Muslim Enlightenment?

How do we know when it happens?

10-Jun-2011 (38 comments)
How will we know that we have reached the shores of enlightenment? The answer is simple; when the large demonstrations by Muslims turn into protests against miscreants like Ben Laden and Anwar Al Awlaki. When talk of enforcing Sharia law is reserved to a few outcasts without the general support of Muslims. When there is no talk of oppression of women in Muslim countries and women are afforded equal opportunity. When burning a Quran is not worthy of news anymore and Muslims can study the book with a critical eye and without the fear of persecution>>>


جزیره چیری چیری

برخی به اشتباه این جزیره را "قزوین اقیانوسیه" میخوانند

10-Jun-2011 (16 comments)
در چیری چیری مردان از سن نه سالگی موظفند که ستر عورت نموده و در کوچه و خیابان و مخصوصا در مقابل زنان بدن خود را کاملا بپوشانند و حتی یک تار موی سرشان و یا سبیل و ریششان و یا پوست بدنشان و دستشان و یا ساق پایشان نباید توسط هیچ زن نامحرمی دیده شود. مذهب پارادیزم با تکیه بر اصول دین فاتالیزم بر آن باور است که مردان بخاطر نیروی جاذبه ای که خداوند بایشان داده است (مخصوصا به موی ریش و سبیل وموی توی گوش و بینی و موی پشت بدنشان) میتوانند زنان بیگناه را تحریک کنند>>>


The Day of the Last Judgment

Visual storytelling by Shoja Azari

08-Jun-2011 (2 comments)




Photo essay: Shoja Azari's Paris exhibit

by Elin Najmi
08-Jun-2011 (13 comments)



Shane & Josh

This charade must end

06-Jun-2011 (14 comments)
Today, I carry the torch of a rolling hunger strike for Shane Bauer and Josh Fattal, two American journalists who have been detained in Iran for more than twenty months without a trial. In these long twenty months, they have only been permitted two short phone calls, one family visit, no opportunity to write a letter to their loved ones, and since October last year, they have only spoken to and seen prison guards. Their families do not even know how they are coping. Shane and Josh's story is unfortunately not an uncommon one>>>


Rest in peace, gallant sister

Haleh Sahabi: Our Antigone in Tehran

04-Jun-2011 (50 comments)
We - Arabs, Iranians, Afghans, Africans, Asians, etc - are in an inaugural moment of our renewed claims to our history, humanity and dignity. Today in the streets of Tehran, Kabul, Baghdad, Damascus, Cairo, Tunis, Tripoli, Sanaa, Manama, and scores of other major and minor cities from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean, our people are busy writing the allegorical parables of our future claims on who and how and what we are. Our people are writing new legends, crafting new metaphors, coining neologism for our emerging poetries>>>


500,000 or 5 Million?

Don't get your hopes up for the numbers you've been led to believe we are

04-Jun-2011 (5 comments)
If you go with the official count (which is the one that counts for anything you want or think you deserve from the US government), then off or accurate, like it or not, the 400k number is going to be it. And that makes us 0.13% (or 1 tenth of one percent) of the US population. Or, smaller than the Viet-Namese, the Filipinos, and of course much smaller than the Chinese. All the Asians combined are less than 7% of the US population>>>


چه کسی ما را به مدارا خواهد خواند؟

هاله جان، ای کاش ذره ای از صبوری ات را برایم جا می گذاشتی

02-Jun-2011 (14 comments)
خبر آنقدر ناگوار و یکباره بود که باورش را نا ممکن می کرد: هاله سحابی درگذشت. با بهت روبروی این صفحه لعنتی کامپیوتر نشسته بودم و در حرکت های عصبی لابلای صفحه ها ی ایننترنتی دنبال تکه خبرهایی میگشتم که راوی مرگ عزیزی بودند. تکرار خبر قطعیت فاجعه بود. هاله تصویر پدر در آغوش گرفته بود تا پیکر عزیز او را که چراغ زندگی اش بود به خاک بسپارد که زیر ضربه ها و دشنام های ماموران حکومتی از پار درآمد، قلب پاکش از ضربان ایستاد و هلاک شد>>>


Last Drop

Bucket of sorrow bursting at the seams

02-Jun-2011 (38 comments)
Our failure to unite, our failure to accept our differences and rally under one flag, our failure to create a viable leadership for the opposition, our failure to meet the courage of those who have more of it than we do, our failure as an united opposition is responsible for her tragic death. It is this that I mourn. This helplessness that I feel, this paralyzing distance that separates me from the hallowed ground on which Haleh and others have shed their blood is why I weep>>>


مبارزه برای آزادی «زندانیان وجدان»

عفو بین‌الملل - پنجاه سال فعالیت داوطلبانه حقوق بشری

02-Jun-2011 (one comment)
به جرأت می‌توان گفت که امروز کمتر زندانی سیاسی یا عقیدتی در دورافتاده‌ترین نقطه جهان است که نام عفو بین‌الملل را نشنیده باشد و یا اگر نام یک زندانی سیاسی یا عقیدتی به این سازمان برسد سازمان برای احقاق حقوق او مبارزه نکند. محوری‌ترین طریق این مبارزه در عین حال ساده‌ترین آن نیز هست: نامه‌نویسی اعضا به مقامات یک کشور برای آزادی یا تأمین حقوق زندانی و یا به خود زندانی برای اعلام همدردی و تقویت روحیه او>>>



Being more sensitive, most women know their men’s dilemma

01-Jun-2011 (6 comments)
God bless the typical Iranian fathers for they are far better than they seem, far less appreciated than they deserve, and are changing so fast that they could qualify as an endangered species. In Iran, we didn’t have a Father’s Day because back then, every day seemed to belong to him. In our family, my father was God and my brothers the saints, sent down to save the rest of us. We obeyed, showed respect and showered him with love all the time, but celebrate him one day a year? You must be kidding>>>


Deep Breath of Ancient Air

Deep Breath of Ancient Air

Photo essay: Travels to Tehran, Qom, Isfahan, Kashan & Abyaneh

by ashkany
31-May-2011 (7 comments)



چگونه فمینیست شدم؟

انگیزه اصلی تلاش برای زندگی اجتماعی بهتر و برابر است

در فرهنگ غربی، تلاش برای درخواست برابری بین زنان و مردان، در طی مثلا ٥٠ سال گذشته، به سطح عمومی جامعه نیز رخنه کرده است. این واقعیت اجتماعی البته شاید چندان در ایران صدق نکند یا هنوز در سطح وسیعی به چشم نخورد. ما در ایران به طور ناگهانی و در حین مصادف شدن با یک حادثه مشخص، «فمینیست» نمی‌شویم. مجموعه‌ای از تجربه‌های شخصی، تجربه‌های اجتماعی و دریافت‌های مختلف حسی ما را به این نقطه می‌رسان>>>


Ending Up in Peru

Ending Up in Peru

Photo essay: 10-day tour

by kfravon
28-May-2011 (10 comments)



Transmuting anger into laughter

VOA's Kambiz Hosseini and Saman Arbabi

27-May-2011 (10 comments)
I’m guessing VOA’s new Perisan news network director, Ramin Asgard, was among the crowd at Kambiz Hosseini’s Berkeley talk for the same reason I was: to see what Parazit’s US fan base looked like. For one thing the crowd looked really big. The Iranian-American themed Berkeley Lecture Series usually doesn’t fill a 500-seat theater, and normally you don’t see teenagers sitting on the aisle steps playing Pokemon>>>



بخشی از يك رمان

از ميدان لواسان تاعمامه جاده باريكي است در دامنه اي با شيب تند كه تا يال كوه هاي مشرف به هر دو منطقه. يك طرف لواسان و طرف ديگر فشم . جاده باريكي كه دوطرفش ديوار و درهاي بزرگ ويلاهاي پولدارهاي تهران گرفته است. با آويزه درختان مو و پيچك ها روي ديوار ها.... سيصد متر نرفته بايد بپيچيم. بالا برويم ، دوباره بپيچيم.. سعيد نيمه بطر شيواس ريگال ومارتيني را توي يخچال كنار دستش مي گذارد وتوي راه كه مي رويم از خودش مي گويد>>>


Turning 43 in Prison

Learning lessons from Bahman Ahmadi Amouee

25-May-2011 (2 comments)
He’s one of approximately 40 imprisoned journalists in Iran, who are serving prison terms in relation to their writings or other social and political activities. Bahman’s charges however were solely related to his writings. In fact they are directly related to the practice of his profession as a journalist. Charges have been brought against Bahman for articles he wrote critical of the economic policies of President Ahmadinejad>>>


Working for Us

Advocacy in Iranian American community

25-May-2011 (30 comments)
Hillary Clinton’s announcement last week regarding a change in US visa policy was welcome news to Iranian students coming to America to study. With the old single entry visas there was no guarantee that Iranian students would be able to return to class if they left the US to, say, visit a sick parent. But from now on, new students will receive two year multiple entry visas. This compassionate policy change was announced a few weeks after Huffingtonpost published an article by Jamal Abdi and Trita Paris titled, “How Obama Can Reach the Iranian People: Start With Visas...">>>


What Are the Odds?

Change in student visa policy major step forward

25-May-2011 (2 comments)
Sometimes practicing law can make you jaded and a pessimist. But every once in a while a client who has a clear dream comes in the door and reminds you of the power of perseverance. Today I get a call from a young Iranian man currently studying in Turkey, who was recently denied an F-1 student visa for attending a community college in the U.S., without a formal interview. Of course they don’t give visas for attending a community college to Iranians, are you kidding?>>>


On His Knees

Khatami's olive branch does not restore humanity in Iran

23-May-2011 (one comment)
Mr. Khatami is offering an olive branch to the two opposing forces with only one common denominator: a time span of thirty two years. On one side, it is the Iranian people oppressed for the last thirty-two years and on the other side are the Shi’a clergy and their Islamist allies who have brutalized Iranians for the last thirty two years. As it appears, there are two disproportionate and inequitable forces: the Iranian people and their oppressive government>>>