Love in Masquerade
Even though life is short, painful with stories, and forgotten in retort Even though memories’ glory, like bright stars in a dark night, seduce the
Even though life is short, painful with stories, and forgotten in retort Even though memories’ glory, like bright stars in a dark night, seduce the
اختصاصي فارس// در آستانه سفر احمدي نژاد به نيويورك اوباما با تحويل 20 فروند بوئينگ پيشنهاد مذاكره به ايران داد خبرگزاري فارس: يك منبع آگاه
TEHRAN (FNA)- US President Barack Obama has sought to tempt Tehran into negotiations by offering a $2.5 billion deal for selling 20 Boeing passenger planes
میدونی? این حکایت انقلابات مخملی و چدنی و اخیراً پنبه ائی شده ائی که همواره در پی رهنمودهای مقام معظم رهبری در تحولات جاری کشف
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is slated to make his annual visit to New York to address the UN on Sept. 23, 2009. If there ever were a
On “Real Time” Friday night, host Bill Maher closed his show with some sharp words for the Obama administration with regards to how they have
The Obama administration is facing a difficult foreign policy and humanitarian challenge that could have serious implications for its relationship with Iran. It concerns 36
An Iranian American activist who obtained an advance copy of the United Nations high commissioner on human rights’ statement about Iran is outraged, saying her
محمدرضا جلاییپور، مدیر و سخنگوی پویش موج سوم، بعد از تحمل ۸۸ روز زندان ( ۵۰ روز انفرادی، ۳۸ روز سلول سه نفره)، بالاخره امروز
به گزارش ایلنا، هیئت سهنفره متشکل از ابراهیم رئیسی، معاون اول رییس قوهی قضاییه، غلامحسین محسنی اژهای، دادستان کل کشور و علی خلفی، رییس حوزهی
Lily Afshar will be one of the performers at the music festival in San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts on September 26, 2009. Try
A recounted souvenir from the death sentences carried out in Shah’s time which would predict the same sort for the Opressors and murderers of
In the rare moments when it’s not preoccupied with the decline of U.S. President Barack Obama in the polls and with the debate over its
when you are a kid and live in a country that is soaked in black for this day you think sun has been banned to
By:Azad Moradian The Chicago School of Professional Psychology Los Angeles,California Abstract: In the following paper, the complexities of human sexuality are explored as it occurs
The essay that follows should be read in light of its being a work in progress. There is much evidence in Iran’s history to substantiate
The US says it is willing to accept an offer from Iran for talks on a wide range of issues. Tehran offered “comprehensive and constructive
ROME — Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini would have annulled the results of Iran’s presidential elections in June, defeated reformist candidate Mehdi Karroubi told an Italian newspaper.
شکرالله بهرامی دادستان نظامی تهران، از بازداشت هفت مامور متخلف پلیس در رابطه با وقایع بازداشتگاه کهریزک خبر داد. آقای بهرامی امروز شنبه در حاشیه
The representative of the sane world lead by U.S. plus Czar Putin’s Russia and China have announced their acceptance of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic’s
Part IV [Part VI] [Part V] [Part III] [Part II] [Part I] The city of Los Angeles is a sprawl; an untamed sprawl – yet
علی خامنه ای در خطبه های نماز جمعه امروز يکبار ديگر به زبان تهديد و تحقير با مخالفان سخن گفت. او که به مناسبت شهادت
ITEM #1: The three-member judiciary panel investigating Mehdi Karroubi’s claims of abuse of detainees has declared they are false. COMMENT: After the show trial
love all these pure zoroastrian/ Iranian songs which is so positive and touching .
Muslims are perceived by Americans as one of the most discriminated-against groups in the United States, with only homosexuals facing more discrimination than they do,