Very Gay, Very Iranian

Very Gay, Very Iranian

Photo essay: Iranians in Toronto gay parade

by bahmani
06-Jul-2011 (29 comments)



سکوت=  سهیم در جنایت

آیا برای اعتراض به این آدم‌کشی‌های گسترده امروز احساس وظیفه‌ای نمی‌کند؟

06-Jul-2011 (3 comments)
حال و روز بسیاری از زندانیان نگران کننده و وخیم است. انور خضری و کامران شيخه دو زندانی کرد در اعتصاب غذای طولانی به سر می‌برند و حال ايوب قنبر پوريان و حسین رونقی ملکی وخیم گزارش شده است. به اضافه نمونه‌های بسیار دیگری که در این مختصر نمی‌گنجد. و دردناک‌تر از همه این‌ها، خبر قتل عام‌های مخفی در زندان‌های ایران است که از مدت‌ها پیش شروع شده و هم‌چنان ادامه دارد>>>


Capturing Confinement

Ghazale Ghazanfari's photography

06-Jul-2011 (2 comments)
Internet: the megaphone of the people brought me the artwork of Tabriz-based photographer, Ghazale Ghazanfari. I first stumbled upon the dark textures and subtle emotions of her images on months ago, and the impression left was just as difficult to shake as tracking her down for an interview. The 24-years-old artist is completing her MA in Industrial Design in Tabriz: a kind and modest city in the far northwest corner of Iran near the borders of Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Her conceptual photos play on morbid backdrops of loneliness, abandonment, self-reflection >>>


If I shall rise...

“... and if you would rise, everyone will.”

06-Jul-2011 (3 comments)
Hamid Mosaddegh’s poem points to the fact that change may begin with one, but it will only lasts when a group joins hands. And I am grateful for a life-changing experience that came about through the help of a community. What began as a gift to my best friend, and later became a legacy to my three first generation children, is now the quest of a people. I am referring to my debut novel, Sky of Red Poppies, and to its recent nomination for the next "One Book, One San Diego">>>


Land of the Free

Land of the Free

Photo essay: Journey to the land of my American roots in Weiser, Idaho

by Jahanshah Javid
05-Jul-2011 (25 comments)



Liberty Street

Liberty Street

Photo essay: The American dream in Weiser, Idaho

by Jahanshah Javid
04-Jul-2011 (5 comments)



همین تلنگرها کافی نیست؟!

نگاهی به یهود ستیزی «سیاسیون» ایرانی

03-Jul-2011 (32 comments)
یکی از خدمات شایان رضا شاه فقید در دوران نسل کشی از یهودیان، تهیه و پخش چند ده هزار پاسپورت ایرانی برای یهودیان ایران و بسیاری یهودیان دیگر از ملیتهای دیگر بود که توانستند از اتاقهای گاز نازیها جان به در ببرند. جالب این که ایران تنها کشوری بود که بعدها پس از تشکیل دولت اسرائیل برای این انسان دوستی اش [برعکس دیگر کشورها] از اسرائیل مطالبه ی غرامت نکرد. اما سالها بعد...>>>


Beauty With Wisdom

Excerpt from "Saved by Beauty"

03-Jul-2011 (3 comments)
In Isfahan, Iran, blue against a blue sky, is the most beautiful building I have ever seen. Entering the Lotfollah Mosque, I made my way to a corner and sat on the floor beneath the soaring dome to take it all in. Then I lay down and gazed up. A melody of light played through the latticed arches. At the dome's center was an explosion of yellow, a sunburst from which a bewildering forest of tendrils and blossoms laced their way over the dome's surface. I began to see shapes within shapes, and to feel that I was being showered not only with beauty but with wisdom>>>


Good Garbage

One man’s trash, another man’s livelihood

03-Jul-2011 (3 comments)
I really miss many things about the hometown I left behind nearly 38 years ago when I decided to travel to America to pursue graduate education. One of them is lettuce. Not the head lettuce popular here in the United States, but the special kind of lettuce that grows only in the warm and arid areas of my home town, Qum, Iran. This lettuce, known as Minaei lettuce, grows tall, especially if not cut and harvested on time, and has long, dark, lush, green leaves and soggy, slender, purplish ribs>>>


Washington's Favorite Terrorists

Rajavi carrying U.S. down path of war yet again

01-Jul-2011 (413 comments)
In the 10 years that I have lived in Washington, I have never seen lobbyists for al-Qaeda parade through the halls of Congress. I have not seen any events on Capitol Hill organized by Hamas. And I have not seen any American politicians take campaign contributions from the Islamic Jihad. But the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), an organization with the blood of Americans and Iranians alike on its hands, freely does all of these things, despite being a designated foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government>>>

سپیده رئیس سادات

 صدایی به قدمت سرزمین مادری

موسیقی و صدایی که چون از دل برمی خیزد لاجرم بر دل نشیند

01-Jul-2011 (6 comments)
کمتر ازیک قرن ازظهوراولین خواننده زن ایرانی، قمرالملوک وزیری می گذرد. زنی که نه تنها به خاطر هنر و صدای بی بدیلش بلکه به خاطر شجاعتش در شکستن قیدها و بندهای پوسیده جامعه ستایش می شود. در سالهای بعد این اوضاع کمی بهتر شد. آشنایی و آگاهی مردم با هنرهای مختلف و ملل دیگر و آمدن رسانه های جدید رفته رفته این هنجارها را تغییرداد>>>


Rich & Very Rich

Rich & Very Rich

Photo essay: Luxury homes in Amirdasht, northern Iran

by Yashar Zhalehdoust
30-Jun-2011 (56 comments)



A bit everywhere

Conversation with emerging Iranian/Kurdish/French artist

"I like very much stories that underline the ability or inability of our human nature to compose with the unexpected; revolutions, any form of violence, a break up, a beautiful encounter, torture sessions, death of a loved one, an illness diagnostic, etc. Any events that lead us to walk aside from the trails that we were planning to take because usually 'we just go with the flow'. What I find fascinating is the way we manage to be and remain in harmony with our moral values—or not">>>


رفیق رویا فروش من  ناصر جهانی

فنون عاشقی را با سختی و مرارت به من بیست ساله آموخت

29-Jun-2011 (17 comments)
اول خیابان آذربایجان انزلی سمت چپ نانوایی جهانی است. مغازه ی پدر ناصر جهانی رفیقی که در سال شصت و هفت اعدام شد. دیشب خواب دیدم برای خریدن نان به در نانوایی رفته ام و ناصر با چشم همیشه شوخش داشت مشتری راه می انداخت. ناصر قد بلند و همیشه با لبخندی بر لب در روزهایی که فضای اتاق مملو از عرق و گرما بود برای من و جاوید "کلیدر" می خواند>>>


Green Hope

Green Hope

Photo essay: Ardeshir Armir Arjomand's talk at UC Berkeley

by Nazy Kaviani
27-Jun-2011 (47 comments)



Death trap

Concern for lives of hunger strikers in Iranian prisons

26-Jun-2011 (one comment)
Iran’s pattern of prison abuse and neglect demonstrates that the lives of prisoners of conscience are at risk, the International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran said, with the publication of a new report, Death in Prison: No One Held Accountable. The Campaign holds Iranian authorities at the highest levels accountable for the health and well-being of eighteen prisoners of conscience now on their sixth day of a hunger strike. “Iranian prisons are a death trap for prisoners of conscience,” said Aaron Rhodes, a spokesperson for the Campaign>>>


Elimination at any price

Turning point in democratic battles of Iranian people

26-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
After 20 June 1981 a type of regime took hold in Iran, for whose newly formed intelligence ministry it became an established and official duty to kill and terrorize the opposition, both inside and outside the country. Despite all that, this very important historical event was gradually forgotten, due to different reasons and by different political, social and civil forces. Examination of opposition media shows that this historical event does not hold its deserved place>>>


One Voice

Messages in support of hunger strikers in prison

25-Jun-2011 (19 comments)


ما هم مقصریم

آیا اعتصاب غذای زندانیان ادعانامه‌ای علیه «ما» نیز بشمار نمی‌رود؟

24-Jun-2011 (4 comments)
دوازده تن از زندانیان سیاسی بند ۳۵۰ اوین دست به اعتصاب غذا زده‌اند... آنان عملا به ما می‌گویند که مبارزه با فرهنگ فرار از مجازات که در ایران نهادینه شده آن قدر مهم است که باید برای آن حتا از جان مایه گذاشت. و این یعنی ما که می‌توانیم این مبارزه را با هزینه‌های بسیار کمتر دنبال کنیم در ایفای وظیفه خود کوتاهی کرده‌ایم. یعنی اگر «ما»یی که خارج از زندان به سر می‌بریم، و به خصوص «ما»یی که در خارج کشور زندگی می‌کنیم و از آزادی عمل تقریبا مطلق برخورداریم>>>


I Shall Be Released

Kisok Band dedicate song to hunger strikers

23-Jun-2011 (4 comments)