) Unmasks fake clerics ( Prince John’s Men) in disguise in Sherwood Forest before being joined by Robin Hood and his merry men:
AUSTRALIA yesterday warned Israel its standing as a friend would be jeopardised if it were found to have condoned the suspected theft of three Australian
President Bashar al-Assad and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad signed a bilateral deal to remove travel visas and attended a Muslim ceremony in the Syrian
DUBAI — Iran and the Gulf Cooperation Council on Tuesday joined the chorus denouncing the death of a Hamas leader in Dubai, with both calling
1. Create a very real military threat by concentrating naval forces in the Persian Gulf and voicing threats of war at the Iranian regime. 2.
Last week, Dubai Police issued identities of 11 European passport holders as the members of a hit squad (presumably Mosad perpetrators) that assassinated Mahmoud Al
Jundallah terrorist leader Abdolmalek Rigi confesses to offers of unlimited support by the US spy agency, the CIA. In a televised confession on Iranian TV,
Jerusalem (CNN) — The son of a Hamas official worked for Israeli intelligence and was the Jewish state’s “most valuable source in the militant organization’s
TEHRAN: Pakistan played a role in helping Iran arrest its most wanted Sunni terrorist Abdolmalek Rigi, head of Jundullah, who was seized onboard a flight
TEHRAN – If the snow-covered Elbruz mountains rising just north of Tehran took on an extra glint in the bright wintry sunshine on Wednesday, there
The captured ringleader of the Jundallah terrorist group, Abdolmalek Rigi, has confessed that the US administration had assured him of unlimited military aid and funding
ISLAMABAD – Iran on Tuesday triumphed in the arrest of Abdulmalik Rigi, the 31-year-old leader of Jundallah (Soldiers of God), a Sunni insurgent group accused
Iran’s president Mahmoud Amadinejad has emphasised his country’s “deep” ties with Syria during a meeting with President Bashar al-Assad in Damascus. During his trip Mr
Lennon Naked will be the second film of the past 12 months to tackle the subject of one of British music’s most enduring and enigmatic
Turkey’s leaders are meeting the head of the armed forces, Gen Ilker Basbug, about an alleged plot to stir up chaos and justify a military
جندالله سازمانی است که وزارت اطلاعات ایران به تقلید از نمونه القاعده و طالبان آنرا بنیان نهاد. سازمان اطلاعات ارتش پاکستان نیز در سال 1994
BANGALORE: Two Iranian women realised the hard way that it doesn’t pay to drink and drive, and definitely not to assault policemen and TV crew
First video as part of 12Petals Culture of Human Rights and Responsibilities Advocacy Production Series. Please participate in this outreach goal by circulating this work
By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli, Former Kuwaiti Oil Minister WE witnessed uproar against the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iran Majdi Al-Thufairi – one of the best diplomats
Here is some video I made, took me about 60-70hrs over 5 days (didnt really sleep after work lol)… Anyway I hope you like it,
Here’s a simple music video I made for Farhad’s version of “Morghe Sahar.” Hope you enjoy it. ~ Alborz www.peopleyouthinkyouknow.com
I recently met a friend that I’d not seen in a long while. We both had decided that we needed to catch up and so
Yesterday Secretary of State Clinton testifying in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said: “Our very clear commitment to engagement has created space for
عکاسی ایران را مدتها بود اینگونه بدون پشتوانه ندیده بودم .بیش از یک هفته تمام است نتیجه مسابقه ورلد پرس فتو اعلام شده و سه