Homa Arjaman interview with CTV news on 16 Azar trying to mislead the viewers..
Arajomand whose group, is known for lack of tolerance for other thoughts while their group is isolated and rejected among the the iranian community in Ontario.
to me it looks, that Arjoman and his band’s activities has been is in the alignment with Neo cons and Israeli intersts. that’s why she is on the TV while there are other vocal anti regime voices which are denied by main stream since they are not cooperation Isalmopobia as Homa does.
For those who are not familiar to CTV, good to know that in last 20 years they air the anti Iranian Movie, Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody tow times on “13 Aban” to humiliate the community.
CTV has to bring other vocal voices along side of Homa in order not to be bias. majority of Iranian are against the theocractic regime but still majority of Iranian are muslim and do belive in it.
Do not help the regime to stay on by misleading and collaborating foreingers.