
My mistake

I take it back. It turns out what I had said in the previous blog about IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic announcing its readiness to

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Iran wants energy self-reliance

Becoming self-sufficient in gasoline production would reduce the impact of foreign pressure on Iran, the Iranian oil minister said Wednesday. The European Union this week

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This is to easy

God needs to find a new job, or he is getting tired of Imama Zaman crying all the time wanting to go home.  

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Gathering momentum

This petition to declare the representatives of islamic republic are not representatives of Iranian people is of high symbolic value and was done to South

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گفتگو در باره انجمن حجتیه

«انجمن حجتيه» كه در دهه ۱۳۳۰ خورشيدى به منظور مبارزه با بهاييت تاسيس شد، به دنبال دستور آيت الله خمينى، بنيانگذار جمهورى اسلامى ايران، در

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“تقدس” و “آرمان”

یادم هست، تکه نانی اگر به زمین می افتاد، باید بر می داشتیم، می بوسیدیم، بر پیشانی می مالیدیم و بر سر تاقچه یا دیوار،

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Are you Iranian enough?

In a recent blog of mine one of the posters with whom I’ve been exchanging jabs for sometimes has left a comment which has occupied

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