From new book, "Conspiracy for Greatness: Mastery of Love Within!"
For many years, I was fascinated by our ability as a human race to shift our thinking. One of the main elements that define us from other species is this ability to “think,” and to decide and redirect our minds to what we always knew we could do! Look at our collective recorded human history, and you will find all those wonderful, brilliant and fascinating human beings who directed their thinking to an area or topic, producing unprecedented results, incredible inventions and so many amazing creations that we can barely keep count. Now, you and I are taking advantage of the outcome of those brilliant thinkers!
Interference via Twitter, Dreyfuss and the National Endowment for Democracy
In its desire to build citizen to citizen contacts as a prelude to promote official dialogues and ultimately establish a normal diplomatic and commercial relation with the U.S., the Iranian government threw its doors open on U.S. individuals and groups who appeared wanting to allay the differences between the two countries. Although the majority of the peace groups and activists who visited Iran were well-intentioned, there were quite a few who were motivated by the idea of supporting certain political trends against the Iranian government. These individuals and groups were more interested in furthering the U.S. foreign policy objectives in Iran and the Middle East
1924 journey of three Americans in treacherous Bakhtiari terrain
Bahman Maghsoudlou's "Grass: Untold Stories" not only tells the story of the film Grass, the pioneer 1924 still-documentary on the migration of the Bakhtiari tribe from their summer to winter quarters in Southwest Iran, but also the lives of three American adventurers who made the film. The book describes, in detail, and on the basis of a variety of sources, including the memoirs and books written by the three Americans adventurers, their life experiences, most importantly, their unusual adventure in making the film Grass. The first half of the book deals with their lives before leaving for Iran and the second their extraordinary adventure with the Bakhtiari migration
Islam, like any other religions, is not inherently violent, Aslan asserts
Dr. Aslan’s rigorous examination of the key factors that transform young men into zealous Muslims willing to sacrifice their lives, determined to challenge the existing world order, and serving as the conduit for horrific attacks against innocent human beings helps us to better understand Jihadism and why it should be considered a social movement. The author argues that it is the demonization of Muslims in many Western countries like the UK that changed otherwise peaceful Muslims like Hasib Mir Hussain - one of the four terrorists who carried out a suicide attack by detonating a bomb on a bus that exploded inTavistock Square in London killing 13 including himself - into violent Jihadists.
Interview with author of "Rooftops of Tehran"
Last Friday, I visited the “Book Soup” on Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles to attend a book reading by Mahbod Seraji, the author of Rooftops of Tehran. Given the recent events in Iran, the atmosphere at this gathering started off somber. However, the heaviness melted just as soon as Mahbod took to the podium to tell us about his journey from a young reader on the rooftops of Tehran, poring over Jack London, to a writer of his first novel which promises to become a bestseller. Mahbod’s positive energy and impeccable delivery put me at ease immediately. Together with Sepi Seraji, his better half, the couple managed to inject just enough genuine camaraderie to the atmosphere in order make it an enjoyable evening for all
... or too sick to distinguish fact from fiction?
I had compiled this article just before the death of my father Nosratollah Amini and now in his memory and on the occasion of 29th of Ordibehesht (18th of May), Mohammad Mosaddeq’s birthday, I am posting it. My father was an honest, kind and caring human being who was not just the attorney to Mosaddeq, but to many others, including Gholam Reza Takhti and Shamshiri. May his memory live in the hearts and minds of those who knew him. The following are excerpts from the Shah’s last book translated from the original French by Teresa Waugh and published in Great Britain by Michael Joseph Ltd in 1980. As I was reading this interesting text, I came across these few passages
Excerpt from "Sexual Politics in Modern Iran"
One of the best-known examples of love and reciprocity in mystic circles appears in an account of the life of Rumi, the greatest Sufi poet in the Persian language, whose followers founded the Mevle known for its ritual whirling. While living in Konya in 1244, Rumi forged an intense bond with Mawlana Shams Tabrizi, a mystic and accomplished teacher who claimed to have reached union with God. Theirs was a unique relationship since both were mature and renowned masters. Franklin Lewis writes that contemporaries defined their relationship as falling in love, which Franklin qualifies as a “Platonic love of a disciple for his teacher.” Rumi took Shams home, “ where they lived happily for a year or two before the disciples of Rumi became to act on their jealousy”
"Sexual Politics in Modern Iran"
The 1979 Islamic revolution was not a wholesale return to the past; rather, the new state reinvented and expanded certain retrogressive cultural practices and presented them as what Foucault has called a “regime of truth” through modern technologies of power. As part of its commitment to modernity, the Islamist state continued the literacy and health campaigns of the Pahlavi era. It also created, alongside the army and the police force, a parallel series of paramilitary forces. As soon as the regime attained some degree of authority, it established a new juridical discourse on sexuality, whose underlying theme was granting more power over women’s sexuality and reproductive functions to the state and to men, while also reversing modern trends in love and marriage.
Reza Varjavand's "From Misery Alley to Missouri Valley"
by Seymour Patterson
Reza Varjavand arrived for the first time in the United States from Iran - a country with a long and rich history of accomplishment - in 1973. He attended the University of Oklahoma and received a Ph.D. in economics. Reza came from humble surroundings in what he describes as the Misery Alley. He had seven siblings and was the youngest of four brothers. Their father was a farmer and mother taught Quran to a few girls in the Reza's neighborhood. Fortunately, because he did not have to work alongside his brothers and father on the farm, Reza was allowed indulge his curiosity and desire for an education
Nader Jahanfard's passage into the beautiful game with Middle Eastern accent
Ahmad Tousi, PhD, Head Coach of Cal State Stanislaus Warriors writes: No sport has experienced such a tremendous growth in popularity in the U.S. in the past few years as soccer. Soccer is now played everywhere around the globe. This book has been written to present the experience of a man over the years. The knowledge gained has been and will continue to be tested as new ideas emerge and changes occur. Nader is the maker of his own fortune. Soccer is an intriguing game. There is nothing like an exciting run, a great feint, an accurate pass, a good shot, a brilliant save or a dazzling goal... The goal of this book is to provide you with verbal and visual imagery to recall and adopt. I strongly believe that the author has scored on all accounts.
آینده ایران در قرن بیست و یکم
استمرار جمهوری اسلامی یکی از احتمالات آینده است. مذهب تشیع (پس از زبان فارسی) بارزترین وجه مشترک مردم ایران است. شکل حکومتی جمهوری نیز از لحاظ تاریخی بسیار پایدار می باشد. پس چه دلیلی برای عدم انطباق جمهوری اسلامی با شرایط ایران وجود دارد؟ اول آنکه، از جمهوریت تنها اسم و ظاهر آن موجود است و در حقیقت، رژیم کنونی یک استبداد بسته عقیدتی است. شکل استبدادی حکومت هم به عامه مردم خدمت نمیکند، بلکه آنان را خادم سیادت و سلطه خود می سازد. لاجرم با گذشت زمان، حاکمان مستبد بیشتر و پیشتر از نیازهای جامعه و واقعیات زندگی اجتماعی دور می شوند و در برابر مخدومین نافرمان، دست به سرکوب و آزار می زنند. دوم اینکه، اسلام و خرافات هزار ساله تشیع، اگر چه عاملی مهییج برای انقلاب و شورش بوده است، اما توانایی هدایت و راه گشایی در شرایط جهان مدرن را ندارد!
This Iran strategy looks awfully familiar
A familiar specter is haunting foreign policy circles, hovering in particular over liberal experts and intellectuals, compelling them to re-examine their views on two former ideological adversaries, namely Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan. In an exceptional turn of events, the two ex-presidents are being unanimously hailed as a pair of foreign policy visionaries--Nixon for going to China, and Reagan for embracing Mikhail Gorbachev. The specter, of course, is Henry Kissinger. Nowhere is this transformation better evident than in the debate about Iran. These days, the new conventional wisdom in Washington advocates the pursuit of a diplomatic solution with Tehran. The only existing disagreement is not over whether to negotiate but when to negotiate
“The Complete and ExtraOrdinary History of the October Surprise"
Two gentlemen, both tall and stooped, both with hairlines thoroughly receded, both wearing the golf wear of the elderly – khaki pants with drawstring waists, untucked golf shirts made of cheap polyester, white tennis shoes, socks once white but darker now due to stains and overuse, socks noticeable due to khakis slightly on the short side – these two men stood on a green in the middle of a warm Ft. Lauderdale winter, determining line and speed. Both men wore oversized eyeglasses. Neither man could read green speed; neither man could putt. Golf wasn’t exactly their chosen career path. Both men were lawyers. Both men catered to the super wealthy. On the side, both men dabbled in Republican politics
Excerpt from "Rooftops of Tehran"
Sleeping on the roof in the summer is customary in Tehran. The dry heat of the day cools after midnight, and those of us who sleep on the rooftops wake with the early sun on our faces and fresh air in our lungs. My mother is strictly against it, and reminds me each evening, “Hundreds of people fall off the roofs every year.” My best friend, Ahmed, and I trade hidden smiles with each warning, then climb the stairs to spend our nights under stars that seem close enough to touch. The alley below settles into a patchwork of streetlight, shadow, and sound. A car hums slowly down the deserted street, cautious not to wake anyone, as a stray dog in the distance releases a string of officious barks
مسئولیت شخصی در دوران دیکتاتوری - اثر هانا آرنت
هانا آرنت متفکر و فیلسوف یهودی تبار در سال ١٩٠٦ در شهر هانوفر آلمان به دنیا آمد. پدرش را در هفت سالگی از دست داد. مادرش به سوسیال دموکراسى گرایش داشت و مذهبی نبود. با به قدرت رسیدن حزب ناسیونال- سوسیالیست آلمان و تشدید آزار یهودیان در آلمان، در سال ١٩٣٣ به فرانسه گریخت و در آنجا به همکاری با سازمانهای یهودی برای مهاجرت کودکان یهودی پناهنده به فلسطین مشغول شد. درسال ١٩٤١ در حالیکه بخشی از کشور فرانسه تحت اشغال قوای آلمان بود، به آمریکا مهاجرت کرد. شرایط تاریخی و دوران سیاه نظام توتالیتر که شاخص نیمۀ اوٌل قرن بیستم بود، هانا آرنت را که علاقهای به سیاست نداشت، به وادى اندیشه و نظریه پردازی سیاسی کشاند. او اعتقاد داشت که تنها با تحلیل دقیق و درک کامل فجایع نازیسم و کمونیسم میتوان با طبیعت این نظامها آشنا شد و علل رشدشان را کشف نمود.