
Astrology Match Making

Many of you know me quite well. As you know Astrology is fun. One of the greatest parts of Astrology is personal analysis. People ask

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هنوز دهه شصت سخن میگوید

« نمی‌توانم ببخشم، نمی‌توانم فراموش کنم. از من می‌خواهید اعدام دخترم ، دامادم و یتیم شدن دختر یک ساله‌شان را به همین راحتی فراموش کنم

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Iran attacks the west

A malicious attacker that appears to be the Iranian government managed to obtain supposedly secure digital certificates that can be used to impersonate Google, Yahoo,

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من مخالفم

مخالفم   من دیگه باز مخالفم هر چی بگین مخالفم اگر بگی ماست سفیده میگم سیاست مخالفم اگر یه حرف راست بگی بازم باهات مخالفم

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USA moves towards Caliphate

The United States is a stronghold of tolerance, including towards Muslims. However, the latter time after time demonstrates bizarre twists. The owner of an Islamic

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Malaguena played by SHIRIN Malagueña is the feminine form of the Spanish language adjective malagueño / malagueña, ‘pertaining to Málaga’, a Spanish port city.

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