
The Caspian

I am traveling north Leaving Tehran in a car With my family On a snaking road I am going up and through The craggy mountains

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How much for a kidney?

Recently I read an interesting article about Iranian security forces discovering a tunnel that apparently lead to the British Embassy in Iran. I found the

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Returning to his vomit

During a Press Briefing [1] on January 9, 2003 in Manila, Philippines; a reporter asked then Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security John

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Battle with the dead

I know not what it is that has overcome this land and nation. With the passing of each day, one notices more and more manifestations

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خرد عشق ورزيدن

يکی از نام های شناخته شده در فرهنگ ما «مجنون» است؛ هم به عنوان نام ديگر «ابن قيس» ی که عاشق زنی به نام «ليلی»

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Cover girl

Excerpt from my latest script, “Cover Girl.” “Cover Girl” is a one-woman performance art piece that specifically deals with my experiences of growing up with

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Twelve years later

xAle’s sweet and kind poem for jj. Sweet and kind like herself! I think the year was nineteen ninety two When on SCI, I first

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The road to Kalat Naderi

Kalat Naderi is located about 150 km from Mashhad (the word kalat means castle). It is home to a few historical monuments, the most important

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Lovin’ it

Somewhere between 12th and 14th century, we Iranians got together and decided to completely ditch sensibility, logic and rationality. I don’t know about you but

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پاسخ استاد علی اکبر دهخدا

دعوت رييس اداره اطلاعات سفارت آمريکا برای مصاحبه با راديو صدای آمريکا 19 دیماه 1332 خيابان ايرانشهر، فيشرآباد، تهران آقای محترم- صدای آمريکا در نظر

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