Saturday is the day that we invite all our friends to join our rally all over the world.
Have you ever wished
– You were in the middle of the civil rights movement as Martin Luther King raised peoples spirits and stood up for equal rights?
– You were a part of the movement when millions of Indians reached out for their independence lead by Ghandi??
– Or just simply have you ever been in a situation that someone mistreated your right as a human being and you would have loved to do something about it?
– This is why the Iranian people rise up today against 30 years of dictatorship and need every support to break through!
– Today we are in the middle of it! We can add more golden pages to the history!
It would be great if you and your friends could support us by coming to this Rally on Saturday July 25th to show solidarity with the people of Iran!!!
Every single one of us counts!
Thank you for your support!
Please go to to find the city near your location.
Information for here in SFO:
San Francisco
San Francisco (CA), USA
Rally time: 12pm-4pm
Rally location: City Hall
More information:
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