سرمايهها ميزباني ايراني را دوست ندارند
در حالي سهم ايران از بازار عظيم سرمايهگذاري مستقيم خارجي در طول 7 سال منتهي به سال 2008 برابر با 17 ميليارد و 140 ميليون
در حالي سهم ايران از بازار عظيم سرمايهگذاري مستقيم خارجي در طول 7 سال منتهي به سال 2008 برابر با 17 ميليارد و 140 ميليون
Activist Idris Simsek, who was on board one of the six ships of the Freedom Flotilla during the Israeli attack, claims that four wounded activists
Joe Meadors was on the same Free Gaza boat that Israel seized in the Mediterranean on Monday. He is also a survivor of the 1967
It was the sign of victory! I am waiting for a taxi in Vali Asr Square, my back toward the cinema on the southwest corner,
Since his first meeting with Kremlin leaders in Moscow last July, President Barack Obama has established a dialogue with Russia over some critical issues —
اساسىترين مسئله در جمهورى اسلامى، مبارزه با حاكميتهاى زورگويانه و اقتدارطلب دنياست كه در شكلهاى مختلف خودش را نشان ميدهد. حكومت ديكتاتورى و اقتدارطلب، فقط
امام (ره) معتقد كه وراثت زمين از آن صالحان است. او به دنبال نجات تمام بشريت بود. نگاه او جهاني بود. او ساختن و پيشرفت
Iran would be willing to send its Revolutionary Guard members to accompany further aid ships to Gaza, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on
TEHRAN June 6 (Reuters) – Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards are ready to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel’s blockade of
Translation of song “Dejeuner en Paix”, written by Philippe Djian/Stephan Eicher ول میکنم روی صندلی روزنامه روز را خبرها بدند از هر کجا که می
The cargo rail system between Iran, Turkey and Pakistan will begin regular operations by next August. Pakistani Minister of Railways Haji Gholam Ahmed Billour announced
(NewsCore) – Iran’s Revolutionary Guards are willing to provide a military escort to cargo ships trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, a spokesman for
من اگه خدا بودم….. فعلا به وضعیت ایرانیان دات کام رسیدگی میکردم: اول از همه به دوستهای قدیمی میگفتم که برگردند چونکه اینجا دیگه بدون
رييسجمهور بيانيه تهران را اقدامي درست و بيان مطالبه همه ملتها دانست و گفت: بايد به سمتي حركت كنيم تا اين اقدامي كه مبتني برعدالت
برهۀ زمانی میان پادشاهی دارا تا پادشاهی اردشیر بابکان در شاهنامه را می توان دورۀ گذار از زمان نیمه اساطیری تا زمان تاریخی در این
During Shah’s time, Iran was experiencing a limited number of random political incidents voiced by small groups of dissidents, mostly among university students mainly
Federal Building, Los Angeles, California June 12, 2010, 4:00 to 7:00 PM Global Day of Action in Support of Human Rights in Iran, on the
I was chatting with a friend who has for several months been working with a large group of volunteers to organize a June 12th protest
If you’re blue and you don’t know where to go to .. why don’t you go where fashion sits … Puttin’ on the Ritz …
The Balfour Declaration of 1917, the foundation text, on which the state of Israel is based, pledged the British to furthering the “establishment in Palestine
Associated Students of University of California, San Diego pass a resolution in solidarity with the Iranian Student Movement Students for Civil Rights in Iran at
This blog was initially a comment in the following blog: Trita Parsi – Interview with Hamid Dabashi: Despite constant, steady, and repeated attempts by
به گزارش بلومبرگ بيزنس ويک، كمپانى نوكيا زيمنس از اينكه به رژیم سركوبگر و آدمکش جمهوری اسلامی تكنولوژى رديابى تلفن فروخته است، اظهار تاسف كرد.
It’s a shibboleth of the Zionist entity: “Israel has the right to exist!” But what is this “Israel”? What is this “right to exist”? Where
مقام معظم رهبري و سيد حسن خميني در مراسم بيست و يکمين سالگرد ارتحال امام خميني(ره http://www.farsnews.net/plarg.php?nn=M624796.jpg