Politics of Motherhood: Part 3
Under capitalism of the 21st century, the body has turned into a package of parts such as milk, blood and sperm; and these parts have become commodities for sale. So, here one needs to find out how spaces of motherhood are created in body parts instead of in body per se. To tackle this issue, one could begin with the most negligible aspect of the mothering experience, which however has been assigned the utmost value under patriarchy – sperm
Photo essay: Popular bar in Chihuahua, Mexico
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Women have a problem with the Islamic Republic as a whole
by Sevda Zenjanli
While the Iranian authorities have effectively quashed all overt political organization for women’s rights, today women are the most dynamic group in Iranian opposition politics. The feminist critique of the Green Movement is mainly focused on Mousavi’s wife, Zahra Rahnavard, whose name is often mentioned by the international and pro-Mousavi media as representative of Iranian women’s rights movement
Politics of Motherhood: Part 2
Although women were the main inventors of tools during the Neolithic Revolution, with the advent of patriarchy, they became identified with nature, while men were marked as producers of technology. Through technology, men conquer nature and other men, and exercise control over women's bodies. There is this dominant view that technology is neutral, just a neutral tool for any kind of purpose; that only the purposes can be good or bad
Why not stay in Iran and fight for liberty in my own land?
The Visitor was released in 2008. I was reminded of it after President Obama announced that photographic proof of Osama Bin Laden’s body would not be released to the public. A small circle of insiders who supposedly know what is best for the country made the decision. This elite circle tells us that lives may be lost to terrorism if the photos are made public. As though fewer lives are lost to terrorism when only the elite have access to information and make the decisions
Photo essay: Kooch band’s dramatic musical
Nazy Kaviani >>>
Politics of Motherhood: Part 1
Under Patriarchy, or the rule of fathers, women are defined in relation to men as their wives and mothers of their babies. The problematic issue here is that as a part of the patriarchal ideology, the idea of affiliation through blood ties, at the expense of the reality of child care, colonizes the relationship between the mother, the baby, and the father, and then, their relation with other social groups and institutions
Letter from Farzad Kamangar on anniversary of his execution
Farzad Kamangar wrote the following piece in memory of a political prisoner from 1980’s. This political prisoner who suffered from terrible poor vision used a small piece of cardboard in place of each lens when his glasses broke during beatings and torture. This was the last image of him seen by his mother. The aforementioned political prisoner was subsequently murdered under torture and was buried in an unknown and unmarked grave
I swore this one date would be the last date in Iran
I am doing this last one for my mom, I tell myself. I could have easily gotten out of it but felt bad for my mom and her never-ending efforts to set me up on dates. So I finally agree to see some random suitor who is the brother of my second cousin’s friend. After all, this is Iran and everyone has a cousin who has a friend who has a brother who is single. Right off the bat, I don’t like his voice when he calls me. Nonetheless, I still go along with the process
Introduction: Social Spaces of Motherhood
Two questions will be posed: 1) How are the body and the house produced by the production of motherhood? 2) How do the body and the house participate in the production of motherhood? To answer these questions, 1) the problem of the colonization of the social space of the body and the social space of the house will be examined; and 2) the body and the house as spaces where and through which motherhood is constructed will be analyzed
این ها یک جور لوس خاصی هستند که فهمیدنش کار آسانی نیست
خوش اداست. راستش زیادی خوش اداست. یعنی زیادی ادا در می آورد، با صورت چشم ابرو و تک تک مژه هایش. اول شک کردم نکند اخبار ناشنوایان است. واقعا بدجوری دست و پا می زند و تلاش می کند حرفش را به زود حالی کند. البته الان بعد از یک ربع گوش دادن مطمئنم اخبار ناشنوایان نیست ولی شکم برده که برنامه طنز است. ای ول، هم دیدن یار و هم زیارت شابدالعظیم، هم زبان یاد می گیرم هم با طنز و فرهنگ آمریکایی آشنا می شوم
Photo essay: First week back in Iran
Abadani Boy >>>
Open letter to the people of Egypt
by Bahais of Egypt
At this juncture, then, we face the weighty question of what we seek to achieve with the opportunity we have acquired. What are the choices before us? Many models of collective living are on offer and being championed by various interested parties. Are we to move towards an individualistic, fragmented society, wherein all feel liberated to pursue their own interests, even at the expense of the common good? Will we be tempted by the lures of materialism and its beholden agent, consumerism? Will we opt for a system that feeds on religious fanaticism?
Ten interesting movies by really good directors don’t add up to one boring movie by Abbas Kiarostami. His film,
Certified Copy, has given the world a new Mona Lisa’s Enigmatic Smile. Wondering whether the two film characters are really married or not, pivoting the work on a self-invented puzzle, quickly leads to yawns. Traditionally, Mona Lisa aficionados have in the same bland way burdened the great painting with an unimaginatively parroted enigma: what is she smiling about or who is she smiling at?
ماهان میرعرب و سایر نوازندگان چیره دست قطعات گوش نوازی ایجاد کرده اند
مدتی پیش مجموعه کاری به دستم رسید به نام اثر که Persian Side of Jazz یک هنرمند جوان ایرانی مقیم اتریش به نام ماهان میرعرب است . کاری بود در سبک جاز و با تلفیق رگه های از موسیقی ایرانی در آن . بیشتر کارها در سبک اسموت جاز و فیوژن جاز هستند که ماهان نوازندگی گیتارآنرا به عهده دارد و در بسیاری جاهای آلبوم با اشاراتی به موسیقی دستگاهی و مقامی و نواختن آنها با گیتار جاز تلفیق زیبا و گوشنوازی به وجود می آورد
Not really something to tell my Mum about, but she’ll find out anyway. With what’s going on one could presume it was because I am a journalist. But alas, that is so cliché. I have no proof, other than soviet style silence and sour expressions, but I think Bahrain’s airport Gestapo suspect I am an agent of Iran. Wow. Me? I’ve waited all my life to be an agent of something. Mostly an agent of chaos because that sounds cool
درجامعه ی مردسالار – دین مردسالار ابراهیمی،عامل ایجاد فتنه و حس شهوت را در زنان جستجو میکند
نظربه نگاه مردسالارانه که عنصر قدرت و عامل تسلط مرد بوده و زن زیردست و فرودست است طبیعتاً برای حفظ عدم فتنه گری و به خطر انداختن واحد خانواده، مرد تحت کنترل قرار نمیگیرد زیرا که وی قرار است خود عامل کنترل و یا فاعل کنترل باشد. بنابراین بخاطر نگاه این ادیان که زن را عامل از راه بدر کردن مردان میداند در وهله ی اول زن می بایست تحت کنترل قرار گرفته شود. اینجا کنترل به معنی پوشاندن چیزهایی که باعث برانگیختن میل جنسی مرد میشود است
آیا شما در این شخصیّت بظاهر انسان، جز غرائز حیوانی چیز دیگری هم می بینید؟
ولی آیا براستی خصوصیّات درونی انسانها هم به همان سرعت رشد و تغییر کرده است؟ یا به عبارت دیگر و دقیقتر اصلاً رشدی در جهت بهبود کرده است؟ آیا در زیاده خواهی و حرص و ولع انسانها از آغاز آفرینش تا به امروزتغییری دیده میشود؟ آیا بین عشق به قدرت و فرمانروائی بدون قید و شرط بعنوان مثال پادشاهان ساسانی با رهبر کنونی ایران اختلافی بچشم میخورد؟ آیا بین میل به آدم کشی میان چنگیز قرن سیزدهم میلادی با هیتلر قرن بیستم تفاوتی دیده میشود؟
Photo essay: Krakow is more than just the Poland's second city
Keyvan Tabari >>>