Glad tidings to all of Persia and all Persian people around the world!
It is an honor to have this opportunity to tell of an as yet hidden key to both Persian and Baha’i history.
That key is the key of David.
The entire Baha’i Faith and the controversy which has surrounded it since it’s beginnings in 1844-1863 revolve around the genealogy of Baha’u’llah being in a direct line from the Biblical King David. This has been suppressed in Persia (Iran) since then and has resulted in many assassinations worldwide, several of prominent individuals, by those who wish to keep this information from being widely investigated and broadcast. The “hands” in 1957 knew this and violated the Baha’i Covenant and without any authority whatsoever claimed “bada” and usurped the Cause of God in order to keep the world from knowing that Baha’u’llah was from this lineage, that He continued it through ‘Abdu’l-Baha and that it continued on from ‘Abdu’l-Baha through adoption.
Baha’u’llah’s lineage is from His father that of the Jewish Throne Line of King David and from His mother that of the Persian Sassanian Dynasty which ended with Yazdegird III.
The intertwining of this Throne Line of King David and the Throne Line of Zoroastrian Persia is referenced in one instance in Markham’s “A General Sketch of the History of Persia” published in 1874. The Genealogy is found on page 97 with the written account of the merging of these two royal houses found specifically on page 94. Here is the link to that account:…=onepage&q=&f=false
For a more complete genealogical depiction go to this link:…
Bostenay or as we transliterate the name; Bostanai was the “Prince of the Captivity” of the Jews at that time or as Ginsberg in his “Legends of the Jews” refers to the Davidic Kings during the time of their Babylonian/Persian captivity, the “Exilarchate”, the “Exilarchs” or the “Monarchs in exile”.
The Persians may know Bostanai in their history as “Baw” and his family as the “Bawandids” and there are written accounts of this very central point of Persian and Jewish history from both perspectives which dovetail perfectly. These histories were only “spoken of”, to quote a close Persian friend who is a Siyyid, “in very low tones and quiet whispers at certain cafe’s and private gymnasiums” as the Iranian government would cause one to disappear if they were found to be openly speaking of this part of Persian history.
We, the Baha’is Under the Provisions of the Covenant, are going to break Baha’u’llah out of the Most Great Prison, the prison of oppression, marginalization and obscurity and bring about the Great Projection of His True Identity and the Identity of His True UHJ to all the people of the world. The goal of that Projection and the fruits of it are the establishment of universal human and civil rights, social and economic justice, the establishment of a bridled capitalism of the divine economy, and the lesser and greater peace founded upon the Most Great Justice.
In the name of the King,
Knight of Baha’u’llah
It must also be noted that Baha’u’llah advised the Moslem leaders to send a representative to speak with Mirza Yahya so that they would have his confirmation of their genealogical roots. Mirza Yahya knew his family history as well as Baha’u’llah though Mirza Yahya also knew that it was not his own line of decsent which continued the throne, but that it was in fact Baha’u’llah’s line which was chosen for this. This request by Baha’u’llah is recorded in His Epistle to the Son of the Wolf:
“In this day, this Wronged One requesteth thee and the other divines who have drunk of the cup of the knowledge of God, and are illumined by the shining words of the Day-Star of Justice, to appoint some person, without informing any one, and despatch him to these regions, and enable him to remain a while in the island of Cyprus, and associate with Mirza Yahya, perchance he may become aware of the fundamentals of this Faith and of the source of the Divine laws and commandments.
(Baha’u’llah: Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, Pages: 120-121)
There are also key references in the Baha’i writings which confirm this Davidic Lineage and Baha’u’llah’s ancestry being firmly rooted therein.
In the year 817 A.D. the Reigning Davidic Monarch was actually converted to Islam by the Imam who was his contemporary when they met in the city of Mashad.
At one time when asked by what authority do the Imams rule the Imam stated “We rule by the authority of the House of David.”
This is the point of unity around which Moslem, Jew and Christian must unite! It is now time for this to come forth and bring the three most warring branches of the religion of God together in universal Peace through universal Justice!
In service to the Covenant,
In the Name of the King,
Knight of Baha’u’llah