UN emergency meeting for Iran now.

We need a UN emergency meeting for Iran now.

.:Middle East Online::Iran rejects US quake aid :.

It is madness. The world literally accepts a “no” from the Ayatollahs in Iran. The UN adopted the ancient Iranian concept of Human Rights, when it was formed some sixty years ago. But it does not apply it to Iran.

There would have been a UN emergency meeting, if another country had invaded Iran, and was murdering and ignoring Iranians, who had suffered an Earthquake.

But no, the US accepts these Ayatollahs as people’s representatives, and accepts their rejection of help. How can UN allow this?

Imagine the fuss the Ayatollahs would make, if the US government did not allow funds to go from the Ayatollahs, to some disaster in a moslem area in USA.

For thirty years the Ayatollahs have served the US well. They have been a perfect foe. All the biggest military contracts have been made, because of the threat the Ayatollahs are to the US. Imagine them being removed. Who would lose out? Which business would lose a lot of money?

Let Iran be run by peaceful people.

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