
موسوی: اصلاحطلب اصولگرا

بیانیه یازدهم میرحسین موسوی که اخیرا منتشر شده بازتاب‌های زیادی در بین نیروهای سیاسی پوزیسیون و اپوزیسیون جمهوری اسلامی داشته است. بسیاری از نیروهای اپوزیسیون

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what is green?

Could someone pleas eexplain to me what is “green”? I may be totally ignorant and truly stupid. What I have gathered so far is that

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“What can we do for you?”

“… precisely these and similar questions reveal to me ever anew how deeply many Western intellectuals do not understand – and in some respects, cannot

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Russia Says No to Iran

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made it clear Thursday that Moscow wouldn’t back any new rounds of tough sanctions against Iran in the United Nations

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What’s in a Name?!

There has been much ado about a person’s name of late. Those that are anti-Arabic and/or anti-Islamic believe, nay almost demand that people should change

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خانه زادان

و سی سالی بعد خانه زادان کوچیدند بر روال ثناگویانی پیر بیمقداری که میدان را برخویش تنگ یافته، آغوش رقیب را پناهگاهی گرم.   و

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Iran leader to make key sermon

Iran’s supreme leader is to lead Friday prayers in Tehran – his first sermon since June when he defended President Ahmadinejad’s disputed re-election. Ayatollah Ali

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عجب صبری خدا دارد!

  عجب صبری خدا دارد!  اگر من جای او بودم. همان یک لحظه اول ، که اول ظلم را میدیدم از مخلوق بی وجدان ،

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The City of Wind

In May 2009 I took my parents to the ‘city of wind’ or Baadkubeh as it was known in Iran. The rest is explains in

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