
O’Joe Pelleez!

Senator Biden: When we kicked — along with France, we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I said and Barack said, “Move NATO forces in there.

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Legend Of The Scarecrow

This is a partial translation  of the narrator telling the story .Once uopn a time lives this scarecrwo that has no friends.The scarecrow in solitude

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Israel will hit Iran nuke sites

JERUSALEM (AFP) – Visiting French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner warned that Israel would strike archfoe Iran before it was able to develop nuclear weapons, in

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In a Police Car

It was a beautiful and warm night, well, as warm as a San Francisco night can get. I had just been to a wonderful event,

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ba sepaase faravan

The Amir-Entezam petition crossed the 600 mark (or about because there are about 3 or 4 inadvertent errors): I would like to express my

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If you were a Jew

If you were a Jew in the time of Holocaust, Richrd Rorty argues, your chances of being helped by your kind neighbors were greater if

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