
McCain 1 – Obama 0

Greg Craig would need to do MUCH better if his candidate wants any chance of winning upcoming debates. He has played the lead role in

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برای دوست نازنینم دکتر علی اکبر امیردیوانی آن سال ها چنین بود که می توانستی پس از اتمام سال چهارم پزشکی، دانشگاه را رها کنی

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The Sinking Ship

Following article written by with phone calls, faxes and emails. Do it before it is too late. Remember the Government Motto: If you think the

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Spark of life

As an artist, my objective is to make art that is both revealing and accessible but which also acts as a muse for the viewer,

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  “Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way Kicking around on a

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تفسیر ملوکانه از “آزادی”

“آمدیم پایین توی اطاق نشستیم. امپراطور هم بعد آمد پایین می نشستیم، بر می خاستیم، حرف می زدیم، صاحب منصب ها همه راه می رفتند،

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دارالفنون در حسرت مهر

كسانى كه در خيابان ناصرخسرو تهران از برابر مدرسه دارالفنون مى گذرند، تابلو نوشته اى را مى بينند كه از تبديل دارالفنون به گنجينه (موزه)

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The CFR Power Elite

Their aim to take control of the world financially. It appears they’ve reached the ‘end-game’ phase. Can they be stopped? This is a must see

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The Key Ring

From “Kissing All The Frogs” series. The key ring felt heavy Though there were only two keys I looked back And said I think I

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