What Should the World Do with Nuclear Iran
In October Iran promised the United Nations Security Council that it would ship its low-enriched uranium to Russia, where it would be further processed, packaged
In October Iran promised the United Nations Security Council that it would ship its low-enriched uranium to Russia, where it would be further processed, packaged
The legendary author of The Catcher in the Rye, JD Salinger, has died at age 91 at his home in New Hampshire. The reclusive novelist
The life and death of a French cultural hero have been recreated in a new biopic based on the brilliant but doomed musician Serge Gainsbourg.
A New French Book on the Queen’s and Princess’ of Egypt with Princess Fawzia ( Future Queen of Iran) on cover. Description in French: Enfin
در پشتیبانی از دعوت کمیته دفاع از زندانیان سیاسی ایران کلن برای اعتراض به اعدامهای سیاسی و لغو احکام اعدام از همه هممیهنان آزاده و
“Heroes” star Adrian Pasdar may be wishing he had his on-screen character’s supernatural power of flight. Pasdar, who plays lawyer-turned-senator Nathan Petrelli on the NBC
Every evening Vahid is tasked with taking me back to my hotel. Unlike the morning journey that I make alone, the return is a series
شایعاتی که در طول چند هفته گذشته در محافل سیاسی ایران در مورد یک مصالحه یا سازش سیاسی بین رهبران اصلاحطلب جنبش سبز و حاکمیت
Under the Staircase from kimia ferdowsi on Vimeo. Conflict and strife are hardly rarities in this writhing world of ours. Within every border and beneath
At these crucial times in our history it is obvious to any fair non-bias person, Iranian or otherwise that the IRI tyrants have lost all
باراک اوباما، رئیس جمهوری آمریکا، در روز چهارشنبه در نخستین سخنرانی سالانۀ خود در مقابل اعضای مجلس نمایندگان و سنای آمریکا در اشاره به پروندۀ
The conventional wisdom among a lot of US pundits, particularly on the right, is that if Iran continues to push forward on the nuclear front,
In his first State of the Union Speech, President Obama said: “The international community is more united, and the Islamic Republic of Iran is
Early last summer, the photographer whose work appears on the cover of this book was attacked on the streets in Tehran. He escaped serious injury
Yesterday marking the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp Israeli President Shimon Peres spoke to the German parliament. Using the historic
زمستان خود را تنها طی می کنم این روزهای کوتاه و شبهای بلند را در این سرمای سخت چیزی را نمی توان پنهان کرد یکی
One of the last remaining Auschwitz survivors has launched a blistering attack on Israel over its occupation of Palestine as he began a lecture tour
سناتورهای آمریکایی: اوباما ایران را در ماه ژانویه تحریم کند تعدادی از سناتورهای آمریکایی از باراک اوباما، رئیس جمهوری این کشور خواسته اند که در
13:39GMT—8:39AM/EST واشنگتن، 28 ژانویه (تلویزیون واشنگتن)— سردار پاسدار اسماعیل احمدی مقدم، فرمانده کل نیروی انتظامی جمهوری اسلامی، امروز در یک همایش مذهبی خاطرنشان کرد «دیگر
FT: Demonstrators first targeted Mr Ahmadi-Nejad in their street protests after the election. But as you know that it’s been quite some time that the
Moscow is free to sell weaponry to Tehran, the head of Russia’s state arms exporter said on Thursday. “Nothing prevents the continuation of military cooperation
This is my poster for the upcoming 22 Bahman event. I’ll be sending vibes to the angels to come and destroy the blood sucking regime.
In this town, policy disputes can rattle friendships. Take, for example, the exceptionally nasty donnybrook about Iran policy that erupted this week between Council on
چهری ببین از عشق نو گرمی به جانم می رسد نقش رخ آن دلستان از گلستانم می رسد گر گاه و بیگه از هنر ازخامه