Six reasons why the regime’s reeducation campaign is doomed
Consider the central goal: To convince the people to believe what many once believed–that this regime is good, that its Supreme Leader is an honorable
Consider the central goal: To convince the people to believe what many once believed–that this regime is good, that its Supreme Leader is an honorable
Every day we’re confronted by circumstances that range from the worrisome to the inspiring. What do you find most compelling in the world right now?
از سرسرای حرمسرا، صدای هلهله و ولوله گوش شاهدخت را از میان برده بود،ننه فرهنگ موهای سیاه و زیبای ایشان را شانه میکشید و یکریز
OSLO – Iranian authorities have confiscated Nobel Peace laureate Shirin Ebadi’s medal, the Norwegian government said Thursday, accusing Iran of a shocking first in the
باغ طوطی اولین جایی بود که میخواستم بعد از آنهمه سال ببینم. امیدم بدرختان تنومند قدیمی بود، چنارهایی که پر از کلاغ میشدند و به
اگر زندگی ساده است چرا شعر مشکل است اگر زندگی پر درد است شعری ساده بگو اگر زندگی دلیل است
Mr. Tajbakhsh told his wife during a visit at Evin prison in Tehran that he was taken before the Revolutionary Court on Monday, where a
I have been fortunate to have been engaged in a number of very interesting discussions in my last three (3) blogs. These blogs were: Godhead