With country after county closing their doors on IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, denying it access to the civilized world’s facilities and materials, fellow Islamist
With country after county closing their doors on IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, denying it access to the civilized world’s facilities and materials, fellow Islamist
احمد شاملو نظر دارد که شاهین ادب ایران در جوانی ساز میزده و آواز می خوانده است اما چون به کهولت میرسد بد دلان مذهبی
http://bupc.org/covenant-in-court/victory-2010.pdf This is a victory for the Baha’i’s Under the Provisions of the Covenant, and a victory for the freedom of speech, the separation of
A tradition for family members to gather together and it darn on me that many hardworking Americans will not be able to be with their families
Read the heartbreaking letter written by Hamed Rouhienjad from Evin prison, before his transfer to prison exile: http://persian2english.com/?p=16937 WHY HAMED NEEDS OUR HELP NOW: Hamed
Starting any new artistic project has its own challenges, and keeping up with new promotional technology and marketing methods is at the top of the
An Iranian musical comedy made for this day. Watch it if you have not to date:
این شعر در پاسخ به اولین سخنرانی خامنه ای بعد از انتخابات فرمایشی ریاست جمهوری سروده شد. گور بابای خر رهبر بود بهر ملت او چون درد سر
First day of school creates a wide range of emotions in kids – in my case, it started with great expectations. A full week before
If only we had ads like these, the landscape of politics would be different 🙂
کتاب کابوس که شامل سه داستان و یک نمایشنامه است از نظر سبکی دارای هویت ویژه ایست که شاید بتوان آنرا «بُعد در بُعد» نامید.
من به بوی پستانهای داغ اوعادت کردم و او همچنان با چند تارموی سینه من بعد از این عشقبازی همیشگی ور میرود و به نقطهای
A book entitled ‘Carl XVI Gustaf – The reluctant monarch’ provides a rare and detailed look into the King’s private life, including details of love affairs, and
Wednesday to Sarah Miller: And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground. Happy, Happy Turkey
Primary Colors is a 1998 comedy-drama film starring John Travolta based on the popular book (a success fueled in part by speculation over the identity of the then-anonymous author, Joe Klein). It also
زمان آلمان هیتلری هم بزرگان ادب بسیار بودند همه فکر نجات ملت خود در این ره مردمان پر کار بودند همه اهل قلم اهل
Samareh Hashemi, high assistant of Ahmadinejad says that denying Supreme Leader means denying God!
گنبد سلطانیه بزرگترین گنبد آجری جهان و مقبرهٔ اُلجایتو است که در ۱۳۰۲ تا ۱۳۱۲ در شهر سلطانیه (پایتخت ایلخانیان) ساخته شد و از آثار
Wishing you and your beloved a very happy Thanksgiving….Gobble, Gobble, Gobble!
اس ام اس هاي رد و بدل شده در روز جهاني لات و لوت ها زغال قليونتيم ، بكش خاكستر شيم ! * * *
تا توانيد سخن حق مگوئيد تا بر دلها گران شويد و مردم بيسبب از شما نرنجند · سخنان شيخان را باور مكنيد تا گمراه
استاد شجریان و حکایت سرای عطر فروشان…! via تلخ نوشته ها ( مسعود مشهدی ) » استاد شجریان و حکایت سرای عطر فروشان…! مسعود مشهدی
Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 این که وصف شکوه و بزرگ نمایی “صدر اسلام” از کجای تاریخ شروع شده و چه کسی
Today 11/24/2010 the US armed forces were told by a memo from Pentagon to use illegal term of a.r.a.b.i.a.n gulf instead of thousands of years