New Insights Into the Islamic Republic of Iran
Arguably the most important reason for the international interest in Iran is its strategically pivotal geography. Like some of its Muslim neighbours, it has tremendous oil and gas reserves. For the United States, the revolution in Iran was nothing less than a geopolitical shock. Revolutionary dynamics in the Arab World have recently rekindled the debate in the West on “political Islam”. To get a good understanding of the phenomenon, however, it is necessary to define it properly – which, so far, has hardly been done
Persian commander who died for freedom
Little is known about Ariobarzanes (Old Persian Ariyabrdna) life or his exact birth date; however historical evidence tells us that he was born into a wealthy, noble Persian family and he is probably descended from the earlier satraps of Cyrus the Great, Darius I and Xerxes I. It is interesting to note the fact that high King Darius III had appointed him satrap (or viceroy) of Persis. It seems that in the past, this position had not existed
تجربهی زندگی در دیکتاتوری
ولادیمیر سوروکین نویسنده کمابیش جنجالی روس، با چاپ داستانهایی که در ٢٠ سال گذشته نوشته، توانسته است برای خود در ادبیات روسیه اعتباری فراهم آورد. مهمترین دستاورد ادبی او این است که موفق شده شیوهی تازهای در داستاننویسی برای نشان دادن خشونت ابداع کند و بهاینترتیب بر غنای ادبی روسیه افزوده است. سوروکین که تجربهی زندگی در دیکتاتوری تکحزبی شوروی را از سر گذرانده، رمانهایش با هیچیک از تعاریفی که برای رمان روسی در دست داریم، مطابقت ندارد
بی صبرانه مترصد فرصت هستیم تا خود را به میان گفتوگو بیاندازیم و نیاز «مطرح شدن» خود را به کرسی بنشانیم
مدتی پیش در پایان یک میهمانی خانوادگی، از دخترم پرسیدم: «از اینکه دوستاتو دیدی حسابی خوشحال شدی یا نه؟» او در جوابم بلافاصله گفت: «آره، همه شبرو با دوستام بازی کردم. برعکس شما که تمام شب اونجا نشستین و داد زدین.» واکنش اولیهام لبخند گیجی بود که تحویل دخترم دادم، ولی بعد از دیدن رضایتی که در صورت دخترم موج میزد سکوت کردم. بلافاصله اما از عکسالعمل خودم دلخور شدم
Photo essay: Tehran international flowers and plants show
Abadani Boy >>>
1953 coup overthrew burgeoning Iranian democracy
by Mitchell Freddura
The long term effect of the removal of Mossadeq was the Islamic Revolution of 1979. While the American public viewed the revolution as a spontaneous and unjustified act of defiance, for the people of Iran it was anything but. The revolution was the culmination of the previous twenty-five years of complete social and political repression of the Iranian people under the Shah. With the money and complicit approval of the United States, Mohammad Reza Shah sharply centralized political power beneath him
نهضت آزادی ایران پنجاه ساله شد
نخستین بانیان و منادیان لیبرالیسم اسلامی روشنفکران فارسی یا آذری زبان بودند که در قفقاز، هند و سایر کشور های نزدیک به ایران سکونت داشتند و آشنائی شان با تفکر و فرهنگ غربی سابقه بیشتری از بومیان ایران داشت. در این برهه متفکرانی مانند احمد آقایف (1865-1939) و جمال الدین اسد آبادی (1838-1897) قرائت های بدیعی از لیبرال دموکراسی اسلامی را بدست دادند
by Majid Mohammadi
اعضای نهضت آزادی سهمی قابل توجه در بر ساختن ايدئولوژی اسلامگرايی در ايران داشتهاند، از طرح اسلامی کردن اقتصاد توسط محمود طالقانی تا اسلامی کردن تکامل توسط يدالله سحابی، و از اسلامی کردن علوم انسانی توسط علی شريعتی (از اعضای نهضت در خارج کشور) تا اسلامی کردن کار، ترموديناميک، پراگماتيسم، تعليم و تربيت، و باد و باران توسط مهدی بازرگان. بازرگان خود از سرآمدان ذکر نياز به توليد ايدئولوژی با استفاده از متن دين است (بعثت و ايدئولوژی)
Eternity is a tricky concept in relationships
When fairytales inform us that 'they all lived happily ever after', they never specify how happily - or for how long that 'ever after' lasted. If it really was for ever after, then it still must be happening now. Somewhere, in some hidden corner of our world, must be loads of ageing but blissful princes, princesses, frogs, dragons, kings and witches. Eternity is a tricky concept. We just don't have time to sit around long enough to figure out what it means. But 'happiness' is a much easier idea to understand
Photo: Family breakfast in downtown Los Angeles
Jahanshah Javid >>>
Photo essay: Snapshots from my trip to Iran
Abadani Boy >>>
As I write at this very moment I am deeply disturbed by the thought that Ameneh Bahrami might be personally partaking in an act that is indeed making the whole world blind in it's most literal sense. In 2004 Ameneh suffered a very vicious acid attack in Iran by a suitor whom she had turned down multiple times. She lost both eyes, and much of her face as a result of this horrific attack and has spent the last 6 years of her life in hospitals where she has undergone 19 reconstructive surgeries
“There are no two ways about it, the regime has waged war on its own people”
As night falls in villages around Bahrain’s capital Manama, candlelight flickers in the dusty streets. Small groups of locals hold peaceful protests. There is an air of fear given what has taken place. Sometimes, the vigils are targeted by police, dispersed with tear gas. But worse, the night time also brings security force raids where people are ripped out of their beds and dragged away in front of screaming wives and children. This is Bahrain since the Government imposed Martial Law on March 15
Politics of Motherhood: Conclusion
We have seen in this article how three interwoven ideologies - patriarchal, technocratic and capitalist – have colonized the spaces of motherhood in the 21st century Western society. Given the sexual division of labour, it is predominantly men who design reproductive technologies aimed at women. These technologies have little connection with women’s actual needs and can be harmful to their health and independence
زنان جوان نسل جدید صدای اعتراضشان نسبت به مردان «نوجوان» بلند شده
چه چیزی مردها را از زندگی «بزرگسالانه» دور میکند و آنها را به مردان «نوجوان صفتی» تبدیل میکند که دوست دارند دنیای «بیبندوبار» خود را طولانیتر کنند؟ روزانه مردانی را میبینیم که اصرار بر حفظ سلیقهها و رفتارهای سبکسرانه و غیر جدی دارند؛ با بازیهای طولانیمدت کامپیوتری، تماشای تلویزیون و صرف وقت زیاد در سایتهای مختلف اینترنتی. این رفتار آنها نیز توسط رسانههای سرگرمکننده تشویق میشود
Photo essay: America's Amish country
Fariba Amini >>>
Photo essay: Ancient soldier brought to life
by Ardeshir Radpour
Farzad Kamangar had given hope to Kurdish children
Farzad had given hope to Kurdish children; so the Islamic Republic of Iran forces killed him. They labelled him an enemy because he longed to keep his heritage alive. He was locked up because he was a danger to the dictator who is unable to survive with people like him alive. Farzad was a liberator; so oppression tightened its grip on him until he choked to death.
Attacking Muslims seems to be the popular fashion
While reading War on Error by Melody Moezzi, I was overcome by awe for a young Iranian-American woman who is brave enough to take a chance and defend a topic that has caused much animosity. This may be the most difficult time for Muslims around the world to raise their voices, but it’s ten times more so for those in the US. In the words of one interviewee, “It has just become such a Pavlovian response in this country: if terrorism, then Islam.”