Reza Pahlavi on elections

Interview with CNN on recent parliamentary elections


more from Darius Kadivar

Iran: Carter's Habitat For

by waitingforgod (not verified) on

Iran: Carter's Habitat For Inhumanity

Leadership: In the name of human rights, Jimmy Carter gave rise to one of the worst rights violators in history — the Ayatollah Khomeini. And now Khomeini's successor is preparing for nuclear war with Israel and the West.

When President Carter took office in 1977, the Iran of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was a staunch American ally, a bulwark in our standoff with the Soviet Union, thwarting the dream held since the time of the czars of pushing south toward the warm waters of the appropriately named Persian Gulf.

Being an ally of the U.S. in the Cold War, Iran was a target for Soviet subversion and espionage. Like the U.S. in today's war on terror, Iran arrested and incarcerated many who threatened its sovereignty and existence, mainly Soviet agents and their collaborators.

Much more...



Question of

by waitingforgod (not verified) on

Question of numbers:


The mullahs killed more people in less than two month than the late Shah did in his entire reign. He never stoned anyone to death either.


Ganji also confessed that they lied about the Shah:

Ganji: We Lied!

ما دروغ می‌گفتیم،...
ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه ۱۵۰ هزار زندانی سیاسی دارد و این دروغ بود، و امروز باید بابت این دروغ، یعنی خودمان و همه کسانی که این دروغ را گفته‌اند باید خودشان را نقد بکنند. ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه صمد بهرنگی را کشت، ما به دروغ گفتیم حکومت شاه صادق هدایت را کشت،‌ ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه دکتر شریعتی را کشت. همه‌ی این دروغها را گفته‌ایم، آگاهانه هم گفته‌ایم


List of victims of the Islamic Republic:


No censoring please!


Same lies? After 30 years?

by jamshid on

Shahrokh: "monarch Family.... 50 years of abuse of power, corruption, lies, torture, killing and harassment of the oposition."

I get so sick when I hear the same lies that were fed to us in 1978. Pehraps because I was fooled by them, and perhaps because these lies drew me and many others to the streets to chant death to the shah. But I have only one thing to say: Shame on you for having learnt NOTHING, and repeating the same lies after 30 years of disaster.

Let's analyze Shahrokh's statement, word by word: 

Corruption: Iran had one of the least corrupted governments among 3rd world countries or even compared with the type of corrutpion going on in US senate, Russia or even Japan.

The corruption issue was handed to us from the Ghajars era, and unless the masses stop being corrupt, their govenments are going to continue to be corrupt. But even then Iran's governemt was one of the least corrupt in its recent history.

Lies: The Islamists and leftists claimed there were 300,000 political prisoners. They claimed that 600,000 people were killed during the last two years of revolution. They claimed that Savak set cinema rex on fire. They claimed that 10,000 people were killed in Jaleh Square. They claimed there were widespread torture.

The Pahlavi regime claimed that Rex cinema was set on fire by Islamists. The Islamists claimed it was Savak. Lated the IRI retracted and even tried those rogue Islamists responsible for that tragic event.

The pahlavi regime claimed that less than 100 were killed during the Jaleh incident. The Islamists claimed 10,000. Later Baghi, an IRI archivist, put that number to 97.

The pahlavi regime claimed that there were 3000 political prisoners. The opposition claimed 300,000. Now Bani Sadr, IRI's first president agrees that it was 3000.

Emad Baghi, and ex-IRI man, is doing prison time because he asked the IRI: "Why do we lie so much? Why do we "have" to lie so much?"

The shah's regime did not lie. In fact they were naively too truthful. It was and still is the IRI elements and their soldout leftis lackeys that lie.

Just do the math for the above numbers. You'll see that those and other numbers were exagerated by an order of 100. Why 100?

It is no conicidencel that communists propagandists discovered that "100" is the "magic" number to exagerate numbers by in order to entice the masses. More will become too unbelievable. Less is useless.

Torture: Since I and nobody in this site were present in Savak's prison, we can only guess. Based on the above facts, I firmly believe that torture was exagerated by probably 100 times as well. That means there may have been several dozens prisoners who were roughed up a few times, mostly to extract information. But who were they? They were the very same bastards that are brutalizing your country today. Khamenei was one of those prisoners who belonged in prison.

And here are some fools repeating the same lies that these very same mullahs once spread.

Harrassment of oppostion: Now that I know who and what type of animals the majority of these so called "opposition" were (hint, hint, look at top ruling class in IRI, look at the executioners and torturers from IRI ranks), I ask why weren't these bastards even MORE harassed?

There were many more lies made about the Pahlavis themselves which were spread in the streets. I was there and I remember. We believed them, acted on them and we paid the price.

The rest of Shahrokh's lies (we had more advancement in 10 years under the IRI than in 50 years under pahalvis) or Daryus's (1 million dollar dance floor), etc, are just repeatitions of the same old crap.

And then one commentor confronted Daryus with his $1 Meg floor dance lie, he said that he read it in some "reputable" magazine 20 years ago. Yeah right. 

If we, me and many others as well, if we knew back then what we know today, If we only knew.


More on the manufactured

by waitingforgod (not verified) on

More on the manufactured propagnada against the Shah:

As if a light were switched off, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlevi, portrayed for 20 years as a progressive modern ruler by Islamic standards, was suddenly, in 1977-1978, turned into this foaming at the mouth monster by the international left media. Soon after becoming President in 1977, Jimmy Carter launched a deliberate campaign to undermine the Shah. The Soviets and their left-wing apparatchiks would coordinate with Carter by smearing the Shah in a campaign of lies meant to topple his throne. The result would be the establishment of a Marxist/Islamic state in Iran headed by the tyrannical Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The Iranian revolution, besides enthroning one of the world's most oppressive regimes, would greatly contribute to the creation of the Marxist/Islamic terror network challenging the free world today.At the time, a senior Iranian diplomat in Washington observed, "President Carter betrayed the Shah and helped create the vacuum that will soon be filled by Soviet-trained agents and religious fanatics who hate America." Under the guise of promoting" human rights," Carter made demands on the Shah while blackmailing him with the threat that if the demands weren't fulfilled, vital military aid and training would be withheld. This strange policy, carried out against a staunch, 20 year Middle East ally, was a repeat of similar policies applied in the past by US governments to other allies such as pre Mao China and pre Castro Cuba. Carter started by pressuring the Shah to release "political prisoners" including known terrorists and to put an end to military tribunals. The newly released terrorists would be tried under civil jurisdiction with the Marxist/Islamists using these trials as a platform for agitation and propaganda. This is a standard tactic of the left then and now. The free world operates at a distinct dis-advantage to Marxist and Islamic nations in this regard as in those countries, trials are staged to "show" the political faith of the ruling elite. Fair trials, an independent judiciary, and a search for justice is considered to be a western bourgeois prejudice...more


Read also the book by william Engdhal on manufactured coup of 1978:



varjavan: WHy do you keep

by Anonymousx (not verified) on

varjavan: WHy do you keep mindlessly and dutifully parroting the 3-decade old propaganda? The Shah compared to many dictatores around the world and most definitely compared to the Islamic Republic was a Saint. The crimes and atrocities committed by the Islamic Republic dwarf anything that the shah and his father did; also you convenietnly forget the historical context of cold war.

In two month the Islamic Republic killed and torutured more than the shah did in his entire reign.



Ganji has also confessed that they lied:

Akbar Ganji: We Lied about the Shah!
An ex-Revolutionary Guardsman Comes Clean!

N. Kamvari's interview with Akbar Ganji (Zamaneh Radio):
Ganji: We Lied about the Shah!

ما دروغ می‌گفتیم،...
ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه ۱۵۰ هزار زندانی سیاسی دارد و این دروغ بود، و امروز باید بابت این دروغ، یعنی خودمان و همه کسانی که این دروغ را گفته‌اند باید خودشان را نقد بکنند. ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه صمد بهرنگی را کشت، ما به دروغ گفتیم حکومت شاه صادق هدایت را کشت،‌ ما به دروغ می‌گفتیم حکومت شاه دکتر شریعتی را کشت. همه‌ی این دروغها را گفته‌ایم، آگاهانه هم گفته‌ایم



Ganji: We lied. We lied that the Shah's regime had 150,000 political prisoners and this way a lie and today for this lie, namely, ourseleves and all those who said this lie, must step up and say so. We lied that the shah's regime killed Samad Behrangi, We lied that the Shah's regime killed Sadegh Hedayat, we lied that the Shah's regime killed Dr. Shariati. All these lies have been told knowingly and willfully.



Straight From the Horse's

by Anonymousx (not verified) on

Straight From the Horse's Mouth
آقای امیر‌احمدی، با توجه به اینکه سفر تازه‌ای به ایران داشتید و نگاهی هم لابد از صحنه‌ای نزدیک‌تر به انتخابات؛ انتخابات را در ایران چطور دیدید؟متاسفانه در ایران انتخابات، هنوز خیلی جدی نیست. نه برای مردم، نه برای احزاب و نیروهای سیاسی مختلف. من فکر می‌کنم که انتخابات آزاد را باید یک پروژه ملی کرد. ولی متاسفانه در ایران، انتخابات یک پروژه ملی نیست. هنوز یک پروژه حزبی و گروهی و جناحی اینطور چیزها است.

Q: Mr. Amir-Ahmadi, considering that you just returned from Iran and witnessed the election, how would you describe the election in Iran?

*AMIR_AHMADI: Regretfully, Election in Iran, is still not serious; not for the people, not for the political parties, and not for diverse political forces. I think, free election should become a National Project; but regretfully, in Iran election is not a National Project. It is still a party-oriented, factional and a religious/political group project.

*HOOSHANG AMIRAHMADI holds a Ph.D. in planning and international development from Cornell University and is a professor of the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy, at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Professor Amirahmadi has served as director of the University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies, as chair and graduate director of his department at the Bloustein School, and as the University Coordinator of the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship Program. He is the founder and president of the American Iranian Council (AIC)


Dear prince, Had the brutal

by varjavand on

Dear prince, Had the brutal regime of your father not been eradicated by the will of the brave Iranian people, you were the Shah of Iran by this very moment and most likely were ruling the country with the same vicious dictatorship inherited from your father. Now that you are ousted, desperate, and powerless in exile; you crave democracy, secularism, and all those mouth-filling words. Come on, whom are you trying to fool by your hypocritical rhetoric?



the system is changing in itself !!!

by Setiz (not verified) on

Yeah, the system is changing itself at a turtle pace. But that is fine for someone who is living in Switzerland and therefore has patience for another 30 years to just maybe the system will diminish its daily atrocities on the people inside iran.

Az the proverb says: Sedaayat az jaayeh garm dar miyaad baraadar.


Not true

by Setiz (not verified) on

Well, we fell for that last time, and have been paying for it for the last 30 years. I read somewhere does not count. Remember Amnesty International (an otherwise respectable organization) feeding on leftists' claims and reporting that shah had hundreds of thousands of prisoners. Well now we KNOW that that was a BIG lie. Shah had prisoners, but nowhere near what AI was reporting. The real number was smaller by a factor of 1500 compared to what khomeini, the sign of god, was claiming it to be (according to emad baghi, not me).

As for reza pahlavi, it is unjust to tell iranians who are suffering in iran day in day out that "please just wait for another 30 years till maybe someone emerges because I just don't like pahlavis..." while sitting here in the comfort of our western homes. If one is to reject reza pahlavi, that is fine as long as he can put forward someone equally well-known in iran with as clean a record (never mind what his father did or did not do, he is cleaner than any mulla or ex-mulla). Ex-revolutionaries and ex-islamists are another side of the same fanatic coin and are worse than RP, and cannot be trusted.

The situation in iran is urgent for those who are struggling on a daily basis there. We need to use every and all well-intentioned resources including RP. What he says makes sense, specilly that his focus is on saving iran, not returning to power. My only problem with him is that he has not been very effective so far in planning a rescue mission.


HAHA! he comes on CNN to define "Secular"

by ABC (not verified) on

he got in lots of "key" vocab words. Stability, democracy, election, freedom. He learned from Bush... but also like bush he's a blithering idiot.


I totally agree with

by Shahrokh from Swiss (not verified) on

I totally agree with you.
Who need the pahlavees.
I believe the system is changing in itself.
Ahmadinejad was just a vote of NO to the reformist, who didnot bring any reform to iran when they have the presidency and the parlament and a big NO to rafsanjany.
There are honest personalities in this system like Ghalibaf and I hope these forces will replace the Mullas.
In my opinion the scientific and technological developments in iran in the last 10 years are far more than 50 years of pahlavi regim.
You can not say just because Shah was western
and educated he was good for iran.
They betrayed iran and iranians.
I remmember the villages in iran under Shah, no schools, no electricity , no runing water no hospitals....nothing


why is "Shahzadeh" in a position to talk ...

by Anonymous888888888888888 (not verified) on

why is "Shahzadeh" in a position to talk about democracy in Iran. This does not make any kind of sense. Second of all, why is this "news reporter" interviewing the "Shahzadeh". Shah and Khomeini had their good and bad intentions. Shah and Khomeini both have their good and bad points. I think people in Iran do not necessarily hate the Islamic Republic. They don't want another blind revolution. This System (islamic republic) will be reformed and that is what Iran lovers are working for. No one is absolutely bad or good. Just ask your self, how much doubt there is in your heart about every thing in life. we are all strugling to make ourselves and our society better. we should be united not devided. People like "shahzedh" are bad for our unity. He should not even get into polictics, because he is a divicive figure. I have no respect for Shah's son. He is no body and has no right to speak for Iranians. Ahmadinejad is the president of Iran, good or bad. He has more right to talk on the behalf of iranian people.



by Dariush (not verified) on

Yes, I read this in 1988 in a daily american newspaper not a cheap gossip magazine. They had no reason to lie. It was just a news wrtten by a reporter that seemed to love them. If I had the time I would search and find it, but then you will argue that the reporter had lied. What about their comments toward Jimmy Carter? Is that a lie too? What about over throwing mossadegh and giving Iran away? Is that a lie too? and on and on and on. You can not deny history! Well, I guss you can, but I can not.



by Aiseh is an idiot (not verified) on

Aiseh Namdar could not have objectively done this interview. Everyone knows her dad was mayor of Tehran during the Shah, and was forced to leave when the Revolution took place.

And yes Asieh, Reza Pahlavi is not your brother to be calling him by his first name. Next time, call him "Mr. Loser" or "Mr. Insignificant" or "Mr. No one in Iran wants you back" get my drift?


reza pahlavi spent $1,000,000 to built a dance stage...

by Setiz (not verified) on

Phalavis did not bring us to where we are, lies and deceits as well misguidedness did.

Do you have any evidence, beyond hearsay, that RP spent $1,000,000 to build a dance stage in his mansion? Were you there, or were you the architect, that you "remember" so vividly? Is this this based on the same evidence that emam used to take control of MY country and replace pahlavis with something far more sinister.

Lies will not take use anywhere. Pahlavis had their chance and maybe did not do as well as they should have, but that does not justify lying only to satisfy the usual iranian self-righteousness.


No pahlavis

by Dariush (not verified) on

I would say talk is cheap. Pahlavis had their chance for 50 years and they didn't serve people. I remembr in 1988 reza pahlavi spent $1,000,000 to built a dance stage in his mansion so he can party, when Iranian in his age and younger were fighting and dying to save Iran. Maybe if he return all the wealth his parents stole from Iran to the poor Iranians then I buy some of his empty promises!!! Him and others like him don' belive in freedom for Iranians! They have always blamed Jimmy Carter for pushing shah to give freedom to people that resulted in the revolution, so that means the talk of giving freedom to people is just to fool people to get themselves to power. Separation of religion from goverment is good, but it doesn't guaranty freedom if the ruler is a dictator!!! I say no to Islamic republic only if I was sure it will be replaced with a true nationalist goverment like Dr. Mossadegh and I don't see that in pahlavis and any opposition groups out there, because it is very much possible that we get worse than what we have now. It is also clear and our history has shown no matter who is the goverment in Iran if they want to be independent not slave to the west, they will face pressure and war or be slave and serve the west then have some peace



by Ali Joon (not verified) on

HE is right, we should just got rid of elections and return to a monarchy and have him just be king, and everyone will live happily after. LOL. this guys a clown. joke. fraud.oppurtunist. neo-con puppet (AEI loves him).


comming soon

by Shah doost (not verified) on

If we like it or not, sooner or later Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan all will be divided in many smaller independent countries.
Many different cultures, languages and mentalities can't co exist under one flag. Remember Russia, Ex-Yugoslavia.

Only a strong Monarchy could stop this. The late Shah is the most popular person in Iran today, even among those who
were not born during his rule. No doubt by a free referendum, Reza Pahlavi would be elected by majority of the Iranian
people. The reason why Mullahs would never permit such a referendum.



by Ayatoilet (not verified) on

Ayatollahs and all their supporters including the now ashamed former revolutionaries never could utter one sentence of rational argument in their long sermons. Reza Pahlavi in a few minutes made a pretty good argument against the process of Islamic elections. Freedom and liberty is indeed poison for the Islamic regime.


LOL "Reza" offends you? No wonder monarchists are a disaster

by Anonymouss (not verified) on

HE IS HUMAN not royal.

In fact, he didn't even manage to say anything that anyone's Amoo hasn't said at nahar jomeh. What a loser this Reza is.


RE: Golpessar

by IRANdokht on

it seems like we, Iranians are too quick to judge and criticize without having the common sense to recognize and support the ideas that would benefit us as a nation.

When you say that he is useless, who else in the current Iranian opposition are you comparing him to? Reza Pahlavi is  the most outspoken, logical and visible opposition that we have, but unfortunately he's always criticized by the rest, for the decisions that his father made during his reign. People forget that Reza Pahlavi was merely considered an adult when the chaos of 1979 took place. If he had the support of the Iran-lovers who want a better future like he does, we would not have to endure the current regime for 30 years!  During these years we have heard him speak up and we've seen interviews of him with different western media that proved he's a nationalist and a patriot.

Why is it that the voice of reason is always shut out by the so-called Iranian intellectuals? The resistance and prejudice that we see against him is comparable to the insane slogans we heard against Dr Bakhtiar when he tried to save Iran 30 years ago.

Time for people to wake up and set aside their unreasonable emotions and gather behind the one person who has the visibility, the intelligence and the patriotism of Reza Pahlavi and support him instead of the useless criticism. 

Thank you




by Shahrokh from Swiss (not verified) on

Regarding the monarch Family,
They had their chances, 50 years of abuse of power, corruption, lies, torture, killing and harassment of the oposition.
They are gone for good and hope they will never step their foot back on holly land of iran. Iran need a new, dynamic and strong leadership, leaders with high moral, high values and standards.Leaders who would put the sake of iran and iranian over everything.
Like cyrus, Darush, Shahpoor, Ardesheer.

Not this neem pahlavi.

Mojde ay del ke ayyam e gham nakhahad mand
chenan nabud o chenen nis ham nakhahad mand.

Sale no mobarak

Payande wa sarfaraz IRAN


Happy Norouz to Pahlevis

by Kamangir on

Like Irandokht has mentioned, Reza Pahlevi does love his country a country he had left behind like many of us.

I'm glad we still have someone that makes sense.

Happy Nourooz to him and his family.




Pahlavi the useless

by Golpessar (not verified) on

This guys is the most useless opposition leader in the history. Dude, either go and have your private life or stop the CNN, U of X...interviews and speeches that you give every often...if you really care about iran use your money and show you face out there more often,let the people know who you are...have a useful Satellite TV program where people can see you, pick up the phone and talk to the Iranian youths...DO SOMETHING


I vote for Rudi Bakhtiar any day... :0)

by Reza-San Diego (not verified) on

Asieh was trying to be too American when interviewing an Ex- Monarch... She kept calling him Reza!!! He is not your friend or a kid alright. Most Intelligent interviewers would call him by his last name to say the least....

Simply unprofessional on Asieh's part on a global network! I have seen Larry King & Anderson Cooper speak much more formal with Mr. Pahlavi & individuals like him in the past!

Reza is not your cousin Asieh jaan OK, have some respect and common sense... :-)

But to get back to the real subject!!!!

I don't care if you like Monarchy (Reza Pahlavi) or not ,but he is so right about how Iran & Iranians have been treated & How Iran must eventually be... For the love of GOD, A reasonable Democracy....


I like what I hear

by IRANdokht on

I think he's one intelligent man who loves his country and I like what he says.

Thank you Mr K.


Ali P.


by Ali P. on


One may like, or not like the messenger, but the message was great, I thought!


Islamic Republic of Iran Yes or No?

by Anonymous879521 (not verified) on

Its simple...

Forget the past..

Dont point fingers

Make a decision yes or no!

Its simple...
