نامه عيسی سحرخيز، زندانی سياسی
by Issa Saharkhiz
هدف از نگارش اين سطور آن بوده که به شما گوشزد نمايم که اوضاع آن چنان نابسامان است که هر آن می توان انتظار وقوع رويدادهای دلخراش ديگری را داشت. چرا که امروز بر من و ديگر هم بندانم آشکار و بديهی است که استراتژی اين نظام، کشتن بی صدا و تدريجی زندانيان معترض است. آن ها عامدانه تصميم دارند که ما را نابود کنند و مرگ خاموش ما را تدارک ديده اند، چون از زنده بودن ما، حتی در پشت اين ديوارها و ميله ها می ترسند
Photo essay: Farzin Farhadi directs Shahrzad Sepanlou band
by Shadi Movahed
Excerpt from upcoming book
After two rounds—twenty-six bullets—the barrage ceased. The air was thick with the smell of gunpowder. Of the eight guests, everyone had stooped or fallen, except one. The eldest guest was still in his chair, head slumped, blood tinting his white shirt, blending with the busy pattern of his tie. Another victim was doubled over, breathing noisily, gasping for air. His face was smashed into a mug of beer. The golden liquid was slowly darkening
Gifted Farzin Farhadi teams up with talented Shahrzad Sepanlou
With its level of sophistication, Shahrzad Sepanlou’s songs can no longer be classified as pop. In fact they don’t quite sound pop because the approach places a heavier burden on the composer than ordinary pop. There will be many places where formula fails, and the composer must have the skill to invent reassuringly so that the easy listener is not too strained by the novelty. I spoke briefly with Sepanlou’s composer and arranger, Farzin Farhadi about the challenges of Sepanlou’s style
Maryam Afshar created a paradise for abused creatures
The ancient Persians believed that one could catch a glimpse of paradise in the eyes of a dog. Their contemporary descendents by and large no longer hold this view, far from it. Man’s best friend does not have it easy in Iran: dogs are feared, beaten, merely chased away when they are lucky, and occasionally poisoned. One person who did not share this cynophobia was Maryam Afshar, who died exactly a year ago and whom I had the privilege of calling a friend
Photo essay: Traveling with friends in southeast Asia
Lida Ghaemi >>>
Mullahs are clawing back gains Iranian women have achieved
Another gender war is brewing and, fascinatingly, firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad emerges as the voice of liberal dissent! President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said plans to segregate male and female students at Iranian universities must be halted, drawing another battle line in his ongoing tussle with traditionalist rivals. Even a diehard zealot like the President has realised that any prudent person would be unable to work within the limitations of the Iranian clergy subjugated constitution
شهرزاد سپانلو سعی دارد شنوندگان حرفه ای را با پاپ آشتی دهد
شهرزاد ابتدا کارش را با موج غالب موسیقی لس انجلسی شروع کرد ولی بزودی خود را از این جریان غالب جدا کرد و به فعالیتهای موسیقیایی جدیتری رو آورد. کار کردن با هنرمندی مانند فرامرز اصلانی و آهنگسازی فرزین فرهادی با همه پیشینه هنریش در موسیقی جاز و همچنین ترانه سرای به نامی مانند یغما گلرویی حاکی ازنگاه متفاوت او به موسیقی و میل به پیشرفت و متفاوت کار کردن می باشد
دانشمندان: خودارضایی برای ادامه بقا موثر و مفید است
در بسیاری از جوامع، عمل «خودارضایی» رفتاری کراهتآمیز توصیف شده است.اما از دید دانشمندان معاصر، داوری درباره یک پدیده عمومی از معیارهای تهدیدکننده و پرهیزدهنده نظیر گناه، شرم و نادانی سود نمیجوید. بنابراین عملِ «خودارضایی»، نه تنها ممنوع و مذموم شمرده نمیشود بلکه رفتاری است که بیتردید برای ادامه بقای موجودات زنده، موثر و مفید است
Photo essay: Yellowstone & Grand Teton national parks
Jahanshah Javid >>>
It's hard to make light of the plight of my people, the Bahais
by Omid Djalili
Back in the mid-90s in my show I'm A Short Fat Kebab Shop Owner's Son, I touched on cultural clashes that shaped my personality as an Iranian immigrant in Britain. Authenticity is paramount for a comedian, and as I prepare to tour a new standup show I'm getting braver: this time, I will be exploring what it is like to be an Iranian born into a Bahai family. The plight of the Bahai community in Iran has served as a backdrop to my life growing up in London, particularly since the Islamic revolution in 1979
Photo essay: Vietnam: Traveling with friends in southeast Asia
Lida Ghaemi >>>
... to U.N. Special Rapporteur on human rights?
Despite all political and moral pressure Iran faces worldwide, it has designed its narrative in such a way that it calls every UN resolution an American one, and instead of responding to the cases of human rights violations in Iran, it attacks Washington directly and offers instances of human rights violations in the U.S. It's not surprising that attacking the U.S. on human rights appeals to some countries, particularly those that, next to Iran, bear a similar international pressure
تلاش برای گسستن ِ گونه های گوناگون بند ِ بندگی آغاز شده و نسیمش به ما نیز رسیده است
نادر شاه بنیانگزار دودمان افشاریه شد و دوازده سال از سال 1114 تا 1126 خورشیدی [امسال سال 1390 است] پادشاه ایران بود. اینجا میخواهم تنها به بخش خاصی از زندگی نادر بپردازم که در تاریخ 1400 ساله ی ما نمونه اش ناچیز است. حكومت مذهبی/خرافاتی صفویان شیعه نخست توسط محمود افغان و سپس توسط نادر شاه افشار پس از 240 سال حكومت ِ توام با جنایت و تفرقه افكنی مذهبی منقرض شد
Story of five women sharing unfruitful love lives
by Roya Jahanbin
Rosvaie, or scandal, is the name of a new play by Saam Theatre Company in London. The play is the love child of the director, Sousan Farrokhnia, and actors who never had any acting experience or training before. Farrokhnia, with more than 30 years of experience in theatre, once again proved to be a master in her field, turning the female cast into professionals in less than 6 weeks. The play is the story of five women sharing their unfruitful love lives with each other and the audience
He had written it without hope of ever becoming an American
My father wrote a play. Before then, I hadn't known that it was possible to be sad about Americans. I hadn't known that it was
all right to be sad about Americans, rather. I certainly hadn't known that it was beautiful, although I was beginning to see that sadness and beauty were closely related. In the play, there are men and women divorcing and re-marrying, with a regularity that to us was American
Photo essay: Anti-regime graffiti and counter-graffiti
by Aidin Jodaei