Photo essay: Before the dying days of Mubarak's regime
Keyvan Tabari >>>
Cairo’s present is in the past
The story of today’s Cairo is writ in the past. It is not just the Pyramids and the Sphinx of ancient times, it is also the monuments of Cairo’s Islamic history that make it so “now”. Here lie the double-tale symbols of the Sunni-Shiite clash and co-existence, as well as the fault lines of both “extremism” and “moderation” in a resurgent Islam that now preoccupies the concerns of much of the world. The visitors who flock to see the likes of Tutankhamun’s jewels are at peril of remaining innocent for ignoring all others that Cairo has to offer
Photo essay: Thaipusam Hindu festival in Malaysia
Rogi Karimi >>>
Award-winning journalist in Islamic Republic's prison
In a cold, concrete cell at Tehran’s Evin prison sits 36-year Hengameh Shahidi, a single mother to one little girl. The well-respected, award winning journalist and fervent women’s rights advocate was recently sentenced to a 6-year prison term for “conspiring against the Islamic regime.” In the Islamic Republic of Iran, promoting Women Rights and speaking out against violations at the hands of the reigning Ayatollahs is clearly, a grave crime
Our culture – assaulted as it may seem - still maintains its profound beauty
Among a pile of forwards I happened to receive a nice clip about the beginning phrase of Iranian fairytales,
Yeki-bood-yeki nabood - one was and one wasn’t. And it went on to conclude that such a phrase being hammered into us from childhood may well be the reason why we choose to be alone, always
“yeki” and never a team. That if one is there, the other is absent. As if someone had just offered the best food for my eccentric thoughts, my mind took off and hard as I’ve tried, I haven’t been able to get rid of it
Photo essay: Freedom rally by Iranians in Washington, DC
Ali Khaligh >>>
Photo essay: Iranians in San Francisco rally for freedom
by SFM
The King's Speech: “ordinary” people facing “extraordinary” challenges
In a cyber age of mass communication with instant access to information, where all things past seem to be abruptly dismissed as obsolete, what makes an old fashioned film in a Victorian setting so appealing to contemporary audiences worldwide? …
The mystery of The King’s Speech’s phenomenal success seems to equally astonish its director Tom Hooper as well as its talented cast of splendid actors notably Colin Firth, Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter in the title roles
صدای پر از بغض برادر صانع ژاله یادآور تراژدی دوران بربریت بود
جوانان را می کشند و خانواده هایشان را از سوگواری منع می کنند. از طریق رسانه ها و مهره هایشان، دیگران را به خیانت متهم می کند. دیکتاتوری خود را قادر برحق می بیند و هیچگونه نافرمانی را تاب نمی آورد و از سوی دیگر به هیچ مرامی پایبند نیست و از مرده ها انتقام می کشد و با انحصاری کردن جنازه و منع سوگواری آبرومندانه، و در واقع با تحقیر مقتول به تحقیر مضاعف دودمانش برمی خیزد
ریشه ها و دلایل زن ستیزی چیستند؟
زن ستیزی نشئات گرفته از فرهنگهایی ست كه در آنها زن جنس درجه دوم محسوب شده است. جوامعی كه به زن ستیزی مجال بروز میدهند زن را فرو دست و مرد را فرا دست می انگارند. تقریبا همیشه این نگرش فراتر از یك دسته بندی فرهنگی رفته است تا جایی قوانین آن جوامع، با پیش زمینه های ذهنی، طوری تدوین می شوند كه فرودستی موقعیت زن تضمین شود. جامعه ایران پس از انقلاب مثال بارز و عملی این ادعا است
Former member of the Shah's court argues a strong case
Dr. Hooshang Nahavandi, author of "Khomeini in France", is an Iranian writing about contemporary Iran, so his book accusing foreign powers of bringing Khomeini to power carries a tone of anger, sorrow and regret. When a writer says “J’accuse” it is no longer proper to ask whether he is an objective historian, but whether as aggrieved party and prosecutor he has brought sufficient evidence and argued eloquently enough to convince the jury. My verdict: guilty!
Women could challenge Islamic laws by removing their headscarves
The protests have shown that a lot of people are dissatisfied with the regime and want freedom. But what is freedom and is the current approach the correct way? The green movement is by its definition a social movement against social injustices. The method chosen to show discontent is to gather people and yelling "we want freedom", "death to X", "down with dictatorship" and clashing with security forces
Triple distilled review of Kiosk's "Triple Distilled"
In a churning sea of come and go bands, Kiosk has thankfully remained consistent, in that each successive album pushes the boundaries of what is considered normal, but more importantly Kiosk pushes me to to try and make some sort of sense of it and I grow from it. "Triple Distilled" Obviously referring to late night drinking sessions of the yore of pre-revolution Iran, specifically those in the southern part of Tehran's red light
هر چیزی شروعی دارد پایانی نیز خواهد داشت. این قانون طبیعت است.
« کالیگولا» باله ایست یک ساعت و نیمه با طراحی نیکلا لوریش، یکی از رقاصان درجه یک اپرای ملی پاریس و گیوم گاین. «کالیگولا» اولین کار او در زمینه طراحی رقص است و او شخصیت کالیگولا را با موسیقی چهار فصل آنتونیو ویوالدی بر روی صحنه آورده است. پیش از این هرگز هنگام شنیدن چهار فصل ویوالدی به کالیگولا نیندیشده بودم اما طراحی لوریش نشان می دهد که چنین امری ممکن است
Photo essay: Loosely motivated by Valentine's Day
Sid Sarshar >>>
Jasmin Darznik's "The Good Daughter"
Darznik's book is an elegant and memorable way that the author has chosen to show her love and devotion to her mother, and also for her country of birth. It is clear that Jasmin Darznik has conducted an impressive amount of research to create a believable image of Iran during the past century, and she is very successful in the depiction of an Iran that many don’t know. This book, I am sure, will be a great success, especially among the non-Iranians, as it creates a believable universe, and as an Iranian reader I feel this urge to clean up my own acts
Alireza Pahlavi and "The King’s Speech"
The tragic death of Alireza Pahlavi happened barely two weeks after the release of The King’s Speech, a popular film about the psychologically tormented younger brother of Britain’s heir to the throne. Watching the film so soon after Alireza’s suicide, I suspect he missed this inspiring work of art that had appeared in time to speak to him. The vivid portrayal of Prince Albert--who later became King George VI through an improbable twist of fate—would have lifted his spirit and occupied his mind with positive thoughts of his burden
I had heard much about the success of Iranian-American men, but knew only few stories regarding women
When I signed up to attend the recent women’s meeting in Irvine, titled Pathways to Success, I thought it best to keep my expectations low. I knew the conference was coordinated by Coastline Community College and Coastline Foundation, whose executive director happens to be an Iranian-American, Ms. Maryam Khosravani. As a member of PAAIA, I also knew that this organization had cosponsored the event. But it was the impressive list of speakers that lured me