Mass Arrests and Detentions Signal Increasing Repression
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today that several dozen notable figures including Saeed Hajjarian, Mohammad Ali Abtahi, Behzad Nabavi, and Abdolfattah
The International Campaign for Human Rights in Iran reported today that several dozen notable figures including Saeed Hajjarian, Mohammad Ali Abtahi, Behzad Nabavi, and Abdolfattah
Amidst the despair surrounding Iran’s fraudulent elections, there are also signs of hope for a better future. The unprecedented scale and audacity of reformist demonstrations
This tapestry of poetry and prose, which at this site is called a blog, attempts to endow various themes and a wide range of social
از آن روز که خون سه آذر اهورائی در دانشکده فنی دانشگاه تهران بر زمين ريخت، تا کنون بارها و بارها در قدرت مداری شاه
One second there were faces of smiling, enthusiastic kids in the streets wearing green scarves and Chachi Arcola-style leg bandanas for CNN and the BBC
I am a statist in many ways and in many areas. I believe that government has an important role to play in the economy, in
IS THIS TRUE? Luxury yacht sinks off coast of St. Tropez France Musician Dave Mustaine reported missing BREAKING NEWS – STILL DEVELOPING… St. Tropez,
THEN …Twenty years ago, several thousand political prisoners were executed in Iran, after a few weeks hunger strikes were held in many Western capitals, only
What is occurring in the streets of Tehran is greatly misinterpreted by many in the West some of whom still recall similar images of unrest″> >>>”> >>>
There are at least four important lessons which we already have learned from YouTube Diplomacy: Millions of connections can beat one message… The Emperor Has
They were handing out the photocopies by the thousand under the plane trees in the centre of the boulevard, single sheets of paper grabbed by
If you are not able to go out, then WEAR GREEN. GEt on Twitter and FAcebook and post the news from Iran. CNN can no
Ebrahim Yazdi was arrested by Basijis at a hospital where he was admitted for issues related to his prostate cancer. The Basijis had first gone to his home looking
A valuable service being organized by Eric Purdy and his crew at the University of Chicago: We have set up a website to receive faxes
روزنامه گاردين انگليس در شماره امروز خود به نقل از “گزارش هايی تأئيد نشده” از تهران نوشته است که محمد اصغري، مسؤول امنيت شبکه کامپيوتری
Iran is an ancient and sophisticated society. Much of the intellectual class is secularized. A significant, but small, percentage of the youth has fallen in
گزارش هايی که تا عصر روز چهارشنبه انتشار يافته است, بخش عمده مجروحان بخصوص جوانان دانشجو که در نتيجه حمله وحشيانه انصار حزب الله بهگزارش
ما نه خاشاکيم نه خاريم، بل شما را افسريم ريزه خوار سفره مان تو، بندگان می پروريم جاودانه مردمان اند، حاکما ن اند ميهمان پيشوايان
Please join the campaign to ask Google to change its logo for 1 day in solidarity with Iranians in Iran. Thank you!
Thursday is gearing up to be a hugely significant day for the Green Uprising. Reza Aslan appeared on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show tonight, and laid
ايران سرزمين من، سرزمينی كهن كه مردمش نابسامانیهای فراوان به خود دیده اند. سرزمينی كه حتی در اعماق تاريخش نيز بردهداری به چشم نمیخورد، خود،
نازنینا؛ کار ما بگذشته از تدبیرها. نوجوانی کی بزاید از بطون پیرها؟ ما در این وادی چنان گرگی گرسنه می دویم. این کجا فهمی کند
Hundreds turned out in New York City tonight for an Iran rally. And John Legend tweets: “Sending love to the Iranian people and to all