
Taxpayer Perks for Ex-CEOs

Much outrage has been spent on the retreats, private jets, and bonuses at companies that are being bailed out by taxpayers. Some companies have responded

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Girl, 9, to abort twins

A NINE-year-old girl pregnant after years of alleged sexual abuse by her stepfather is likely to abort twins she is carrying in a case that

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Change for the Worse

President Obama has presented the most irresponsible budget in US history. His fiscal year 2010 budget projects federal spending of $3.5 trillion and a federal

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کلک فروردین

نوروز و فرودین می رسند و بیقراری دل و…   کی کلک هنرمند ماه فودین دارد کز جادوی دستانش بس نقش بهین بارد؟   باران

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WHAT IF?????

What if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interests? What if we wake up

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بازی در بازی

میانه ای بر: قدرت و لذت آدرین ریچ و اودری لرد شادی امین (مترجم) (2006)  آلمان، کلن: کتاب آیدا. همه نادانی و خشونت من از

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Come to Tehran with me!

Here’s a clip I found recently.  I loved watching it for the unpretentious and fun way it followed life and people in Tehran.  Bob Urichuck,

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We are not spies

Dear Number One, As ordered, I went to see the play We Are Not Spies in Berkeley this past weekend for the purpose of discovering

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Like it or not

On February 25, 2009, the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrated another major milestone in its scientific and technological development, announcing that “successful tests” at its

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ماتيز برقي

چند روز پيش كه داخل اتوبوسي، توي ترافيك گير كرده بوديم، يك بچه لاغر و رنگ پريدهاي رو ديدم و فكر كردم “اين طفلي، توي

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از شب و جیرجیرک ها و….

هزاران هزار جیرجیرک ِ خواننده حجم شب را می درند و پوست قیرین و برّاق ِ آنرا با ارکستر ِ صداهای خود تا بی نهایت

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The Tyranny of Dead Ideas

Part I Part II We Iranians are obsessed with many things; the healthier obsession is with our kids. We often brag about them stridently. We

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