
More than just Poland's second city

Krakow may give you the impression that it has a “second city” attitude. Its rivalry is with Warsaw, more than twice its size in population and the capital of Poland. Krakow, of course, was the original capital and remained so through Poland’s Golden Age in the 15th to 17th centuries. Krakow does not let you forget that. It flaunts the Palace and Cathedral on its Wawel Hill, both sacred national symbols, and its magnificent Old Town>>>


Fresh Classics

Persian recipes accessible to the everyday cook

New Persian Cooking offers an enticing introduction to traditional Persian cuisine through recipes that are accessible to the non-professional cook and are based on ingredients that are readily available in the West. Featuring beautiful photographs by award-winning food photographer Jason Lowe, this book will be essential for anyone interested in sampling Persian cuisine and expanding their cultural horizons>>>


Piece of the Planet

Piece of the Planet

Photo essay: Yanbu, Saudi Arabia

by Cost-of-Progress
26-Apr-2011 (11 comments)



عقده ای و حسود

مشکل اصلی ایران و ایرانیان چیست؟

24-Apr-2011 (16 comments)
مشکل اصلی ایران و ایرانیها چیست که مملکت ما به این روز افتاده؟ آیا مشکل از مآست؟ یا از دیگران هست؟ دشمنان؟ آیا ما حاضر هستیم که بییاییم و بدون تعصب نگاهی به حال و روز ایران بیاندازیم و ببینیم چرا ایران به این روز افتاده؟ مشکل از خود ما ایرانیهاست و نه هیچکس دیگر. مشکل ما ۳ چیز هستند و انان عقده، فرهنگ لاتیگری وتعصب بیش ازحد به ایران میباشند. تا این ۳ مساله درست نشوند هم میهنان عزیز، ایران همین هست که هست>>>


I refuse to be a victim

Power of suggestion

24-Apr-2011 (3 comments)
For me it began with my children telling me that I was not white. The first suggestion had come after the birth of my first child as the nurse explained the bruise on my child’s backside as a “Mongolian mark” to signify she’d have a darker skin. Convinced that the woman must have dropped the baby and was just covering up, I dismissed the idea. When my daughter grew up “tanned”, I convinced myself that if she stayed out of the sun, she’d be white as a “Lilly.”>>>


Paris Tragedy

Yassi's death: Family teaches a world of compassion

22-Apr-2011 (13 comments)
And there are moments that no grief can do justice to the level of sadness and sorrows. Last Saturday our day was shattered with news that one cannot comprehend and accept. It was short, our friend's young daughter Jasmine Jahanshahi was killed in a fire in Paris. The story was devastating, especially if you knew that Yassi's family was already struggling with difficulties of a different sort. "Yassi", a junior at University of California, Berkeley, hesitated to join the student exchange program in France last Fall, saying that she rather stay few more months with her family>>>


How do you say...?

I am embarrassed that I can’t speak Persian

22-Apr-2011 (19 comments)
Everyone on my dad’s side of the family speaks Persian. At family reunions they all jabber like exotic birds, their hands spinning and twirling for emphasis. Every so often I catch a word that I know, or my name, and I try hard to make out what’s going on, but I never can.  So I just sit there, pretending I’m having fun, and waiting for someone to translate for me. Besides my mom, I am the only one who doesn’t understand. You would think having someone like me would make me feel better, but it doesn’t>>>


Agha! Nigah Dar

New video from Kiosk's "Triple Distilled" album

21-Apr-2011 (13 comments)


That time of the month

That time of the month

Photo essay: Coloring my graying hair at Mauricio's

by Jahanshah Javid
20-Apr-2011 (one comment)



From Berlin to Babylon

From Berlin to Babylon

Photo essay: The return of Europe's prime city

by Keyvan Tabari
17-Apr-2011 (2 comments)




The making of a capital city

You go to Berlin for Berlin. This was especially true during the Cold War. My brother had the required permit to fly his plane there through the air corridor from West Germany but, nonetheless, was chased by Russian Migs and forced to land in the Berlin airport designated by them. Such restrictions isolated Berlin. It was an island in the forbidden surroundings of East Germany. Even now it is a destination preferably to be reached without distraction by other “uninteresting” sites on the road. But Berlin is not without detractors>>>


سکس و انقلاب ۲

بگذار جوانان کمی سکس داشته باشند و بجای اینکه حکومت را تخلیه کنند، خود را تخلیه کنند

17-Apr-2011 (9 comments)
ایران اکنون یکی از بی بند وبار ترین و یا تجربه گراترین کشورهای جهان در امر سکس است. در هیچ کجای کشورهای آمریکای شمالی و یا اروپا شما نمی‌توانید به راحتی ایران (در همه شهرها) یکشب پر از سکس را داشته باشید. ناتوانی مدیران حکومتی و یا همان جوانان و نوجوانان روستایی سابق در گرداندن جامعه، ایجاد شغل، مسکن مناسب، حمل و نقل عمومی، وسایل سرگرمی رسانه ای و یا عمومی باعث شده که آنان جوانان را در این عرصه کمی رها کنند>>>


A Friend Remembers

Ehsan Yarshater on the late Nosratollah Amini

17-Apr-2011 (10 comments)
I became acquainted with Mr. Amini through a common friend, Dr. Mahmoud Sana’i, Professor of psychology at the University of Tehran. Sana’i was from Arak, the same city that Amini came from, and they were close friends. He introduced me to Amini and I became fascinated by his personality. He had a keen sense of humor, but what initially attracted me most was the amount of poetry that he could recite from memory and the effective way he recited them. Acquaintance led to friendship and to a deep admiration of his many qualities>>>


Big Bird Nest

Big Bird Nest

Photo essay: Steven F. Udvar-Hazy air and space museum

by fkhatami
16-Apr-2011 (3 comments)



مسلمان‌ستیزی و مسلمان‌نوازی

آیا برای حفظ مسلمانان از مورد حمله واقع شدن باید اینطور نمایاند که سنت‌ها قابل بزرگداشت است؟

15-Apr-2011 (5 comments)
"مسلمان ستیزی (مسلمان هراسی)" و "فرهنگِ مسلمانان نوازی" هر دو جریان‌های هویت سازند. جریان اول سعی دارد افرادی را که در کشورهای خاصی می‌زیند یا اقوامشان در این کشورها می‌زیسته‌اند مسلمان جا بزند و همه‌ی مسلمانان را افراطی (بنیاد گرای) مذهبی و یا تروریست بنمایاند. جریان دوم همان آدمها را مسلمان خوانده و سعی دارد بنمایاند که فرهنگ جوامع اینها را می‌شود به فرهنگهای مسلمانان کاهش داد و چنین فرهنگهایی همیشه منزه و والا بوده و جای تجلیل و تکریم دارند>>>


آیا حجاب باید ممنوع شود؟

تحلیلی از حجاب و جایگاه آن

15-Apr-2011 (60 comments)
بنظر من دفاع مطلق از پوشش حجاب، یعنی در هر شکل و فرم آن و در هر شرایطی، بعنوان دفاع از آزادیهای فردی یا آزادی پوشش کاملا اشتباه و گمراه کننده است. چنین استدلالی حقوق دیگر برسمیت شناخته شده در جامعه، حقوقی اگر نه مهم تر به همان اندازه مهم را تحت الشعاع قرار می دهد. دفاع بی قید و شرط و مطلق از پوشش حجاب با حقوق دیگر در تناقض قرار می گیرد؛ بطور نمونه، حقوق کودک، حقوق زنان، حق جامعه و اصل سکولاریسم>>>




Photo essay

by Mina Doroud
13-Apr-2011 (2 comments)



Can't Wear That

Telling Muslim Women what not to wear

13-Apr-2011 (42 comments)
A small minority of Muslim women in certain parts of the world wear what is known as the abaya (black cloak) and the niqab (face veil). It is known as a burqa in South and Central Asia and seen most often as the blue full-body veil worn by Afghan women. This form of covering is the manifestation of the strictest interpretation of modesty in Islam. Women who choose this practice consider themselves seriously observant Muslims and believe this form of dress allows them to move about the outside world while protecting their dignity>>>


Koocheh Melli

A song by Reza Yazdani

12-Apr-2011 (2 comments)


Mahalleh Javadieh

Mahalleh Javadieh

Photo essay

by Ghazale Ghazanfari
11-Apr-2011 (12 comments)
