What if I am a Jew?
One of the IRI troopers on this site enjoys coming to my blogs, to curse me as a Jew (Yahoodi). I always found those posts
One of the IRI troopers on this site enjoys coming to my blogs, to curse me as a Jew (Yahoodi). I always found those posts
Investigative journalist and Democracy Now! correspondent Jeremy Scahill obtains a rare audio recording of a recent, private speech delivered by Erik Prince, the owner of
Last week a number of America’s highest-profile filmmakers—Spielberg, Scorsese, and Coppola among them—petitioned for the release of Jafar Panahi, an acclaimed Iranian film director who
Abbas Milani discusses his two-volume work “Eminent Persians: The Men and Women Who Made Modern Iran, 1941-1979.” Speaker Biography: Abbas Milani is Hamid and Christina
The last few months have seen a disquieting lull in news of political dissent from Iran. On the surface, at least, Ahmadinejad’s government seems to
تهران کشوری است پهناور، مرکب از قبائلی متمدن و درس خوانده و تحصیل کرده که بسیار مهربان هستند ولی از پلاستیک خوششان نمیاید برای همین
Reza Valizadeh, 32 years old, journalist and blogger was the object of a complaint from the Iranian president’s office and was detained on November 26.
Corruption Without End by REIHANEH MAZAHERI in Paris 23 Apr 2010 23:4118 Comments Embezzlement, kickbacks, coverups define the Ahmadinejad administration. During his first term in
اسیران هوس قسمت نهم فکر میکردم که ازدواج بایک مرد پولدار تمامی مشگلات مرا حل میکند. شاید شما هم شنیده باشید که دختران و پسران
Questions & Answers With Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi at Beylux Chat Room With Iranians Inside & Outside of Iran. Broadcast By http://epersianradio.com/ Part I: Part
PARIS — A French court on Wednesday refused an American request to extradite an Iranian businessman accused of violating an American embargo on exports to
Rita Yahan Farouz (Rita Kleinstein) is the most famous singer in Israel. She was born in Iran but immigrated to Israel in 1970 with her
French Journalist Editeur et écrivain Il a découvert Gabriel Garcia Marquez avec « Cent ans de solitude » et publié « L’Archipel du Goulag » d’Alexandre Soljenitsyne. Ancien directeur
Those who have been witnessing the day to day behavior of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic officials and its followers for sometimes invariably are confronted
«آگاهیبخشی به مردم، جامعه را اصلاح میکند»: این تازهترین سخنان رفسنجانی است که میشد آن را همه چیز به حساب آورد جز موضع. این سخنان
چندی است که سازمان اوقاف با استناد به سندی از زبیده خاتون دختر فتحعلی شاه از مردم لالجین تقاضای دادن سهم اوقاف و یا واگذاری
سواستفاده از دین بعنوان یک حربه برنده برعلیه مسلمانان بهاییان و… آنوقت ها که خیلی کم سن بودم فکر میکردم که دین یعنی دوستی محبت
The scoundrel is out. The Saddam loving, Pakistani dictator Parviz Musharaf approving, Hezbollah & Hamas terrorists cuddling, Ahmadinejad election certifying and Islamist Rapist Republic’s propaganda
Here is long history of systematic killings of Iranians by Islam: Some of the terrorists, mass murderers, assassins and killers of Shia Islam: 1. Hassan-i Sabbāh: Leader
شکست «جورج گالوی» نماینده سابق مجلس عوام در انتخابات اخیر انگلستان بیشتر از خودش، برای جمهوری اسلامی ایران و حزبالله لبنان ناراحت کننده بود. او
مقامهای کویتی و سعودی برای نخستین بار تایید کردند، که یک شبکه جاسوسی وابسته به ایران در شیخ نشین کویت کشف شده است.شاهزاده، نایف بن
امیدواریم روزی آژانس بینالمللی انرژی هستهای بر فعالیتهای هستهای آمریکا نظارت کند و گزارشات مستندی در این باره ارایه دهد/ آمریکا هم نفت دارد پس
var clickExpire = “-1”; Washington (CNN) — The State Department has refused to provide details of which countries have offered assistance with the oil spill
Vice President Biden said today that Iran is risking a nuclear arms race in the Middle East and the U.S. will seek to deter Iranian
According to a new documentary, Osama bin Laden has been living in Iran’s capital of Tehran with his family since 2003, enjoying the protection of