده من باهاش جیش کنم. یعنی من بگیرمش تو جیش کنی. پسر چه باحال می شه>>>


Innocence Lost

Seven-year-old's eloquent anger at Islamic Republic

06-Dec-2010 (209 comments)


When in Rome, Get Lost

When in Rome, Get Lost

Photo essay: One day in the Italian capital

by Jahanshah Javid
04-Dec-2010 (29 comments)



Hands of Ignorance

Ever so victorious in defeating yet another woman

03-Dec-2010 (5 comments)
One would look at Shahla and her bold, brave, manner of defending herself in public court, and would wonder sadly at how her passion was so overtly wasted on the lustful desires of a man. What would Shahla be if not infatuated at age 13 with a grown man who enjoyed celebrity status? Where would she be now if her talents, passion and drive had been exerted towards attainments which would be possible for women in an atmosphere of true equality? >>>


Roman Dinner

Roman Dinner

Photo essay: Grilled vegetables & Arrabiata pasta

by Jahanshah Javid
02-Dec-2010 (3 comments)



It’s The Season

Can memories be erased just because we moved? Nah!

01-Dec-2010 (4 comments)
Year after year, the holiday blues seem to arrive a bit earlier than before. As we join the celebration of a season that matters to the people we’ve come to love, it’s only polite to show enthusiasm. Once again, the stores are swarmed with shoppers and a bad economy seems long forgotten. Now that I don’t have an extended list of gifts to buy, preparation is somewhat easier. As usual, my husband writes many packages of greeting cards in his best handwriting. I do the shopping and food preparations>>>