And Let It Begin

I am getting more excited by the minute. My five and a half year old niece, Naomi, is coming to LA for the first time and I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am and how much I am looking forward to it.

Fortunately, due to her age, she is NOT looking at “vacation” as a time to rest and relax because boy o boy am I filling her “dance card”!

My thrill transfers through my fingers as I am Googling my way through cyberspace looking for exciting activities for her.

I am sharing my findings with you in case it can be helpful for your summer planning as well.  So far, I have come up with these:

Beauty and the Beast : A play for children. It is not as elaborate as the Broadway production but it is the same story.

Bob Baker Marionettes : A magnificent marionette show. I saw it years ago and it made an indelible impression on me. I feel so lucky that they are still around and I get to share it with another generation. Bob Baker and his puppeteers have been transporting children to wonderlands for the past 50 years. Wow….

Raging Waters : What can I tell you? A few years ago Mona and I spent THE BEST DAY of our vacation in Wild Wadi WaterPark in Dubai and we still talk about that day more than many other cities and countries we have visited together! So, let the truth be known. I will probably enjoy playing in the water just as much, if not more, than Naomi.

California Science Center : A great place to spend a day with or without children. And it is free! Can you believe it?

If you have any suggestion, appropriate for her age group, please let me know.

Come to think of it, the poor thing is only going to be here for about 10 days. I guess she will need a long “vacation” by the time she gets back to Miami!

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