Alan Duncan irks British Israel Lobby

 British Israel Lobby’s mouthpiece, Jewish Chronicle, has been running a campaign of character-assassination against British Minister of State for International Development, Alan Duncan for a while for speaking a few truths in public about the Zionist entity. Alan Duncan works under Andrew Mitchell, the Secretary of State. Lobby’s anti-Alan campaign has already effected Alan’s position in the ruling Conservative Party. He was demoted from shadow leader of the house to shadow prison minister before Conservative victory. Alan is known for having close personal relations with Israel-Firsters prime minister David Cameron and foreign secretary William Hague. British daily, The Telegraph, had reported on November 29, 2010 that Alan Duncan had been spied upon by CIA (why not Mossad?).

Alan visited the West Bank in July 2011. He did not visit Gaza as London, under Israeli pressure, doesn’t recognize democratically elected Hamas as true Palestinian representative authority. That was no problem for the British Israel Lobby. However, while in the West Bank, Alan made a few statements which made him 101% anti-Semite. For example Alan criticized Israel’s so-called ‘security wall’ – calling it a Jewish tactic to grab more Palestinian land. Alan also claimed that Jew settlers are stealing water from the Native Palestinian Muslim and Christian farmers (watch a video below).

Israel’s ‘Security Wall’ was condemned by the International Court of Justice (… >>>

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