Nazanin Afshin Jam

Wall of Shame, UN, New York

CNN interview about today's Wall of Shame rally by Stop Child Executions in Iran Campaign. Time: 12-2pm Date: September 23rd, 2008. Location: UN Headquarter New York Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th St. & 2nd Ave.):


more from SCE Campaign

‫آ میتی

ترک اردبیلی (not verified)

داری سر و صدا راه میندازی این نازنین نگات کنه؟ جهت سر و صداهات اشتباست در این صورت. راستی نگفتی بچه کجائی؟


Would she have been allowed to enetr the US?

by Realist (not verified) on

Would she have been allowed to enetr the US if she had also raised the issue of child executions in the US?

1) In August of 2002, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to stay the execution of a young black male in Texas – Toronto M. Patterson. He was put to death in Huntsville, Texas by lethal injection on August 30, 2002 when Patterson was 24 years of age. (source: //

The crime for which Patterson was executed, was committed when he was 17 years of age and still a juvenile. At that time, the U.S. Supreme Court applied its earlier ruling in Stanford vs. Kentucky 492 U.S. 361 1989 where Justice Scalia concluded that there was neither "a historical nor a modern societal consensus forbidding the imposition of Capital Punishment of any person who murders at 16 or 17 years of age".

2) The U.S. appears on a short list with only six other nations which admit to the government-sponsored killing of juveniles. Moreover, our country has executed more minors than any of these other nations. Of the many lists our government brags about being near the top of, this is one that we should be ashamed to even be on; especially with the likes of Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Pakistan appearing alongside. (source: // )

3) Of the 50 US states, 37 now permit the death penalty, but only 18set a lower age limit (usually 18, but in five 16).This leaves 19that theoretically permit the execution of minors of any age. Recently the Supreme Court overturned the death penalty on William Thompson, then aged 15, who had murdered his brother-in-law. However, they declined to rule it was unconstitutional to execute minors under 18, thus paving the way for the possible execution of at least a hundred teenagers currently on Death row. (source: //

4) It is Legal to Execute MINORS under U.S Law ?

the United States Supreme Court on June 26, 1989 ruled that the execution of minors from 16 years of age as well as those persons who are determined to be mentally retarded is not a violation of the United States Constitution
- 70-80 minors are currently awaiting execution in the U.S.
- 22 have been executed since 1976

From the American Bar Association: "The Court noted that, presently, the United States is the only nation in the world that officially sanctions the execution of minors. It then emphasized that there is overwhelming international consensus that execution of minors is against contemporary international values and norms, to show how the practice of the United States is out of step with the rest of the international community." (source: //



by Clown (not verified) on

This lady still calls Farah Pahlavi "her queen." You can find the video on youtube. What a joke. And yet she claims she has no political agenda? She is an oppurtunist and using all this to further her fame. What does she know about Iran?


"Nothing is more terrible

by Azad99 (not verified) on

"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action" Goethe

The most dangerous and hurtful war propaganda out against Iran there is not spread by the neo-cons or Zionists or the MKO, it is done by ignorant attention-hungry individuals like Nazanin Afshar Jam, who by trying to do good are putting the lives of millions of people in danger.


Doostie khaleh kherseh

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

"Change in Iran will not come through war and bombs; that’s exactly what Ahmadinejad wants. Change will only come from a revolt by the Iranian people, backed by the West"

Why doesn't she just go back to her catwalks and stop making such shameful statements about politics?!!

First of all, according to what rational would "Ahmadinejad" want war with the U.S? That's just a stupid statement to make.

Secondly, what does a revolt by the Iranian people and "backed by the West" even mean?? That the revolt should be funded by the American government? Like the coup that overthrew Mosadegh?! Or doesn't mean that the next government should be a puppet of the West?!


a female Ahmad Chalabi

by Seer (not verified) on

Nazanin Afshin-Jam reminds me very much of an Ahmad Chalabi mentality. She thinks that she can save Iran by western backing?!!! same as Iraq. She is against bombs and supports Iranian revolt, but then also cries for help from Westerners! Does she think they are going to come and throw roses at Iranians? Nazanin's view scares me because it's unfortunately shared by many other opportunistic and/or naive individuals who won't mind turning Iran into another Iraq just as long as their names get mentioned in the media.


She is free to do what she wants but not at the expense of

by Ari (not verified) on

70 million people and destruction of the Iranian nation.

Ms. Nazanin Afshin Jam, whom I have not had the privilege of knowing on a personal basis, is obviously free to rally and march in order to support her opposition to certain actions which she believes are taking place in Iran. However, how is she truly helping those whom she intends on helping, by demonstrating along with the same warmongers, fear mongers, propagandists, Zionists, neocons the hardcore religious left of this country and the enemies of Iran who wish nothing but the destruction of Iran and along with it the Iranian people?

Does she believe that a rally in front of an incompetent UN who has done nothing to protect the rights, lives, sovereignty and liberty of millions innocent people around the world will surely have an impact or is she unknowingly feeding more fuel to the fire in providing further excuses to those who wish nothing more than the destruction of our mother land?

Neither the U.S., the Europeans, Israel, nor any other nation gives a damn about democracy and human rights in Iran. They hardly give a damn about human rights of their own citizens and the citizens of the countries they are occupying, invading and bombing on a daily basis, let alone Iran.

There are many Iranians who are equally if not more upset about certain actions taking place in Iran, however, they are no fools to believe that marching in the streets of New York in front of a powerless UN will in fact help their cause on behalf of the people of Iran. They do however, make an effort to fly from every part of the U.S. to face the Iranian officials directly and discuss these issues with those who have a responsibility of hearing our disgruntlement.

Again, she is free to do what she wants, however she is naively assisting those who are the enemies of the people of Iran and our mother land.

Darius Kadivar

Nazanin Speach at UN

by Darius Kadivar on


“Change in Iran will not come through war and bombs; that’s exactly what Ahmadinejad wants. Change will only come from a revolt by the Iranian people, backed by the West, which needs to cry out today on behalf of these children and against Iran’s violation of human rights.”   Nazanin Afshin-Jam


Azarin Sadegh

You could get executed too Mehdi Jan!

by Azarin Sadegh on


Before calling these children on death row rapist and murderer, remember that if YOU go to Iran, you could be sent to this same place alongside these same "rapists, Murderers and homosexuals" just because of your of "thoughts and beliefs". I am sure searching in all your comments on, some "evidence" could be found as a proof of your guilt, compared to the proofs and evidences that condemned these kids to death...

In this fictional case, wouldn't you have appreciated someone with good connections, like Nazanin, to help you? To talk about your rights and about this injustice? Some of these "murderers" never had a fair trial, or a fair lawyer, especially if they were not rich (and believe me! Most of them are not rich at all).

Could you please open your heart to your own people's miseries?

Dear Mehdi, Please don't let your hatred of some group of people makes a fool out of you! Or even worse: making you a man without empathy!



Murderer/rapist/homosexuals are finally safe! Thanks Nazanin!

by Mehdi on

Now let's deal with the war you just helped start. But that's just a minor issue compare to saving 23 (or was it 24?) rapists. We can always deal with that later. the news of your great work, expectedly, has been taken up by all Zionist controlled media. Time to really pat yourself on the back SCE!



  I agree Irandokht jan,

by sadegh on

  I agree Irandokht jan, but I am not putting up with name-calling and distortion of my's very clear that Killjoy was desperate to attack me, since all I did was commend Nazanin, just not in a gushing and uncritical way...I don't take anyone's claims at face value and need to see consistency over a sustained period of time in order to think an individual credible...Though I know of her, I do not know a great deal, I therefore asked some questions and was rudely attacked by this person...I'm not prone to hero worship and never will be...she is doing good work yes, and it is very important, and I respect and commend her immensely for that...ok, we're agreed...what about the thousands upon thousands inside Iran struggling day in, day out who don't get publicity because they are foreign beauty queens with music videos? I'm not saying this should detract from her activities, but she is not unique and therefore I not going to join the chorus of "ooohs and ahhhhs"...sorry I'm just not, and that is no reason for anyone to attack me or write a diatribe slandering me...there are plenty fighting for survival under far harsher conditions inside Iran and I have seen them and spoken to them first-hand...

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



I totally agree with IRANdokht

by Nadias on

 Dear Sadegh and Killjoy

I have read many of what both of you have written throughout the website

I too know that both of you are highly intelligent and can express yourselves sooooooo much better

Please/Loftan and Sepaas

Nazanin is standing up for what she believes in. I have great respect and admiration for her determination to continue her Humanitarian work

solh va doosti/paz a vosotros/paix et amitié




Azarin Sadegh

Thanks Nazanin!

by Azarin Sadegh on

As an Iranian-American woman, I am very proud of Nazanin's courageous initiative and I am sure if we had a few more people like her, we wouldn't be in this chaos!

I wish I could be like her...but halas! Most of the times, I would prefer to keep quiet, simply because it's much easier (out of my human nature and the natural cowardice)...but of course I would always come up with nice excuses for my silence.

Does it really matter which excuse I come up with, especially on this blog to justify my muteness and to condemn her loud voice? Not really!

What is important is what she has done for Iran so far: Bringing awareness about the executions of children in Iran, about the human right violations, about the political and civil prisoners (didn't you watch the video of the women being arrested?), about the barbarian laws of Islam like stoning and cutting hands, etc...
Is there any of us who would be able to deny these facts she is talking about?

Her fight is a fight for the Iranian people. Not for Arabs or Turks or Americans or anyone else....Of course I am free to choose my own battles and you are free to choose your battle and we don't have the right to make this choice for anyone else, and especilaly for Nazanin, since we all share this amazing possibility of living in a free world where we can be who we want to be.

Thanks again Nazanin for your amazing courage!



Sadegh jan and dear Killjoy

by IRANdokht on

Please stop arguing and using such unbecoming language. You are both very intelligent and outspoken Iran lovers. I respect you both and I don't see a need for either of you to use labels or inappropriate language to address one another to make a point. You are both very capable of reasoning and are blessed with the power of clarity and expression. It's clear to many of us that most of your arguments are based on misunderstanding and maybe some old-time grudges. All of us have been victim to labels at one point or another. It's a vicious cycle. 

If people who have the best intentions as I know you both do, start communicating at some point, you'll see that we all want what's best for Iranians. We may have different ideas in mind, but as far as I know both of you are against military attacks and so is Nazanin. In the latest SCE Campaign blog Nazanin's speech on Monday, you can see that she's announcing to not have any political affiliation or agenda and that she is only advocating for Human Rights. 

Please lets focus on what's wrong and what we can do to help ease communication between the diverse group of Iranians, especially the ones who visit this site regularly. I have noticed every blog and posted item on this site becomes a battleground, which seems to me to be the least productive approach.

As I said before I respect you both and I am far from qualified to be giving anyone advice, that's why I am only asking both of you in the most humble way to please give it a shot and try to listen to what the other one is saying: you're both right and all you have to do to see it, is to read each other's comments with an open mind. 

Best regards



Dear moderator, Killjoy

by sadegh on

Dear moderator, Killjoy started this all off by insulting me and I'm simply not going to tolerate his likes denouncing me as an IRI supporter on the basis of fabricated arguments and unabashed lies...  

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh


Moderator 1234

Dear Participants

by Moderator 1234 on

Please use civil language in addressing each other and refrain from name calling. 


Yes moron...I praised her

by sadegh on

Yes moron...I praised her initially...then someone pointed out that she couldn't speak Persian, so I asked if this was in fact the case...IranDokht confirmed that Nazanin can speak Persian albeit badly...and I accepted it...I then heard her speak for myself, said she spoke poorly then said that nonetheless she was very what, are we not allowed to ask questions now??? And you're a f**cking democrat??? Yeah wouldn't know if democracy smacked you in the face my friend...all you can do is slander people by calling them IRI defenders...I am permitted to ask if she is affliated with the Pahlavis (if you must know I am a Mossadeghist and therefore a liberal democrat), since I do not support their agenda...if you don't agree I couldn't care less...I'm entitled to query people's motives and ulterior agendas if they are present...I am also allowed to ask whether people are merely publicizing human rights violations inside Iran in order to promote themselves...I don't think Nazanin is doing so because she is a talented lady and could certainly pursue plenty of other avenues if she wished, merely to the end of being famous...So basically you are wrong on every single count...GET A DAMN CLUE AND STOP EMBARRASSING YOURSELF... 

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



  Moron..."Thatkid" is the

by sadegh on

  Moron..."Thatkid" is the name of the anonymous user who supplied the link to the video of Nazanin speaking Farsi...hmmm...who's braindead now??? You started off by being incredibly rude and attacking me and I reply to thugs in the only language they understand so get used to it!! If you think for one second I'm going to be bullied by an idiot such as yourself you're totally deluded...

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



"The IRI simply does not

by . (not verified) on

"The IRI simply does not follow international law" - Kaveh Nouraee


Usually, those with more power and influence set an example for other countries to follow international law. Kaveh do you know of any countries who have violated international law?

President Bush announced at the United Nations today that Russia violated international law by attacking Georgia, lol. Iraqis asked America to invade, ruin, and occupy their country, therefore president Bush and the neocons didn't violate international law. Actually, after the propaganda dust settled, it was Russia who was initially attacked, and they responded.

Let me re-phrase my question, do you know of the hundreds of cases which international law was violated around the world? Or is it just IRI, Iran's government, that has violated international law only? (according to your statement).

They abided to international law on their nuclear energy (NPT member, and IAEA inspections), have other countries abided too? Some are known to be making nuclear bombs without any inspections. Are these violations of international law?

My position is against foolish wars including a propaganda build-up for a future war against Iran, just because some non-Iranian extremists want to dupe America to attack Iran. My position is not political or religious, and therefore will question those who try to make an attack on Iran seem to be required and acceptable with their warmongering propaganda and tactics. I am also of the opinion that attacking and starting a war against Iran is not in the interest of America either, it is in the interest of the neocons and war contractors only, not America's.


Thanks Naznin

by cyclicforward on

This is a great start and events like this will eventually multiply and bring the human rights violation to the attention of the world. Don't let the lies of Mahmud go unchallenged. It is time to grab them by their horn.



by Killjoy (not verified) on

Show your comments to any intelligent native speaker of English and they will tell you which one of us is "braindead."

Your comments are still available? They have all the hallmarks of a pro-IR activist desperately trying to distract readers' attention from the main issues at hand. Your statements are way out of line and your tone is insulting.

"Thatkid her Farsi is terrible...seriously, she speaks like a 5 year old...On reflection though, I have to say that she is clearly a very brave's good to see that she is still willing to go out and speak about her beliefs in order to speak to Iranians who don't have the luxury of knowing another language other than shows either great humility or arrogance...I hope the former..."

First you call Nazanin "That kid" and then "praise" her courage. You are very amusing, Sadegh.

Any intelligent speaker of English would tell you that you DO NOT refer to a person your age or older than you as "that kid." Especially, not in a serious context such the one this post is dealing with.

You overemphasize the fact that Nazanin cannot speak Persian well, which has very little to do with what she is doing as a human rights activist.

Again, what do "... all the self-styled 'Iranian attention seekers cum human rights activists' jumping on the bad wagaon, ..." have got to do with this post? Isn't this an attempt in tempering praise with contemptuous statements? Especially when you write: "Really she can't even speak Persian??? Is she affliated to the royalists???

Six question marks for two short sentences?

And then you go ahead and write: "'s good to see that she is still willing to go out and speak about her beliefs in order to speak to Iranians who don't have the luxury of knowing another language other than shows either great humility or arrogance...I hope the former..."

Why "arrogance" or even "humility?" What's the relationship between what she's doing and arrogance or humility? You simply can't stand the fact that there is opposition to Ahmadinejad's visit and she's working hard to expose IR's crimes aginst Iranians.

If you don't find such "generous" use of explicit derision, implied sarcasm and blatant accusation contemptuous, then you need to have someone read and edit your comments for you before sending them out.

Here are your other comments:

Very important work...child
by sadegh on Tue Sep 23, 2008 01:45 PM CDT

Very important work...child executions are simply inexcusable in this day and age...though I have certain problems with all the self-styled 'Iranian attention seekers cum human rights activists' jumping on the bandwagon, Nazanin's work is incredibly important and is effecting genuine change...well done Nazanin!!!"
"Really she can't even speak"by sadegh on Tue Sep 23, 2008 01:47 PM CDT

Really she can't even speak Persian???
Is she affliated to the royalists???


Nazanin can now be proud of her new ZioNazi friends

by Mehdi on

Just look at how criminal ZioNazis are gladly using her work. Let's see what did she accomplish for Iranian children? Freedom? Oh, no not that, bombs by Israel. Thank you very much Nazanin! You saved the two homosexual/rapist/murderer from execution! Thanks indeed! 




(paragraph 7, especially acknowledging this) 





by Happy Boy (not verified) on

Way to go lovely Nazanin...Such great and beautiful girl inside out...She can bring people together.... we need people like Nazanian.... LOVE YOU NAZANIN...


Also I respect greatly what

by sadegh on

Also I respect greatly what Nazanin is doing, but don't expect me to follow suit and blithely parrot your idol worship...some of us have chosen to develop our critical faculties and not accept everything we're told at face-value...If you want to be a sheep, then keep's exactly how the Khomeinists got into power in the first instance i.e. unthinking zombies who can't think or question things for themselves...  

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh



Killjoy you might just be

by sadegh on

Killjoy you might just be just braindead and if so I will not hold your stupidity and idiocy against you...I said she is doing courageous work in an earlier post and also said she was very brave for going onto VOA to express her beliefs even though she doesn't speak the language very well...Are you sure that you're even competent in English?, and btw I can speak Arabic reasonably well and have been learning modern Arabic for some time...Get a clue you stupid ignorant moron...

Ba Arezu-ye Movafaghiat, Sadegh




by Disgusted (not verified) on

She has the intelligence and savad of a 5-year old. Who is she to talk about these subjects? What authority does she have? Maybe PMC would be more appropriate for her. It's easy to live in LA in your mansion and criticize everyone. She probably doesn't know where Iran is on a map.

Pathetic. This is who you look up to?


To Tahirih

by Ali1234 (not verified) on

You know what? At this point, with all the lies that the so-called "opposition" is shamelessly spreading around through the media, I am not sure if I do believe that these things are still happening today in Iran.

If homosexuals were really being executed in Iran, the so-called "opposition" wouldn't have to use the same images of the two child rapists being executed over and over again and make them into the poster-child of human rights violations in Iran!

When I see that a statement by Ahmadinejad (whom I am NOT a fan of) about Israel gets so distorted beyond recognition and repeated time after time to make him look like another "Hitler"...When I see the senseless hatred and racism of the "free minded" Iranians abroad towards Muslims....when I see that a lot of them would love to see the U.S invade Iran or impose sanctions of it and would ally with any enemy of Iran and make up any lie to achieve that end....When I see that they have no respect even for those who gave their lives or lost their limbs in the Iran-Iraq war to save them from become Saddam's slaves, calling them "brainwashed", "zealots" and mocking their "culture of martyrdom"...When I see that they accuse anyone of being an "I.R agent" or a "terrorist" as soon as he/she does something positive for Iran....When I see that they can not tolerate any alternative view and rush to stick their old sickening labels and accusations again....When I see that they are more neo-con than Bush and more Zionist than Sharon...etc I am sorry, I am not sure if I trust them and their news more than I trust the I.R's.

In fact I think I am starting to trust the I.R a little bit more.


I don't care if this woman

by skatermom (not verified) on

I don't care if this woman is fluent in Farsi or Botswanese. I don't care if she is a citizen of Lithuania or Laos. She's doing a hell of a lot more than any of us here. She's bringing international attention to the heinous, barbaric, inhumane practices of the IRI. If one child is spared from her tireless campaigning then she my friends should be canonized. Enough with the conspiracy theories of Time Warner and Rupert Murdoch. I don't see any of us getting up off of our fat asses and helping these poor, defenseless, beegonah children. Abol Danesh, really? If your 15 year old son/daughter was imprisoned for accusations of homosexuality or teaching bahaism or judaism I bet you'd want her pretty face rallying for his/her release. Or does your human rights campaigner need to be donning a polyester pant suit under a manteau to give her credibility?


To Ali1234:

by Tahirih on

So all killed were criminals?? ha?? what about 16 yr old Mona Mahmodnejad and 9 Innocent bahai girls ? You know I am sure you support the action of IRI for the petition to wipe Bahai's from Iran?

I guess we Bahais are all homosexuals and rapists? what about all those young Kurds? they were rapists? what about the slaughter of youth in Evin prisons? they were criminals too I guess??!!

Nazanin is true daughter of Persia, God bless her.



by Killjoy (not verified) on

You are a demagogue!!! You guys have to show your true colors when there's any opposition to the tyrants in charge of Iran.

With your logic, Noam Chomsky or thousands of other individual for that matter, should keep quiet about Iranians, Palestinians and other people simply because he can't speak their languages. This kind of logic DOES NOT hold any water, but as is customary with your kind, you had to find some fault with Nazanin!

Do you speak Arabic? Why are you defending the Palestinians? Of course, I only see your defense of the Palestinian "cause" as a pretext to support the Iranian regime.

It's not Nazanin's fault if the circumstances surrounding her while she was growing up IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY, prevented her from learning Persian. This should be also blamed on the inhuman policies of the Rulling Terrorists who have forced millions of Iranians into exile.

There are tens of millions of Iranians inside Iran who can't speak Persian the way it is spoken by a well-educated Iranian. Does that make them less Iranian than you or the likes of you?

As a child I lived in a town where I needed some friends' help to understand their parents because they never had a chnace to go to school and could not speak itelligible Persian. Did that make them any less Iranian?

You need to learn to live with the simple fact that Iranians hate the regime and their brutal rule is on the verge of a huge implosion!!!

Shame on all IR supporters!