شیرین عبادی و سگهای گازگیر


by Fred

خبرگزاری هرانا:

" مسئولین زندان رجایی شهر کرج بتازگی از سگهایی که از سوی سازمان زندان‌ها به ایشان جهت کشف مواد مخدر واگذار شده است برای تنبیه و اخذ اعتراف از زندانیان استفاده می‌کنند.

در انجام این روش ابتدا دست و پای زندانی را با دستبند و پابند به زنجیر می‌کشند و سپس سگ تحریک شده را بسویش‌ رها می‌کنند.

گفتنی‌ست، این شیوه که برای زندانیان عادی بکار می‌رود تا کنون باعث زخمی شدن تعدادی از زندانیان در بندهای ۳، ۵ و ۶ شده است."

به عبارت دیگر؛ وقتی که چندین زندانبان وحشی آمریکایی در عراق سگهای کنترل شده را برای ترساندن زندانیان به آنها نزدیک میکردند و این کار غیر اخلاقی و غیر قانونی توسط یک همکار آمریکایی آنان به اطلاع مقامات و وسایل ارتباط جمعی رسید، دادگاهی و مجازات شدند.

در آنزمان مسلمین حاکم بر ایران اخبار این توحش را مکرراً و با شاخ و برگ های اضافه پخش میکردند.

حالا باید دید که با مسئولین خود که برخلاف توحش در عراق که زندانیان توسط سگها گاز گرفته نمیشدند، سگها را به جان اسیران دست و پا بستۀ ایرانی میاندازند تا آنان را تکه پاره کنند چکار خواهند کرد.

همچنین باید دید آندسته از ایرانیانی که اظهار انزجار از توحش صورت گرفته در زندان ابوغریب خواب و خوراک آنها را مختل کرده بود و از دریافت کننده جایزه نوبل و لابیگران و دیگر اشخاص شب و روز در باره آن در مجامع عمومی صحبت و تقاضای دادخواهی میکردند؛ در مورد بسیار فجیع تر آن توحش در ایران چه واکنش مستمر و شبانه روزی نشان خواهند داد.




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ادا اطوار اسلامی
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Iranians are legitimate target
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چی‌ میخواستیم بشه چی‌ شد!





میخواستیم یکی‌ مثل این خانم قهرمانمون بشه



در عوض این یکی‌ قهرمانمون شد




Mr Aynak

by Mehrban on

Please let me know Ms. Ebadi's actions in framing the issue specifically as the abuses of IR against Iranian people with names of perpetrators dates and details.

Ms. Ebadi in my view, has been a disappointment and has shown zero to no leadership.  She has basically followed the party line of the Islamists.

The icing on the cake for me was when she, like a little school girl, hand in hand with Ganji hopped and skipped out of a ceremony celebrating Freedom of Speech by awarding the Danish editor.  "Freedom of speech",  the corner stone of Human Rights.  

Mr. Aynak, what I write is never intended to silence but to broaden the issue and share my point of view.  Generally my view is not formed and does not revolve around getting back at Fred or settle old scores which seems to be more important to you than the real issue at hand.  The islamists do often muddy the waters by derailing conversations about IR abuses into much more complicated and uncontrollable issues.  This is called Maghlateh (I think).  Mr. Aynak I have a hard time believing that you are ignorant of this fact.  

Let me say that the ladies at Broumand Foundation and even RP have been more forceful, vocal, specific and seemingly committed to the issue of IR's crimes than Ms. Ebadi, and no I am not a monarchist.

I post the following utube video for Ms. Ebadi's enlightenment as to the level of tolerance others exercise.  I wish, as a Noble peace laureate she did not need this education. 



The Shaban Bimokh lingo!

by Arj on

"Ada o Atvar!!!" What a convincing argument put forth by IC's resident right-wing propagandist -- a la Shaban Bimokh!

On a somewhat more serious note, if Iran should be the focus of all efforts, then what do Uyghur and Chechen have to do with anything?! What is Ebadi supposed to do after all? Should she concentrate on HR situation in Iran, or should she not? Or better yet, perhaps she wouldn't be harrassed so much by the RP groupies if she smooches up to him!


Mehrban which court are you talking about?

by aynak on


you swrote: " It should have been Shirin Ebadi that would refer the Iranian regime
to the international courts based on their human rights record ..."

Since you are very precises about poetry, I would expect you to be no less precises, on this even more important issue.   Once you go down the path of definiing which court, then you will find how  important it is for any such court and its ruling to be credible, to act in a systemic, non-biased way and without consideration to the subject.

From my view, this is not just an attempt by this Fred, to discredit Ebadi, but also make the duel standard an accepted approach.   

The biggest beneficiary of such double standard, however, is Islamic Regime itslef.    BTW, when folks like Shahid visit Iran, who do you think is pressing for it?   Israel?  Or the like of Lahiji and Ebadi?   

Now as you claim:

This is a very convenient ploy for the Islamist sympathizers, as it
diminishes the gravity of local abuses by bunching them into a universal
sense of injustice.   It is great for the ones that do not really want
to see a change in Iran.     "

I am not sure if this is in reference to Ebadi, or myself.  Either way, it could be argued, that whoever uses human rights *selectivly* is really using HR as a PLOY  when its fits their goal.    You see, I hope you are above .02 toman type of arguments that resort to these cheap apparoaches, in order to change the subject, or silence dissenting opinion.

BTW, if tomorrow, Islamic Regime drinks another poision glass, and agrees to whatever Israel demands, then Fred would be happy.  Much like they are very happy with Saudi Arabia and the rest of the despots.   Would Iranian people be any happier?  That's selective usage of HR. 







No apologies needed Arj: No pun noticed!

by anglophile on

I always make it my business to FLY (Fumigating Little Yobbos).




ادا اطوار نازنینان


دَم مدافعان نستوه حقوق بشر با دیدگاه جهانی هم گرم.

 نازنینان بفرمایند آخرین باری که در باره ظلم مستمر دولت چین به اویغورها، نسل کشی تبتی ها و ... سینه چاک کردند و یا توحش دولت روسیه علیه چچن ها و یا توحش دولت سودان  را علناً محکوم کردند کی و کجا بود. البته سوریه و قتل عام و مثله کردن کودکان که ارزش وقت شریف اینان را ندارد و باید در موارد مهمتری اوقات شریف را بگذرانند.

شاید کبر سن باشد و یا عارضه ای مادر زادی؛ دلیل هر چه باشد، از قرار ایندست مدافعان حقوق بشر فریاد ایرانیان اسیر را نشنیدند:

"فلسطین رو رها کن؛ فکری به حال ما کن".

اول ایران باید آزاد و آباد شود بعد میشود از این ادا اطوارها آن هم مقطعی و موضعی  درآورد.


Do as I say, not as...

by Arj on

Dear Aynak, Interestingly, every one of these major abusers of HR in the region and their apologists claim that their violations of HR is totally justified and is not comparable to the "unjustified" violations by the other parties, and that any mention of their abuses and violations, would take attention away from the real culprits!

Anglo; I knew I should've sanitized my title there, for it had the possibility to attract you like a fly (no pun intended)!!!

hamsade ghadimi

mehrban, thanks for

by hamsade ghadimi on

mehrban, thanks for explaining the apologists' strategy in such simple terms.  it's all about dilution of atrocities in iri by bringing atrocities committed in other countries or in the 'asr hajar.'  in fred's blog about increasing trend of children under 10 being married off in iri, a cyber basiji didn't blink and cited children being married off in iran during sassanid era!  if the subject of kahrizak comes up, sure enough guantanamo issue or rapes in u.s. prisons will be raised.  as if the only western standards for which iri and its apolosists aspire are the shameful ones.


عزیز عینک


 من در کشتی که این دو پسر عمو یعنی وهابی و صهیونیست باشند سوار نخواهم شد!!

I wear an Omega watch


Aynak you are wrong

by Mehrban on

To throw in the human rights violations of Iran with the rest of the world abuses only dilutes its focus.  Everyone knows that the issue of human rights in the world at this time is huge and as an umbrella item completely unmanageable.

This is a very convenient ploy for the Islamist sympathizers, as it diminishes the gravity of local abuses by bunching them into a universal sense of injustice.   It is great for the ones that do not really want to see a change in Iran.     

  It should have been Shirin Ebadi that would refer the Iranian regime to the international courts based on their human rights record, but alas, she wants to change the world (not really), she has absolutely no concrete ideas and is just writing inconsequential enshas.  



Re: Gooz and shaghigheh!

by aynak on


Oh let me explain the relation to you Arj:

Ebadi, as far as I have heard her talk, always talks about systemic examination of human rights violations no matter who commits it.   This obviously does not bode well for some who believe in dual human rights:

Abuses by certain countries are OK.   But not by certain other countries.

This is precisely the position of Islamic Regime.   And this is precisely the position of Israel.   Except the cronies of both are here 24/7 focusing on the crimes of one, while making a saint out of the others.

The most rediculous disply was yesterday when the trucks carrying Saudi Arabain soldiers to Bahrain to suppress democratic forces there was shown.   (of course you do not hear anything from these folks about Saudi Arabi and its human rights abuses and even sending troops to another country).    At the same time Ziba Kalam was tearing his rear end talking about human rights violation in Bahrain, --from Tehran.

There are several parties that are routinely violating/abusign human rights in the region.    To stand with any of them would only discredit and show the true nature of those who are selective about human rights and only use it as a tool.

 In this regard the aparthied states of Islamic Regime ruling Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel are all in the same boat.






Fred: The western world owes its democracy, mainly to socialists

by ahosseini on

Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.


Bravo Roozbeh, ahosseini and Arj

by MM on



Arj: which one is supposed to be Ebadi?

by anglophile on

  G**z or Shaghigheh? Just wondered? 


Gooz and shaghigheh!

by Arj on

What does this have to do with Shirin Ebadi? She is wanted by IRI, and her family members and their homes have been under constant attacks by the IRI goons for her defence of the human rights of Iranians and political prisoners in particular! How could this be her responsibility?! If some of us have a beef with her, that's a different story! 


انتخاب بین ابوقریب و اوین هست و نه بین دموکراسی ... غرب و ...


Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.


"Israeli missiles" would not help these political prisoners

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

Iran's future, the future I wish for, belongs to Iranians and Iranians only. It is decided by Iranians and Iranians only

Look at the composition of these political prisoners who have now the Khamenei's dogs set upon them: They range from religious islamic, to atheiest marxist and anything in betwen. They are men, women, young, old, fars, azari, Kurd, balooch, Gilaki... Thy are working class poor from south Tehran to well educated, better off  from North Tehran and anything in between

Today in Iran we have the broadest opposition to the fascsist VF regime for the past 34 years. Put your trust and energy in your own people my friend. Foreign military intervention in Iran would set our cause back another half century. No need to rely on foreign military. When it happens, when the people rise, nothing, absolutely nothing could stop them. Be patient, be active and be prepared for that certain eventuality.    

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


انتخاب کردن


آیا انتخاب بین دموکراسی قانونمند آمریکا و غرب که چپولان برای اقامت در آن سر و دست میشکنند و در دهان دریدگی علیه آن با همدیگر کورس میگذارند و نظام پربرکت مسلمین "اصلاح طلب" و غیره که چپولان از آن فرار میکنند و در دفاع از مواضع "ضد امپریالیستی" آن رودست همدیگر بلند میشوند؛ کار سختی است؟


Why Israel is good and IRR is evil! Long live Israel and Iran!


Israelis use their dogs to rescue earthquake victims. IRR thugs use their dogs to torture their prisoners! 

May Israeli missiles strike IRR centers of power! Eay Moses Omid!

Dr. Love, Ph.D., M.D., J.D., Member of Israel Attack IRR Association.


آیا واقعا باید بین ابن سگ های وحشی یکی را انتخاب کنیم؟


Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.


پرونده خانم عبادی بی‌ نیاز از این قبیل واهمه هاست!!


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