Letter to dear BITA
My very dear Bita, First, let me thank you for the exceedingly kind email you have sent to me. I am very flattered, my dear,
My very dear Bita, First, let me thank you for the exceedingly kind email you have sent to me. I am very flattered, my dear,
Critics argue that the recent International Atomic Energy Agency report proves that the Obama administration’s policy of engagement has been a waste of time, allowing
An Ode To A Tree You are the tall figure of desire, O’ tree The sky embraces you at all times You are tall, O’
دالای لاما همراه با نازنین افشین جام در حمایت از جنبش مردمی ملت ایران Dalai Lama with Nazanin Afshin-Jam stand in solidarity with the people of Iran
SALAM – بازآمدم بازآمدم، از پیش آن یار آمدم در من نِگر در من نِگر، بهر تو غمخوار آمدم شاد آمدم شاد آمدم، از جمله
هفتۀ گذشته نویسندۀ ایرانی-هلندی، حسین سجادی قائممقام فراهانی با نام قلمی «قاد عبدالله» به دعوت ناشر سوئدی خود انتشارات نورشتدت Norsteds میهمان شهر استکهلم بود.
خبرگزاری مهر: جانشین فرمانده نیروی انتظامی با اشاره به اینکه مقام معظم رهبری سلاح مقابل فتنه را بصیرت دانسته است، گفت: برای داشتن بصیرت یک
درخواست تحریم های تازه علیه رژیم تهران ————————————————————————— رادیو آلمان: در نشست اخیر شورای امنیت سازمان ملل آمریکا، فرانسه و بریتانیا خواستار اعمال تحریمهای تازه
Royal Salutations to the Namak Nashnas Generation of 1979. Who’s Laughing Now ? …
No better way to ensure that exists than beefing up military assistance to Iran’s neighbors. Remember, Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader, is the “Guardian of
VOA Persian’s Rooyeh Khat talk Show with journalist activists Masih Alinejad (London, UK) and Omid Habibinia (Geneva, Switzerland) on the vaccum or not of leadership of
((((((((((( اجرای حکم قطع عضو در خوزستان ))))))))))) ————————————————————————— خبرگزاری هرانا – با اینکه قطع عضوی در بدن درطی سی سال گذشته از جمله مجازات
As IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic gallops toward becoming the first nuclear theocracy, the sane world is still debating what to do about it. This
زدواج موقت يكي از احكام مترقي اسلام است مشروط بر اين كه جلوي سوءاستفادههاي هوسبازان گرفته شود. حضرت آيتاللهالعظمي مكارم شيرازي در پاسخ به سؤالات
Brazilian officials reacted warmly to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s controversial victory in the June 2009 presidential election and were quick. >>>
* To grasp Iran’s ambitions and foreign policy it is necessary to understand the Islamic Republic’s religious ideology which aspires to establish global Islamic rule
من دلم میخواهد قایقی باشم در خزر بر روی آب مِهر باشم مِهر ناب یا که شاید آلونکی در شهری پُر ز بُرج عابری در
U.S. State Department report claims Iran has the globe’s highest rates of opiate drug abuse. Iran suffers from the highest levels of opiate drug use
Science Minister Kamran Daneshju said on Thursday those professors hold views opposed to the Islamic system will be dismissed. The minister made the remarks at
Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declares that nations that possess culture and civilization do not need to make atomic bombs. “I have repeatedly said that our
In response to Nazy Kaviani’s “Iran, freedom of expression: an invitation to write” series: We breathe again when we see a fire. We hadn’t
There might be divergent views on the nature of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, but the Godly folks ruling over Iran and Iranians are not
Writing About You By Farnaz Fatemi Sometimes, writing about you soothes each wound, encases the bitter in a saccharine shell, demands I let my
An Iranian television journalist was among seven people arrested by Italian police on suspicion of smuggling arms and explosives, it has emerged. Hamid Masoumi Nejad,