
معنی ساندیس چیست؟

ساندیس کلمه یست مرکب از دو واژه: «سان» و‌ «دیس». «سان» در اینجا بمعنی «نظیر»، «مثل»، «مانند»، و «بدان» میباشد. «دیس» کلمه یست عربی بمعنی

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US healthcare reform

The new health-care bail is signed now. I heard lots of thing about it since awhile. I am curious to know more about that. Who

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If I ever get a dog

I got back to Chihuahua Sunday and noticed that Mocha, my sister Michelle’s new puppy, has grown considerably in just a few weeks. All of

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I got back to Chihuahua Sunday and noticed that Mocha, my sister Michelle’s new puppy, has grown considerably in just a few weeks. All of

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حسن لاهوتي از زندان آزاد شد

خبرگزاري فارس: دادستان تهران گفت: حسن لاهوتي ضمن ابراز ندامت از اقدامات ارتكابي و با پذيرش توديع وثيقه 73 ميليون توماني از زندان آزاد شد.

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2 good news

In recent weeks the quest to stop the game changing acquisition of weaponized nuke by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic has received number of good

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منصور خاکسار

ساعت یک بامداد روز اول فروردین. نشسته‌ام پشت میز و سعی میکنم قلم را روی کاغذ به حرکت درآورم و کاری کنم تا کمی آرام

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After Iran Gets the Bomb

The Islamic Republic of Iran is determined to become the world’s tenth nuclear power. It is defying its international obligations and resisting concerted diplomatic pressure

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Iran’s Exiles

NEW YORK — First Negar Azizmoradi contacted me and then I read about Mohammed Reza Heydari: two Iranians, two exiles, one truth of a people

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