مزدوران ثروتمند

by Fred

"حمد عساف، سخنگوی فتح، با اشاره به حضور محمود الزهار و اسماعیل هنیه، از چهره‌های برجسته حماس، در هفته‌های گذشته در تهران، گفت: «ما اطلاعاتی داریم که نشان می‌دهد ایران ده‌ها میلیون دلار به الزهار و هنیه پرداخته است.»

توافق‌نامه اولیه "اتحاد" ماه گذشته میان این دو گروه فلسطینی امضا شد، اما محمود الزهار چندی پیش اعلام کرد که سازش سیاسی میان فتح و حماس فعلا در حالت تعلیق است."

به عبارت دیگر؛ گروه تروریستی حماس که در کنار سازمان تروریستی حزب الله لبنان مزدور نظام پربرکت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیره است دست از خوی پلنگی برنداشته و نمیتواند هم بردارد.

تا زمانیکه جهان آزاد تحریم ها که شامل قرنطینه ترابری هوایی/درایی میشود علیه وحوش جنگ طلب حاکم بر ایران را گسترش ندهد و به ایرانیان برای سرنگونی مسلمین ایرانی کُش و ایران ویران کُن کمک لجستیکی نکند؛ از صلح و آرامش در منطقه خبری نخواهد بود.



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ادا اطوار اسلامی
Dec 05, 2012
مسجد همجنسگرایان
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Iranians are legitimate target
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more from Fred

sure! how much did shah

by مآمور on

sure! how much did shah have-not how much pahlavi family has now they lost most of it if not all? and that golden toilet bowl did work and flushed him away.


I wear an Omega watch

Arash Kamangir


by Arash Kamangir on

Khaddafi had $150billions but it did not stop him being lynched!!


Demo joon, dont get angry & lippy with me :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

I am only quoting what is widely reported in media about the theft of Iran's wealth by the filthy , corrupt khamenei and his gang, and the rest of the leadership of the Islamist regime of thieves, providing couple references . Now if that upsets you so much, well go and get sarcastic and lippy with the original report my nazanin :)  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."



by Demo on

The posted evidence's strenght by the Macy's, USA, Inc. below is a reminder of the tailored evidence by the Bush's, USA, Inc. for their claims of Sadam Hosein' wealth in having WMD before their taking over of Iraq! It is a small world after all. Is not it?


That's all

by MRX1 on

Frankly I though the numbers would be much larger  for this group of thugs, looters and murderers (excuse me men of god and purity) that are runing the show in omatestan now.


ثروت خامنه‌ای بیش از ۳۶ میلیارد دلار است




by مآمور on

Now tell us, where u r hiding rajavi? and how much u r paying terrorists to carry out their henious acts of terrorisim in streets of Tehran!!

Iran openly and proudly supports not only Hamas but ant body against Israel. u too can be proud too!!

I wear an Omega watch


بخشی از ثروت های امیرالشیاطین خامنه اي و باندش



Homework for Noe Rooz holidays

by پندارنیک on

Regional peace is more accessible than you think........simply go back to your pre-67 international borders, relinquish your nuclear ambiguity policy by signing the NPT, and handover the criminal case of the "Flotilla Massacre" to the International Court of Justice in the Hague..........a few easy and wise steps..............trust the Lebanese and the Palestinian people who will take care of their internal matters.