Report Points to Iranian Threat Perceptions as Key to Resolving Nuclear Dispute

Washington, DC- The Arms Control Association has released a Threat Assessment Brief on Iran’s nuclear program authored by Senior Fellow Greg Thielmann. The assessment concludes that the U.S. can persuade Iran to avoid a weaponization program by alleviating Iranian security concerns. Thielmann particularly emphasizes the role of U.S. actions and policies in affecting Iranian threat perceptions.

The report concludes that the U.S. should persuade Iran that weaponizing its nuclear program will have dire consequences for Iran’s national interest. It outlines three steps should take: stop identifying “regime change” as an objective, seek agreement with Iran on regional issues independently of the nuclear program, and support the continuation of UN sanctions until Iran satisfies IAEA concerns regarding Iran’s past nuclear activities.
Greg Thielmann is a former State Department official with twenty-five years of experience in the U.S. Foreign Service, including seven years as the Director of Proliferation and Military Affairs at the State Department’s Intelligence Bureau.


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