
کارتون: بانک ملی بانوان

مشهد – خبرگزاری مهر: امام جمعه مشهد گفت: تشکیل نخستین شعبه بانک ملی بانوان در کشور اقدامی آزادی خواهانه و ارزشی و حفظ حدود و

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Complex Women, Simple Men

“Copie Conforme” is a film by Abbas Kiarostami which means that it’s s-l-o-w. Slow enough to make you fidget in your seat. Slow enough to

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Guilty as Charged

The Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly’s strong approval of a draft resolution, condemning Iran for grave human right violations, is a welcome

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Alive and Important

On June 12, 2009, Iran’s now infamous elections were held where hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad allegedly won with 62% of the vote. What resulted was

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